being compromised
    compromise; being compromised
  • The act of adjusting well different things, opinions, perspectives, etc., and bringing them into a harmonious state
  • 서로 다른 사물이나 의견, 관점 등을 알맞게 조절하여 서로 잘 어울리게 함.
being compulsory
    being mandatory; being obligatory; being compulsory
  • The quality of having to be done as a matter of duty.
  • 마땅히 해야 하는 것.
being computational
    being calculative; being computational
  • A state of being related to the act of calculating numbers.
  • 수를 셈하는 일에 관한 것.
being concealed
    being concealed
  • The concealed back side that is not exposed.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않고 감추어진 뒷면.
being concentrated
    being crowded; being concentrated
  • The state of being congregated thickly with very few gaps in between.
  • 빈틈없이 빽빽하게 모임.
being conceptual
    being conceptual
  • Something about general knowledge or ideas on a certain object.
  • 어떤 사물에 대한 일반적인 지식이나 생각에 관한 것.
    being ideal; being conceptual
  • The quality of not being real and tending to be conceptual.
  • 현실성이 없고 추상적인 경향을 가지는 성질.
    being conceptual
  • Work that tends to be abstract or surreal, such as a conceptual poem or work of philosophy.
  • 현실적이지 않고 추상적인 경향을 가지는 것.
being concerned
    being related; being concerned; being relevant
  • A state of being related to a certain field or area; or such a field or area.
  • 어떤 방면이나 영역에 관련을 맺고 있음. 또는 그 방면이나 영역.
being conclusive
    being conclusive
  • Something that is a conclusion.
  • 결론이 되는 것.
    being definitive; being conclusive; being decisive
  • A state of being definitely determined.
  • 확실하게 정해진 것.
being concrete
    being concrete; being material
  • A state of being equipped with recognizable forms.
  • 눈으로 직접 볼 수 있게 형태를 갖춘 것.
being conditional
    condition; being conditional
  • The act of a limit being placed, the act of placing a limit, or such a limit.
  • 어떠한 제한이 붙거나 제한을 붙임. 또는 그 제한.
being confidential
    being in secret; being confidential
  • A state of keeping something secret to others.
  • 남에게 비밀로 하는 가운데.
being confined to
    limitation; being confined to
  • Restricting the extent or limit of something to a certain level.
  • 범위나 한계를 일정한 부분이나 정도에 한정함.
being congested
    being bloodshot; being congested
  • A state in which blood gathers in one part of the body, making it look reddish.
  • 몸의 한 부분에 피가 몰려 붉게 된 것.
being conical
    cone; being conical
  • A state of looking like a cone.
  • 원뿔 모양으로 된 것.
being conjectural
    being speculative; being theoretical; being conjectural
  • An act of discerning a reality or thing and making a judgment solely based on logical thinking without relying on experience.
  • 경험에 의하지 않고 순수한 논리적 사고만으로 현실이나 사물을 분별하고 판단하는 것.
being conjugal
    being conjugal; being marital
  • A relationship between husband and wife.
  • 남편과 아내 사이.
being connected with Japan
    being associated with Japan; being connected with Japan
  • A thing in regard to Japan or relevant to Japan.
  • 일본에 대한 것. 또는 일본과 관련된 것.
being connected with North Korea
    being associated with North Korea; being connected with North Korea
  • Something in regard to North Korea, or something that targets North Korea.
  • 북한에 대한 것. 또는 북한을 대상으로 하는 것.
being connected with South Korea
    being associated with South Korea; being connected with South Korea
  • Something in regard to South Korea, or something that targets South Korea.
  • 남한에 대한 것. 또는 남한을 대상으로 하는 것.
being connected with the United States
    being associated the United States; being connected with the United States
  • A state of being in regard to the United States, or relevant to the United States.
  • 미국에 대한 것. 또는 미국과 관련된 것.
being connotative
    being implicative; being connotative; being suggestive
  • A state in which a speech or text contains many meanings or messages.
  • 말이나 글이 속에 어떤 뜻을 담고 있는 것.
being conscientious
    being conscientious
  • A state of being willing to tell the truth and act right according to one's own standard for judging right and wrong.
  • 자신이 스스로 세운 옳고 그름을 판단하는 기준에 따라 바른 말과 행동을 하려는 마음을 지닌 것.
being conscious
    being conscious
  • The state of doing something intentionally as one knows or has realized it for oneself.
  • 어떤 것을 알거나 스스로 깨달아 일부러 하는 것.
