being direct
    being direct
  • Directly without missing the target a bit.
  • 조금의 빗나감도 없이 바로.
    being direct
  • The state of being related directly, without intermediary conditions, etc.
  • 중간에 관계되는 것이 없이 바로 연결되는 것.
being directional
    being directional; directionality
  • The property that a certain will or action moves toward a particular goal.
  • 뜻이나 행동이 일정한 목표를 향해 나아가는 성질.
being dirt cheap
    being dirt cheap
  • A price far lower than the original price.
  • 원래의 가격보다 매우 싼 값.
being dirty
    being dirty; being evil
  • The state of being dirty and evil.
  • 더럽고 악함.
being disadvantaged
    being underprivileged; being unfortunate; being disadvantaged
  • A state in which one's living or situation is difficult and pitiful.
  • 살림이나 처지가 딱하고 어려움.
being discharged
    being discharged
  • The state of being finished with military duties.
  • 병역의 의무를 마침.
    being released; being discharged
  • The state of being released from prison, after a prison term.
  • 형벌을 받는 기간을 마치고 교도소에서 석방되어 나옴.
being discharged from the hospital
    leaving the hospital; being discharged from the hospital
  • An act of leaving the hospital after one stayed there for a certain period of time to have one's disease treated.
  • 일정 기간 병원에 머물며 치료를 받던 환자가 병원에서 나옴.
being discontinuous
    being discontinuous
  • A state of being disconnected at a certain point without going on.
  • 죽 이어지지 않고 중간에 끊어져 있는 것.
being discretionary
    being optional; being discretionary; being arbitrary
  • The act of doing something as one wants without any rule or standard.
  • 일정한 규칙이나 기준 없이 하고 싶은 대로 함.
    being optional; being discretionary; being arbitrary
  • The state of doing something as one wants without any rule or standard.
  • 일정한 규칙이나 기준 없이 하고 싶은 대로 하는 것.
being disgraceful
    being humiliated; being disgraceful
  • The state of being dishonored and ashamed.
  • 욕되고 창피스러운 것.
being disliked for being annoying to others
    being disliked for being annoying to others
  • Hatred caused by doing something that others dislike, but is not illegal.
  • 법률적으로는 죄가 아니지만 남이 싫어하는 행동을 하여 받는 미움.
being disorderly
    being lawless; being disorderly
  • The absence of order due to improper establishment of a law or system.
  • 법이나 제도가 바로 서지 않아 무질서함.
being dispersed
    being dispersed
  • A state of being separated and diffused.
  • 갈라져 흩어져 있는 것.
being disregarded
    being ignored; being disregarded
  • The act of ignoring a person's opinion or request even though one has heard it.
  • 남의 의견이나 요청 등을 듣고도 모른 척하거나 무시함.
being disruptive
    being destructive; being subversive; being disruptive
  • A quality of breaking an order, a relationship, etc. or dismantling an organization to ruin it completely.
  • 조직, 질서, 관계 등을 깨뜨려 무너뜨리려는 것.
being distinct
    being distinct; being peculiar
  • The state of something being noticeable because it is especially different from what is normal.
  • 다른 것에 비해 특별히 달라 눈에 띄는 것.
being distinctive
    being distinctive; being special
  • The state of being very different from a normal one.
  • 보통 것과 크게 다름.
being distinguished
    being prominent; being distinguished
  • The state of being very noticeable or excellent in a certain field.
  • 어떤 분야에서 매우 두드러지거나 뛰어남.
being divine
    being exquisite; being divine
  • A state in which one's art or skill is so superb as to reach the level of divine perfection.
  • 기술이나 재주가 매우 뛰어나 신과 같은 경지에 이름.
    being divine; divineness
  • The state of existing far beyond the real world where people live.
  • 인간이 사는 현실 세계를 뛰어넘어 그 위에 있는 것.
being docile
    being docile; being meek
  • A state of being quiet and calm in terms of personality or attitude.
  • 성격이나 태도가 조용하고 차분함.
being doctrinaire
    being doctrinaire
  • The state or quality of maintaining a principle, theory, idea, etc., as the fixed truth, and trying to keep it as it is.
  • 어떤 원리나 이론, 사상 등을 절대로 변하지 않는 진리처럼 여겨 덮어놓고 그대로 지키려 하는 것.
being dog-tired
    being utterly exhausted; being dog-tired
  • A state of feeling weak and drained, due to exhaustion.
  • 맥이 풀어져 힘을 못 쓰고 축 늘어진 상태.
being domestic
    family; being domestic
  • The state of being related to home or the family, or as such.
