being at a mouthful
    being at one gulp; being at a mouthful
  • A state of taking something into the mouth at one time.
  • 한 번 벌린 입.
being at an office
    office; being at an office; being corporate; being in-house; being at work
  • A state of being within a company.
  • 회사의 안.
being at any time
    being at any time; being constant; being at one's convenience
  • A state of doing something whenever a right opportunity comes without setting a specific time.
  • 일정하게 정하여 놓은 때 없이 알맞은 기회가 생기는 때마다 하는 것.
being at a standstill
    being at a standstill; not budging
  • Showing no sign of being willing to move.
  • 움직이는 기색이 전혀 없다.
being at ease
    comfortable; being at ease
  • One's body or mind being relaxed and good.
  • 몸이나 마음이 편하고 좋다.
being at one blow
    being at one stroke; being at one blow
  • A state of acting promptly without hesitation when a certain matter occurs or a time arrives.
  • 어떤 일이나 때를 당하여 머뭇거리지 않고 단 한 번.
being at one gulp
    being at one gulp; being at a mouthful
  • A state of taking something into the mouth at one time.
  • 한 번 벌린 입.
being at one's convenience
    being at any time; being constant; being at one's convenience
  • A state of doing something whenever a right opportunity comes without setting a specific time.
  • 일정하게 정하여 놓은 때 없이 알맞은 기회가 생기는 때마다 하는 것.
being at one's feet
    being at one's feet; being underfoot
  • Surface beneath or below one's feet, or the surrounding area.
  • 발의 밑이나 발의 아래. 또는 그 주변.
being at one stroke
    being at one stroke; being at one blow
  • A state of acting promptly without hesitation when a certain matter occurs or a time arrives.
  • 어떤 일이나 때를 당하여 머뭇거리지 않고 단 한 번.
being at random
    spinning wheel; being at random; drawing of lots
  • A device for determining a certain grade by throwing something like an arrow into a target on a circular panel with numbers, figures, etc. written on it.
  • 이름이나 숫자 등이 적힌 둥근 판을 돌리고 화살 같은 것으로 그것을 맞혀 어떤 등급 등을 정하는 기구.
being attacked suddenly
    being attacked suddenly
  • One's state of being suddenly beaten by someone or being suddenly attacked or shot by guns, cannons, missiles, etc.
  • 갑자기 누군가에게 맞거나 총, 대포, 미사일 등의 공격을 받음.
being at work
    office; being at an office; being corporate; being in-house; being at work
  • A state of being within a company.
  • 회사의 안.
being audacious
    being audacious; being supercilious
  • An attitude of looking down on others as if only you mattered in the world.
  • 세상에서 자기가 가장 잘난 듯이 남을 깔보고 업신여김.
being authentic
    being authentic; being rated
  • A proper formality or specification, or the state of complying with a formality or specification.
  • 바른 격식이나 규격. 또는 격식이나 규격에 맞음.
    being authentic
  • A legitimate system that is considered right and proper.
  • 바른 계통.
  • being authentic
  • The lineage of the eldest son and eldest grandson who are born to a legal wife.
  • 본처에게서 태어난 맏아들과 맏손자의 혈통.
    being conventional; being authentic
  • Something that belongs to the regular or right system.
  • 바른 계통에 속하는 것.
being authoritarian
    being authoritarian
  • Using one's authority to make people obey.
  • 권위를 내세우는 것.
being authoritative
    being authoritative
  • The state of forcing people under one's supervision to obey by using one's authority.
  • 자신이 가진 권위를 내세워 자신이 통솔하는 사람들에게 순종을 강요하는 것.
being autobiographical
    being autobiographical
  • The quality of having the characteristics of an autobiography.
  • 자서전의 성격을 띠는 것.
being autogenous
    being spontaneous; being autogenous
  • The quality of coming out or being created naturally.
  • 저절로 나거나 생기는 것.
being automatic
    being automatic
  • A state in which work, an action, etc., is done immediately without going through a certain process.
  • 일이나 행동 등이 일정한 절차 없이 바로 이루어짐.
being autonomous
    being autonomous
  • The attitude of controlling oneself according to one's own principles without being governed or restricted by others.
  • 남의 지배나 구속을 받지 않고 스스로의 원칙에 따라 자신의 행위를 통제하는 것.
being avant-garde
    being avant-garde
  • An art that is new and very different from existing ones.
  • 이미 있는 것과는 매우 다른 새로운 예술.
    being avant-garde
  • The quality of an ideology, art, etc., being new and very different from existing ones.
  • 사상이나 예술 등이 이미 있는 것과는 매우 다르게 새로운 것.
being average
    being ordinary; being average
  • The quality of being common and ordinary as opposed to extraordinary, or being average as opposed to excellent or sub-par.
  • 흔히 볼 수 있어 특별하지 않고 평범함. 또는 뛰어나지도 뒤떨어지지도 않은 중간 정도.
    being ordinary; being average
  • The quality of something being common, not special.
