being educational
    being instructional; being educational
  • Being used for education purposes.
  • 교육을 목적으로 쓰임.
    being educational
  • Something that helps education or is related to education.
  • 교육과 관련되거나 교육에 도움이 되는 것.
being educative
    being instructive; being educative
  • Being of help or a guide to behavior.
  • 행동에 도움이나 지침이 될 만한 것.
being effective
    being effective; being effectual
  • A state of achieving a good result from doing something.
  • 어떠한 것을 하여 좋은 결과가 얻어지는 것.
    being efficient; being effective
  • A state in which an outcome turns out to be satisfactory compared to one's efforts.
  • 들인 노력이나 힘에 비해 얻는 결과가 큰 것.
being effectual
    being effective; being effectual
  • A state of achieving a good result from doing something.
  • 어떠한 것을 하여 좋은 결과가 얻어지는 것.
being efficient
    being efficient; being effective
  • A state in which an outcome turns out to be satisfactory compared to one's efforts.
  • 들인 노력이나 힘에 비해 얻는 결과가 큰 것.
being egocentric
    being selfish; being egoistic; being egocentric
  • The state of caring only about one's own interests.
  • 자신의 이익만을 생각하는 것.
being egoistic
    being selfish; being egoistic; being egocentric
  • The state of caring only about one's own interests.
  • 자신의 이익만을 생각하는 것.
being elected
    being elected
  • The state of having been elected in an election.
  • 선거에서 뽑힘.
being elected for the first time
    being newly-elected; being elected for the first time
  • The state of being elected for the first time, or an act of electing someone for the first time.
  • 처음이나 첫 번째로 뽑힘. 또는 처음이나 첫 번째로 뽑음.
being electric
    being electric
  • The light from an electric bulb.
  • 전등의 불빛.
    being electric
  • The act of operating a machine with the power of electricity.
  • 전기의 힘으로 기계를 움직임.
being eliminated
    being eliminated; failure
  • One's state of failing or being dropped by being excluded from a range.
  • 범위나 순위에 들지 못하고 떨어지거나 빠짐.
being elite
    being elite
  • The quality of being agile or brave, or well-trained troops that are agile and brave.
  • 날쌔고 용감함. 또는 훈련이 잘되어 날쌔고 용감한 군사.
being embedded with the military
    being embedded with the military
  • The act of following troops around for purposes other than fighting in battles.
  • 싸울 목적이 아닌 다른 일로 군대를 따라 같이 다님.
being emerging
    being rising; being emerging; rising star
  • The act of emerging newly in a society or field, or such a person.
  • 어떤 사회나 분야에 새로 나섬. 또는 그런 사람.
being emotional
    being sentimental; being emotional
  • The state of feeling sad or easily moved by small things, or things that evoke such emotions.
  • 작은 일에도 쉽게 슬퍼하거나 감동하는 것. 또는 그런 감정을 불러일으키는 것.
    being emotional
  • The state of being based on a feeling or emotion.
  • 느낌이나 기분에 의한 것.
    being emotional
  • Something that relates to a variety of feelings arising in the human mind.
  • 사람의 마음에 일어나는 여러 가지 감정과 관련된 것.
being empirical
    being empirical; being experiential
  • Being based on experiences.
  • 경험에 바탕을 둔 것.
    being positive; being empirical
  • A tendency to prove a fact through experiences, observations, experiments, etc., not through hard thinking.
  • 머리로 깊이 생각하고 따져서 증명하는 것이 아니고, 경험, 관찰, 실험 등에 따라 적극적으로 증명하는 것.
being empty-handed
    being empty-handed; having nothing
  • (slang) A state of having no money or assets, etc.
  • (비유적으로) 돈이나 재물 등을 지니거나 가지지 않은 상태.
    being empty-handed; having nothing
  • (figurative) A state of having nothing or making no preparations.
  • (비유적으로) 아무 것도 가지고 있지 않거나 아무 준비도 되어 있지 않은 상태.
being encouraging
    being encouraging
  • A state of inspiring someone to have a desire to do something or stimulating something to occur.
  • 무엇을 하고자 하는 마음이 생기거나 어떤 일이 일어나도록 자극하는 것.
being energetic
    being energetic
  • The state of being vigorous both physically and mentally.
