being currentbeing curtbeing cut-offbeing cylindricalbeing cynicalbeing dailybeing damagedbeing daringbeing day and nightbeing dazedbeing dead letterbeing deadly palebeing deadly poisonousbeing deafbeing decadentbeing decisivebeing declaratorybeing decliningbeing dedicatedbeing deductivebeing deepbeing deep in a mountainbeing deeply impressedbeing deeply movedbeing deep-seatedbeing defensivebeing defiantbeing definitebeing definitivebeing deformedbeing dehydratedbeing dejectedbeing deliberatebeing democraticbeing demonstrationalbeing dependentbeing dependent on whether something looks pleasing or unsightlybeing depersonalizedbeing depositedbeing depressedbeing descriptivebeing desperatebeing desperatelybeing destinedbeing destroyedbeing destructivebeing detailedbeing detainedbeing determinedbeing detestablebeing devastatingbeing developmentalbeing devilishbeing devotedbeing diabolicbeing differentbeing difficultbeing difficult to understandbeing digitalbeing diplomatic
being current
1. 현역
- A person who is currently performing a certain duty; or a person's current job.
- 현재 어떤 직무에서 일하고 있는 사람. 또는 현재 직업으로 삼고 있는 일.
being active; being current; being incumbent
3. 현행
- A state in which something is being currently practiced; or a state of practicing something now.
- 현재 행해지고 있음. 또는 행하고 있음.
being current; being existing
being curt
- The state of one's speech or attitude being unfriendly, because one does not approve of something or someone.
- 마음에 들지 않아서 말이나 태도가 무뚝뚝함.
being blunt; being curt
being cut-off
- A state in which transportation or communication facilities do not work, being interrupted or disconnected.
- 교통 시설이나 통신 시설의 연결이 막히거나 끊어져 서로 통하지 않음.
being cut-off; being out of service; being down
being cylindrical
being cynical
- The state of having the attitude of showing a cold smile at someone.
- 쌀쌀한 태도로 비웃는 것.
being cynical; being sarcastic
being daily
being damaged
being daring
being day and night
- An instance of being regardless of day and night, devoted to a certain work without stopping.
- 어떤 일에 열중하느라 조금도 쉬지 않고 밤낮을 가리지 않음.
being day and night; being around the clock
being dazed
- Draining of one's energy, leading to absent-mindedness; or such a state.
- 몸의 기운이 빠지고 정신이 멍함. 또는 그런 상태.
being spiritless; being dejected; being absent-minded; being dazed
being dead letter
- A state of ending up useless due to loss of the effects of a law, a rule, etc.; or an act of making it happen.
- 법이나 규칙 등이 효력을 잃어버려서 쓸데없는 것이 됨. 또는 그렇게 함.
being dead letter; invalidating; nullifying
being deadly pale
being deadly poisonous
being deaf
- (figurative) A person who is deaf or has difficulty understanding others.
- (비유적으로) 귀가 들리지 않거나 남의 말을 잘 알아듣지 못하는 사람.
being deaf; being terrible at
being decadent
- The state of morals, customs, culture, etc., being corrupt and not sound.
- 도덕, 풍속, 문화 등이 어지러워져 건전하지 못한 것.
being decadent; being declining
being decisive
being declaratory
- Widely announcing an opinion, policy, position, etc.
- 어떤 주장이나 방침, 입장 등을 널리 알리는 것.
being declaratory; being proclamatory
being declining
- The state of morals, customs, culture, etc., being corrupt and not sound.
- 도덕, 풍속, 문화 등이 어지러워져 건전하지 못한 것.
being decadent; being declining
being dedicated
being deductive
- The process of developing a logical argument by deducing particular facts or principles from general facts or principles.
- 일반적 사실이나 원리로부터 개별적인 사실이나 특수한 원리를 결론으로 이끌어 냄으로써 논리를 전개하여 나가는 것.
being deductive
being deep
being deep in a mountain
being deeply impressed
being deeply moved
- One's heart being filled and choked with a certain emotion.
- 어떤 느낌이 마음에 차올라 뭉클하고 벅차다.
overflowing with; being deeply moved; being deeply impressed
being deep-seated
1. 고질적¹
- A habit, problem, etc., being difficult to change or correct because it stayed that way for a long time.
- 오래되어 바로잡기 힘든 것.
being deep-seated
2. 만성
- A state in which a certain disposition or phenomenon lasts too long or occurs too repeatedly to change easily.
- 어떤 성질이나 현상이 오래 지속되거나 반복되어 쉽게 고쳐지지 않는 상태.
being chronic; being deep-seated
3. 만성적¹
- A state in which a certain disposition or phenomenon lasts too long or occurs too repeatedly to change easily.
- 어떤 성질이나 현상이 오래 지속되거나 반복되어 쉽게 바뀌지 않는 것.
being chronic; being deep-seated
being defensive
being defiant
2. 반골
- A disposition to resist a certain power or authority without obeying it, or a person with such a disposition.
- 어떤 권력이나 권위에 따르지 않고 저항하는 기질. 또는 그런 기질을 지닌 사람.
being uncompromising; being defiant
3. 반항적¹
- A state of showing the attitude of confronting, attacking or colliding with another person or object.
- 다른 사람이나 대상에 맞서 달려들거나 부딪히는 태도를 보이는 것.
being rebellious; being defiant
being definite
- Taking stock of something and coming to a definite conclusion.
- 어떤 일에 대해 확실하다고 판단하고 결정하는 것.
being categorical; being definite
being definitive
- A state of being definitely determined.