  • 집이나 가족과 관계된 것. 또는 그것과 같은 것.
  • being domestic
  • The state of being good at housekeeping and caring for the family.
  • 집안일에 성실하고 가족에게 따뜻한 것.
    being domestic
  • Good at housekeeping and caring for the family.
  • 집안일에 성실하고 가족에게 따뜻한.
    being domestic
  • The state of being produced by one's own nation, or the product.
  • 자기 나라에서 생산함. 또는 그 물건.
    being domestic; being internal
  • A state of being related to the inside, or the internal affairs of a country.
  • 내부 또는 나라 안에 관계됨.
being domestic and foreign
    being domestic and foreign; being home and abroad; being internal and external
  • The state of being related to both inside and outside of a society, country, etc.
  • 사회나 나라 등의 안과 밖에 모두 관계됨.
being domineering
    being high-handed; being oppressive; being domineering
  • An attitude of trying to control other people.
  • 남을 억누르는 것.
being dotted
    being scattered; being dotted; being sparse
  • A state of being distributed here and there.
  • 여기저기 흩어져 있음.
    being dotted
  • A state in which related situations, facts, etc. are interconnected, or an act of making a connection between them.
  • 관련이 있는 상황이나 사실 등이 서로 이어짐. 또는 그것들을 서로 이음.
being double
    being double; being two fold; two times
  • The state of being folded in two, or repeated two times.
  • 두 겹. 또는 두 번 겹치는 것.
being double-bladed
    being double-bladed; being double-edged
  • A state of having a thin and sharp part on both sides.
  • 얇고 날카로운 부분이 양쪽에 있는 것.
being double-edged
    being double-bladed; being double-edged
  • A state of having a thin and sharp part on both sides.
  • 얇고 날카로운 부분이 양쪽에 있는 것.
being double-faced
    being double-faced; being two-sided
  • A state in which one object has two opposing qualities.
  • 한 가지 사물에 속하여 있으며 서로 맞서는 두 가지의 성질.
    being double-faced; being sly; being double-hearted
  • The quality of pretending to be foolish and ignorant, but actually being not so.
  • 겉으로는 어리석은 척, 모르는 척 하지만 속은 전혀 다름.
being double-hearted
    being double-faced; being sly; being double-hearted
  • The quality of pretending to be foolish and ignorant, but actually being not so.
  • 겉으로는 어리석은 척, 모르는 척 하지만 속은 전혀 다름.
being double-tongued
    double-dealing; speaking with a forked tongue; being double-tongued
  • A state in which a person says something that contradicts what he/she said previously about a certain thing.
  • 한 입으로 두 말을 한다는 뜻으로, 한 사람이 한 가지 일에 대하여 서로 반대되는 말을 함.
being doubly related by marriage
    being doubly related by marriage
  • A relationship in which two families are related by more than two marriages or a person in such a relationship.
  • 이미 혼인한 두 집안의 사람끼리 다시 혼인을 한 관계나 그러한 사람.
being doubtful
    being skeptical; being suspicious; being doubtful
  • A state of considering something doubtful.
  • 어떤 일에 의심을 품는 것.
being down
    being down; being depressed
  • (slang) A state of losing one's will, interest, energy, etc., due to exhaustion from work or experiencing of unfortunate events.
  • (속된 말로) 일에 지치거나 좋지 않은 일을 당해서 의욕이나 흥미, 기운을 잃어버림. 또는 그런 상태.
  • being down; failure
  • A state in which a computer system stops working temporarily due to a problem.
  • 컴퓨터 시스템에 문제가 생겨 일시적으로 작동이 멈춘 상태.
    being cut-off; being out of service; being down
  • A state in which transportation or communication facilities do not work, being interrupted or disconnected.
  • 교통 시설이나 통신 시설의 연결이 막히거나 끊어져 서로 통하지 않음.
    being low; being down
  • Being sluggish in activity or subdued in emotion.
  • 활동이 왕성하지 못하거나 감정이 침체함.
being downward
    being downward
  • A state of facing downward, or the lower part.
  • 아래쪽으로 향함. 또는 아래쪽.
  • being downward; being on the decline
  • A state in which one's power or force, etc., grows weak.
  • 힘이나 세력 등이 약해져 감.
  • being downward; being on the decline
  • A state in which price, grade, or status, etc., goes down.
  • 물가나 점수, 지위 등이 떨어짐.
being down with an illness
    lying sick in bed; being bed-ridden with an illness; being down with an illness
  • The state of lying ill in bed; the state of suffering from a disease.