  • 몸과 마음의 활동력이 기운찬 것.
    being active; being energetic
  • A state of moving one's body to perform some action.
  • 몸을 움직여 행동하는 것.
  • being active; being energetic
  • A state of striving to achieve a good result in a certain task.
  • 어떤 일에서 좋은 결과를 거두기 위해 힘쓰는 것.
being enormous
    being enormous
  • Something that is extremely large.
  • 엄청나게 큼.
being enough
    being full; being enough; being sufficient
  • The state of there being plenty and no shortage.
  • 넉넉하여 모자람이 없음.
being enrolled
    being enrolled; being registered
  • The state of one's name being on a list.
  • 명부에 이름이 적혀 있음.
    being enrolled
  • The state of belonging to a school.
  • 학교에 소속되어 있음.
being entertaining
    being entertaining; being pleasure-seeking; being hedonic
  • A state of having fun and enjoying something.
  • 놀고 즐기는 것.
being enthusiastic
    being enthusiastic; being fanatical
  • The state of going wild as one feels extremely happy or excited.
  • 너무 기쁘거나 흥분하여 미친 듯이 날뛰는 것.
    being enthusiastic; being zealous
  • The attitude of putting great earnestness into something.
  • 어떤 일에 매우 정성을 쏟는 것.
    being enthusiastic; being ambitious; being eager
  • A state of having a positive mind or will to do something.
  • 무엇을 하고자 하는 적극적인 마음이나 의지가 넘쳐 있는 것.
being entire
    being complete; being entire
  • The entire, overall aspect of something, or all its areas.
  • 전체적인 모든 면. 또는 모든 부문.
    being complete; being entire
  • Something that encompasses everything and does not lack anything.
  • 하나도 빠짐없이 모두 다인 것.
being entirely responsible for
    being entirely responsible for; paying for something alone
  • The act of dealing with something, or shouldering the entire cost alone.
  • 어떤 일이나 비용의 전부를 혼자 맡거나 부담함.
being entitled
    being entitled
  • Being under the title of something.
  • 제목 아래.
being entrusted
    being entrusted; being commissioned
  • The act of receiving a request from another as part of business or of a deal, or such a request.
  • 상업이나 거래에서 다른 사람의 부탁을 받음. 또는 그런 일.
being epidemic
    being epidemic
  • (figurative) The wide spread of an infectious disease, bad phenomenon, etc.
  • (비유적으로) 전염병이나 나쁜 현상 등이 널리 퍼짐.
being epochal
    being historic; being monumental; being epochal
  • Something important enough to be remembered by people for ages.
  • 오랫동안 기억될 만큼 중요한 것.
being epoch-making
    being groundbreaking; being epoch-making; being revolutionary
  • The state of something being clearly distinguished from before, opening a whole new era in a certain process or sector.
  • 어떤 과정이나 분야에서 전혀 새로운 시기를 열어 놓을 만큼 이전의 것과 뚜렷이 구분되는 것.
being equal
    being equal; being even
  • A state in which two entities are about the same in their power or ability without one being better or worse than the other.
  • 어느 한쪽의 힘이나 능력이 낫거나 못하지 않고 서로 비슷함.
    being even; being equal; being neck and neck
  • A state in which neither side is better or worse than the other.
  • 두 편이 서로 낫고 못함이 없음.
    being equal; being comparable; rival
  • A state in which two sides are comparable because their power and ability are nearly the same.
  • 힘이나 능력이 비슷하여 서로 견줄 만함.
being equipped
    being equipped
  • The state of being fully equipped with necessities.
  • 있어야 할 것을 다 갖춤.
    being armed; being equipped; being prepared
  • (figurative) An act of arming oneself with a mindset, idea, skill, equipment, etc., necessary for doing a certain work.
  • (비유적으로) 어떤 일을 하는 데에 필요한 마음, 사상, 기술, 장비 등을 단단히 갖춤.
being erudite
    being erudite; being knowledgeable
  • The state of having a great breadth of learning and knowledge.
  • 학문의 지식이 넓고 아는 것이 많음.
    being scholarly; being learned; being erudite
  • A state of having the qualification or attitude of a scholar.
  • 학자의 자질이나 자세를 갖춘 것.
being essential
    being essential; being fundamental
  • A quality of being related to the fundamental nature or form of a thing or phenomenon.