- 확실하게 정해진 것.
being definitive; being conclusive; being decisive
being deformed
- The state of being abnormal in the structure and appearance of an object.
- 사물의 구조나 생김새 등이 정상과 다른 것.
- The state of being abnormal in the appearance of an animal or plant.
- 동물이나 식물의 생김새가 정상과 다른 것.
being deformed; being malformed
being deformed
being dehydrated
being dejected
- Draining of one's energy, leading to absent-mindedness; or such a state.
- 몸의 기운이 빠지고 정신이 멍함. 또는 그런 상태.
being spiritless; being dejected; being absent-minded; being dazed
being deliberate
being democratic
- A state in which all members of a group or organization have equal rights and liberties.
- 집단이나 단체에 속한 모든 사람이 평등한 권리와 자유를 지니는 것.
being democratic
being demonstrational
being dependent
- The quality of tending to depend on something, not being able to handle a certain thing on one's own.
- 자신의 힘으로 하지 못하고 무엇에 기대는 성질이 있는 것.
being dependent; being reliant
being dependent on whether something looks pleasing or unsightly
- The act of judging something depending on whether something looks pleasing or unsightly.
- 보기에 좋고 나쁨을 따져 판단하는 것.
being dependent on whether something looks pleasing or unsightly
being depersonalized
being deposited
2. 퇴적
- The state of a substance such as soil, the bones of dead creatures, etc., being delivered by streaming water, wind, an iceberg, etc., and being stacked in a certain place.
- 흙이나 죽은 생물의 뼈 등이 물이나 바람, 빙하 등에 의해 운반되어 일정한 곳에 쌓이는 일.
being deposited
being depressed
- (slang) A state of losing one's will, interest, energy, etc., due to exhaustion from work or experiencing of unfortunate events.
- (속된 말로) 일에 지치거나 좋지 않은 일을 당해서 의욕이나 흥미, 기운을 잃어버림. 또는 그런 상태.
being down; being depressed
being descriptive
- Having the quality of a fact being written down as it is.
- 사실을 있는 그대로 적는 성질을 띤 것.
being descriptive
being desperate
1. 결사적¹
- Pouring all one's energy to achieve something, risking one's life.
- 죽음을 각오할 정도로 있는 힘을 다하는 것.
being desperate; not being afraid of death
2. 사생결단
- An act of trying to put an end to something without caring about being dead.
- 죽고 사는 것을 상관하지 않고 끝장을 내려고 함.
risking life; being desperate; being all or nothing
3. 절망적¹
- The state of having lost all hope due to dim prospects.
- 바라볼 것이 없게 되어 모든 희망이 사라진 것.
being desperate
4. 필사적¹
- A state of being determined to risk one's life, doing something with all one's might.
- 죽기를 각오하고 힘을 다하는 것.
being desperate; being frantic
being desperately
- The act of pouring all one's energy into achieving something, risking one's life.
- 죽음을 각오하고 있는 힘을 다함.
being desperately; being resolutely
being destined
- The state of having already been determined as one's destiny.
- 이미 운명으로 정해져 있는 것.
being predetermined; being destined
being destroyed
- A state in which something has been damaged to an irreparable degree or has collapsed.
- 아주 망가져 손을 쓸 수 없게 되거나 거덜이 남.
being destroyed; being ruined
being destructive
- A quality of smashing or breaking something into pieces to pull it down.
- 때려 부수거나 깨뜨려 무너뜨리려는 것.
- A quality of breaking an order, a relationship, etc. or dismantling an organization to ruin it completely.
- 조직, 질서, 관계 등을 깨뜨려 무너뜨리려는 것.
being destructive; being devastating
being destructive; being subversive; being disruptive
being detailed
being detained
- (figurative) A life with limited freedom of action.
- (비유적으로) 행동에 제한이 있어 자유롭지 못한 생활.
being imprisoned; being detained
being determined
1. 강경
- An attitude that is strong and not compromising or yielding.
- 태도나 주장 등이 타협하거나 양보하지 않을 정도로 강함.
being firm; being determined; being uncompromising
2. 요지부동
- A state in which one's thought or belief is clear and does not change.
- 생각이나 믿음이 변하지 않고 확실함.
being firm; being adamant; being determined
3. 좌우
- The act of being moved or determined by a factor or force.
- 어떤 요인이나 힘에 영향을 받아 움직이거나 결정됨.
being determined
being detestable
- One's unpleasant act, or a person who does such an act.
- 마음에 들지 않는 행동. 또는 그런 행동을 하는 사람.
being detestable; being mischievous
being devastating
- A quality of smashing or breaking something into pieces to pull it down.
- 때려 부수거나 깨뜨려 무너뜨리려는 것.
being destructive; being devastating
being developmental
- A state of moving forward to a better state or higher stage.
- 더 좋은 상태나 더 높은 단계로 나아가는 것.
being expansive; being developmental
being devilish
being devoted
- A state of trying hard sincerely to do something with one's heart and soul.
- 몸과 마음을 바쳐 모든 정성과 노력을 다하는 것.
being devoted; being dedicated; being committed
being diabolic
being different
being difficult
- The state of being fastidious by nitpicking on something.
- 트집을 잡아서 까다롭게 구는 일.
being picky; being difficult
being difficult to understand
- Something such as a trait that is hard to understand.
- 이해하기 어려운 특성.
being difficult to understand
being digital
- The act, process, or result of changing all manner of phenomena in the world, such as time, sound, intensity, etc., into numbers, and processing and displaying them.
- 시간, 소리, 세기 등과 같은 세상의 모든 현상을 수치로 바꾸어 나타내는 것.
being digital
being diplomatic
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