  • 병으로 자리에 누움. 또는 병을 앓고 있음.
being draining
    being murderous; being draining; being backbreaking
  • An act that is extreme enough to endanger one's life.
  • 사람의 목숨을 빼앗을 만큼 몹시 심한 것.
being dramatic
    being dramatic
  • A state of being touching or arousing extreme sensations as in a play or drama.
  • 연극처럼 감동적이거나 큰 긴장을 불러일으키는 것.
being dreamlike
    being dreamlike; being dreamy
  • A state in which something feels unreal like dreams or fantasies.
  • 꿈이나 환상과 같이 현실적이지 못한 것.
being dreamy
    being dreamlike; being dreamy
  • A state in which something feels unreal like dreams or fantasies.
  • 꿈이나 환상과 같이 현실적이지 못한 것.
    being illusionary; being dreamy; being fantastic
  • A state in which a thought, etc., is considered empty, unlikely or impossible to come true in reality.
  • 생각 등이 현실성이나 가능성이 없고 헛된 것.
being dried up
    being dried up
  • Water's running dry.
  • 물이 말라서 없어짐.
  • being dried up; exhaustion
  • A state in which a feeling or idea about something, or power, etc., is gone.
  • 어떤 대상에 대한 느낌이나 생각이나 힘 등이 없어짐.
being drunk
    being drunk; being under the influence of alcohol
  • The time during which one is drunk.
  • 술에 취한 동안.
being dry
    being dry; being dehydrated
  • Neither wet nor humid due to evaporation.
  • 말라서 물기나 습기가 없음.
being due
    being due; being appropriate
  • The state of being suitable for one's position or level.
  • 분수나 정도에 알맞음.
being dull
    being insipid; being dull
  • (figurative) A person or thing that is bland in character without substance.
  • (비유적으로) 아주 싱겁고 실속이 없는 일이나 사람.
being duplicate
    being duplicate
  • The act of duplicating or overlapping.
  • 되풀이하거나 겹침.
being during one's speech
    being during one's speech; being behind one's remark
  • A state of being behind one's remark or in the middle of speaking.
  • 말 가운데. 또는 말을 하는 가운데.
being dynamic
    being dynamic
  • Being dynamic or moving the body.
  • 움직임이 있는 것. 또는 몸을 움직이는 것.
    being dynamic
  • A state of moving vigorously and actively.
  • 힘차고 활발하게 움직이는 것.
being eager
    being enthusiastic; being ambitious; being eager
  • A state of having a positive mind or will to do something.
  • 무엇을 하고자 하는 적극적인 마음이나 의지가 넘쳐 있는 것.
being earlier
    being earlier
  • The state of preceding in time.
  • 시간상으로 앞선 순서인 것.
being earlies
    being primal; being earlies
  • The first time when something begins.
  • 시작하는 처음.
being early
    being early
  • The state of being in advance in time or order.
  • 시간이나 순서에서 앞선 때.
    being early
  • The practice of doing something earlier than usual.
  • 어떤 일을 정상보다 이르게 하는 것.
being earthly
    being secular; being earthly
  • Following the general customs of the world without any high ideal or religious belief.
  • 높은 이상이나 종교적 믿음이 없이 세상의 일반적인 풍속을 따르는 것.
being earthquake-proof
    being earthquake-proof
  • The property of a building or structure that remains intact in an earthquake.
  • 지진을 견디어 냄.
being eco-friendly
    being eco-friendly
  • The state of not damaging the natural environment and harmonizing with the natural state.
  • 자연환경을 손상시키지 않으며 그대로의 상태와 잘 어울리는 일.
being economic
    being economic
  • Something related to production, distribution and consumption of money, goods or labor needed for a person's living.
  • 인간의 생활에 필요한 돈이나 물건, 노동을 생산, 분배, 소비하는 활동에 관한 것.
being economical
    being economical
  • The act of saving on money, effort, time, etc., to increase profits.
  • 이익을 높이기 위하여 돈이나 시간, 노력 등을 적게 들임.
    being economical
  • Something that requires less money, effort, time, etc.
  • 비용, 노력, 시간 등이 적게 드는 것.
being edible
    being edible
  • Used for eating, or such food.
  • 먹을 것으로 씀. 또는 그런 것.
being edited
    being compiled; being edited
  • The state of a book being made by a certain person or organization.
  • 어떤 사람이나 단체가 책을 만들었음을 나타내는 말.
being educated
    being learned; being educated; knowledge
  • (figurative) A person who is learned or his/her knowledge.
  • (비유적으로) 배움이 많은 사람이나 그 사람의 학식.

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