IdiomBeing considered the second is sad
    Being considered the second is sad
  • To deserve to become the best.
  • 당연히 최고가 될 만하다.
being consistent
    being consistent
  • A state in which a method or attitude stays the same from the start to the end.
  • 처음부터 끝까지 방법이나 태도가 같음.
being consistent from the start to finish
    being consistent from the start to finish
  • The state or manner of being the same from the beginning to the end.
  • 처음부터 끝까지 변함없이 똑같이 함.
being consolidated
    being integrating; being consolidated
  • An act of combining multiple organizations, groups, etc., into one.
  • 여러 개의 기구나 조직 등을 하나로 합치는 것.
being constant
    being at any time; being constant; being at one's convenience
  • A state of doing something whenever a right opportunity comes without setting a specific time.
  • 일정하게 정하여 놓은 때 없이 알맞은 기회가 생기는 때마다 하는 것.
being constitutional
    being constitutional
  • A state of not violating the constitution.
  • 헌법에 어긋나지 않는 일.
being constructive
    being constructive
  • Leading a certain issue in a direction that is new and more developed.
  • 어떤 일을 더 새롭게 발전되는 방향으로 이끌어 가는 것.
being contemplative
    being contemplative
  • An act of observing or contemplating an object or a phenomena with a serene mindset.
  • 고요한 마음으로 사물이나 현상을 관찰하거나 깊이 생각하는 것.
  • being contemplative
  • An act of watching indifferently or leaving an object or phenomena alone without taking action.
  • 행동하지 않지 않고 사물이나 현상을 무관심하게 보거나 그대로 두는 것.
    being contemplative; being meditative
  • A state of thinking deeply about a certain thing and searching for its fundamental meaning.
  • 어떤 것에 대하여 깊이 생각하고 그 근본 뜻을 찾는 것.
being contemporary
    being contemporary
  • The same period.
  • 같은 시대.
being contemptuous
    being contemptuous; being scornful
  • Looking down on someone with an attitude of extreme dislike or disdain.
  • 매우 싫어하거나 무시하는 듯한 태도로 낮추어 보는.
being continuous
    being continuous
  • The state of going on without being disconnected.
  • 끊이지 않고 이어지는 것.
being contradictory
    being contradictory
  • A fact being illogical, or two facts being contrary so that they are incompatible.
  • 어떤 사실의 앞뒤, 또는 두 사실이 서로 어긋나 이치에 맞지 않는 것.
    being contradictory
  • The act of concluding that something is not true or right, or the act of objecting to something because it is not right.
  • 그렇지 않다고 단정하거나 옳지 않다고 반대하는 것.
being contrary to imagination
    being contrary to imagination; being beyond imagination
  • A state of being contrary to one's imagination.
  • 생각했던 것 밖.
being contrastive
    being contrastive
  • The state of being contrasted due to differences.
  • 서로 달라서 대비가 되는 것.
being conventional
    being conventional
  • Not sounding new due to frequent use.
  • 자주 사용해서 새롭게 느껴지지 않는 것.
    being conventional
  • A state of following an old practice, custom, manners, etc.
  • 예전의 습관, 풍습, 예절 등을 그대로 따르는 것.
    being conventional; being authentic
  • Something that belongs to the regular or right system.
  • 바른 계통에 속하는 것.
    being conventional
  • The state of something being widely accepted by the public.
  • 세상에 널리 통하는 것.
being convicted
    being convicted
  • The state of someone being found guilty by law, or being in such a state.
  • 법률상 죄가 되는 것으로 밝혀짐. 또는 그런 상태에 있음.
being co-operative
    being co-operative
  • The act of helping together by cooperating.
  • 서로 힘을 합하여 공동으로 돕는 것.
being cooperative
    being cooperative; being collaborative
  • An act of joining together to do something with one heart.
  • 서로 마음과 힘을 하나로 합하여 하는 것.
    being cooperative; being collaborative
  • A state of joining forces to harmonize with one another.
  • 힘을 합쳐 서로 조화를 이루는 것.
being cordial
    being friendly; being amicable; being cordial
  • Individuals or countries being on good terms with each other.
  • 개인이나 나라가 서로 사이가 좋은 것.
being corporate
    office; being at an office; being corporate; being in-house; being at work
  • A state of being within a company.
  • 회사의 안.
being counterfeit
    counterfeiting; being counterfeit
  • The act of making a fake item by imitating the original, or such an item.