  • 사물이나 현상의 근본적인 성질이나 모습에 관한 것.
    being essential; being substantial
  • The state of being the same as the actual content.
  • 실제의 내용과 같은 것.
    being essential; being indispensable; being required
  • A state in which a certain object is indispensable or essential for doing something.
  • 어떤 물건이 반드시 있어야 하거나 반드시 쓰임.
    being essential; being required; being indispensable
  • A state of being essential or required.
  • 꼭 있어야 하거나 해야 하는 것.
being established
    being established; pre-existing
  • Being already existing or established.
  • 이미 이루어져 있는 것.
    instilling; being established
  • The state of many people being aware of something.
  • 여러 사람이 골고루 앎.
    start; beginning; being established
  • (figurative) The state of a new organization forming and starting operation.
  • (비유적으로) 새로운 단체가 조직되어 일을 시작함.
be ingested
    be taken in; be ingested
  • For nutrients, etc., to be taken in one's body.
  • 영양분 등이 몸속에 받아들여지다.
being estranged
    ending one's friendship; being estranged
  • The act of severing a mutually intimate relationship.
  • 서로 사귀어 가깝게 지내던 관계를 끊음.
    being estranged
  • The act of completely severing a connection or relationship.
  • 인연이나 관계를 완전히 끊음.
being eternal
    being eternal
  • The state of not changing forever.
  • 영원히 변하지 않음.
    being eternal; being perpetual
  • Lasting forever or being timeless.
  • 오랜 세월 동안에도 나타나기 어려운 일.
    being permanent; being eternal; being everlasting
  • The state of lasting long without changing over time.
  • 변하지 않고 오래가는 것.
being ethical
    being ethical; being moral
  • A state of being related to ethics or compliance with a moral standard.
  • 도덕에 관한 것. 또는 도덕 규범에 맞는 것.
    being ethical; being moral
  • The state of being associated with the code of conduct that one is supposed to follow as a human being, or the act of observing it.
  • 사람으로서 마땅히 지켜야 할 바람직한 행동 기준에 관련되거나 이를 따르는 것.
being ethnic
    being ethnic; being national
  • The state of being related to the whole of an ethnic group.
  • 민족 전체와 관계되는 것.
being even
    being equal; being even
  • A state in which two entities are about the same in their power or ability without one being better or worse than the other.
  • 어느 한쪽의 힘이나 능력이 낫거나 못하지 않고 서로 비슷함.
    being flat; being even
  • A state in which the surface of something remains flat without leaning.
  • 표면이 기울지 않고 평평한 상태.
    being uniform; being even
  • A state in which a way or mindset of dealing with a certain work is uniform.
  • 일을 처리하는 태도나 방식이 한결같은 것.
    being even; being equal; being neck and neck
  • A state in which neither side is better or worse than the other.
  • 두 편이 서로 낫고 못함이 없음.
being ever-changing
    being ever-changing
  • Changes being very severe.
  • 변화가 아주 심함.
being everlasting
    being immortal; being everlasting
  • A state in which good values or meanings neither change nor disappear forever.
  • 훌륭한 가치나 의의가 영원히 변하거나 없어지지 않음.
    being permanent; being eternal; being everlasting
  • The state of lasting long without changing over time.
  • 변하지 않고 오래가는 것.
being evicted
    moving out; being evicted
  • An act of moving one's dwelling place to another place.
  • 사는 곳을 다른 곳으로 옮김.
being evil
    being evil; being ominous
  • A place or time in which odd or bad things happen frequently.
  • 기이하거나 안 좋은 일이 자주 일어나는 장소나 때.
    being dirty; being evil
  • The state of being dirty and evil.
  • 더럽고 악함.
being exact
    being exact
  • An exact hour.
  • 정확히 그 시각.
being exaggerative
    being exaggerative
  • A state of representing something larger or more important than it actually is.
  • 사실에 비해 지나치게 부풀려 나타내는 것.
being exam-free
    being exam-free
  • The act of not taking an examination.
  • 시험을 치르지 않음.
being exceptional
    being outstanding; being exceptional
  • A state of being outstanding among others.
  • 여럿 중에서 특히 뛰어남.
    being exceptional
  • The state of not following a general rule or statement.
  • 일반적인 규칙이나 예에서 벗어나는 것.

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