  • 진짜를 본떠서 가짜를 만듦. 또는 그렇게 만든 물건.
being countless
    being countless; being numerous
  • A state of being too numerous to count; a large number of something.
  • 셀 수 없을 만큼 매우 많음. 또는 그런 수효.
being countrified
    being rusticated; being countrified
  • An appearance or attitude that is simple, not polished.
  • 세련되지 못하고 어수룩한 모습이나 태도.
being covered
    being covered; being soaked; being smeared
  • (figurative) A state in which a body is covered with very watery and sticky things.
  • (비유적으로) 물기가 많고 몹시 진 것이 몸에 잔뜩 묻은 상태.
being covered with blood
    bloodiness; being covered with blood
  • A state in which blood is all over the body, face, etc.
  • 피가 온 군데에 많이 묻은 모양.
being covered with dirt
    being muddy; being covered with dirt
  • A state of being covered with mud or dirt all over the place.
  • 흙이 잔뜩 묻은 것.
being covered with fire
    being fired; being covered with fire
  • (figurative) A state of being mercilessly fired or covered with fire all of sudden.
  • (비유적으로) 갑자기 심한 사격을 받거나 불을 뒤집어쓰는 일.
being covertly
    being secretly; being covertly; being implicitly
  • Being without others' knowing.
  • 남이 모르는 사이.
being covetous
    being greedy; being covetous
  • The state of having a strong desire for too much of something.
  • 지나치게 많이 가지고 싶어 하는 욕심이 있는 것.
being coy
    being tricky; being coy
  • The state of acting or speaking differently from what one would normally do, to impress someone.
  • 남에게 잘 보이기 위해서 자신의 원래 모습과는 다르게 말과 행동을 꾸미는 것.
    being coy
  • A person who is a little cold with others in his/her personality or behavior as if he/she had no interest in them.
  • 남에게 관심이 없는 듯 성격이나 행동이 조금 차가운 사람.
being creative
    being creative
  • The state or quality of making a new, distinctive thing without copying others.
  • 다른 것을 모방하지 않고 새롭게 독특한 것을 만들어 낸 것.
    being creative
  • The quality of creating or achieving something new and original.
  • 전에 없던 것을 처음으로 만들거나 새롭게 이룩하는 것.
being crippled
    being crippled; being legless
  • (disparaging) A person who can sit but cannot stand upright or walk.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 앉을 수는 있으나 서거나 걷지 못하는 사람.
    being crippled
  • The characteristic of a task, plan, etc., not working smoothly and without problems.
  • 일이나 계획 등이 문제 없이 제대로 되어가지 못하는 성질.
    being crippled
  • The state of a task, plan, etc., not working smoothly and without problems.
  • 일이나 계획 등이 문제 없이 제대로 되어가지 못하는 것.
being critical
    being critical
  • An attitude of examining something closely and making a judgment between right and wrong, or pointing out the wrong.
  • 무엇에 대해 자세히 따져 옳고 그름을 밝히거나 잘못된 점을 지적하는 것.
    being critical; being crucial
  • Something that serves as the most important part or component of something else.
  • 어떤 것의 가장 중요한 부분이나 자리가 되는 것.
    being critical
  • The state of something exerting a great influence in deciding the success or failure of a certain task.
  • 일이 성공하고 실패하는 데에 중요한 영향을 주는 것.
being crooked
    being crooked; being bent-over
  • The appearance of something that is very crooked.
  • 심하게 구부러져 있는 모양.
being crowded
    being crowded; being concentrated
  • The state of being congregated thickly with very few gaps in between.
  • 빈틈없이 빽빽하게 모임.
being crucial
    being crucial
  • A state of being important enough to affect the outcome of a certain task.
  • 어떤 일의 결과에 영향을 미칠 만큼 중요한 것.
    being critical; being crucial
  • Something that serves as the most important part or component of something else.
  • 어떤 것의 가장 중요한 부분이나 자리가 되는 것.
being crushed
    being shattered; being crushed
  • The state of being shattered and completely broken.
  • 깨어져 완전히 부서짐.
being crushed to death
    being pressed to death; being crushed to death
  • A death from being pressed by something heavy.
  • 무거운 것에 눌려 죽음.
being cultural
    being cultural
  • A quality of being related to culture.
  • 문화와 관련된 것.
being cunning
    being cunning
  • The state or quality of being cunning and sly.
  • 간사하고 나쁜 꾀가 많음.
being curly
    being curly
  • Hair being curved in shape.
  • 머리카락이나 털 등이 둥글게 굽어 있음.

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