  • 특별하지 않고 보통임.
    being average
  • Having the middle value in a number, quantity, or degree.
  • 수나 양, 정도 등이 중간이 되는 것.
being a veteran
    long experience; being a veteran
  • The level of proficiency resulting from years of experience.
  • 여러 해 동안 쌓은 경험에서 나오는 능숙한 정도.
being awake
    being awake
  • The time when a person is awake, neither asleep nor drunk.
  • 자거나 취해 있지 않고 깨어 있을 때.
being awarded
    being awarded
  • The act of receiving an award.
  • 상을 받음.
being awful
    being awful; being no good; being poor
  • A state of being unfit for a certain purpose.
  • 어떤 일을 이루는 데 들어맞지 아니함.
being a while
    long time; being a while
  • A lapse of a fairly long time.
  • 시간이 꽤 지나는 동안.
being backbreaking
    being murderous; being draining; being backbreaking
  • An act that is extreme enough to endanger one's life.
  • 사람의 목숨을 빼앗을 만큼 몹시 심한 것.
being backward
    reverse direction; being backward
  • A direction that is the oppostie of the way one is going.
  • 가고 있는 방향과 반대되는 방향.
    being backward; being reverse
  • A state of moving backward.
  • 움직여서 뒤쪽으로 향하여 감.
being badly off
    being badly off
  • The state of being in such needy circumstances as to be barely making a living.
  • 형편이 넉넉하지 못하여 생활이 어려움.
being bad-tempered
    being fretful; being bad-tempered
  • The quality of being very sensitive so that one gets excited or mad about trivial things, or such a state.
  • 신경이 너무 예민하여 사소한 일에도 흥분하거나 화를 내는 성질. 또는 그런 상태.
being balanced
    being balanced
  • Being even and stable without tilting or leaning toward any one side.
  • 어느 한쪽으로 기울거나 치우침이 없이 고르고 안정된 것.
being baldheaded
    baldhead; being baldheaded
  • A head that becomes bald due to loss of hairs, or a person with such a head.
  • 머리털이 빠져 벗어진 머리, 또는 그런 사람.
being bandy-legged
    being bowlegged; being bandy-legged
  • The act of walking with the tiptoes facing inward; or a person who walks in such a way.
  • 두 발끝을 안쪽으로 향하게 하고 걸음. 또는 그렇게 걷는 사람.
being barbarian
    being barbarian; being savage
  • The state of being uncivilized and primitive.
  • 문명의 수준이 낮고 미개한 것.
  • being barbarian; being savage
  • The state of being ill-mannered and brutal in one's behavior.
  • 행동이 예의 없고 잔인한 것.
being barbarous
    being uncivilized; being savage; being barbarous
  • A state in which civilization has not developed.
  • 문명이 발달하지 못한 상태.
being based
    being based; being grounded
  • The state of being based on a certain fact, principle, etc.
  • 어떤 사실이나 원리 등에 근거함.
being based on one's personality
    being based on one's personality
  • The state of being based on the dignity of a person that is revealed through his/her way of speaking or behaving.
  • 말이나 행동에 나타나는 한 사람의 전체적인 품격에 바탕을 두는 것.
being baseless
    being groundless; being baseless
  • A state of being without any ground or being absurd.
  • 근거가 없거나 터무니없음.
being bases-loaded
    being bases-loaded
  • In baseball, when there are players on first, second and third base.
  • 야구에서, 일루, 이루, 삼루에 모두 주자가 있는 상태.
being basic
    being fundamental; being basic
  • Something becoming the nature or foundation of something else.
  • 어떤 것의 본질이나 바탕이 되는 것.
    being fundamental; being basic
  • Being the foundation or ground of something.
  • 근본이나 기초가 되는 것.
being bearable
    being tolerable; being bearable; being fair
  • A state or attribute being easy enough to be estimated or controlled.
  • 상태나 성질 등의 짐작하거나 다스릴 수 있을 만한 정도.
being bed-ridden with an illness
    lying sick in bed; being bed-ridden with an illness; being down with an illness
  • The state of lying ill in bed; the state of suffering from a disease.
  • 병으로 자리에 누움. 또는 병을 앓고 있음.
being before breakfast
    being before breakfast
  • The early morning before one eats breakfast.
  • 아침밥도 먹기 전인 이른 아침.
being before childbirth
    being before childbirth; being prenatal
  • A time prior to giving birth to a baby.
  • 아이를 낳기 바로 전.
being before dawn
    being before dawn
  • A time before day breaks.
  • 날이 다 밝기 전.
being beforehand
    being beforehand
  • A time before something happens.
  • 어떤 일이 일어나기 전.
    being prior; being beforehand; being preliminary
  • A time before a certain thing happens, or before one starts doing something.
  • 일이 일어나기 전. 또는 일을 시작하기 전.
being before long
    being before long; being in the near future
  • A state of being within a short period time.
  • 시간이 오래지 않은 동안.
being before meals
    being before meals
  • The time before one eats a meal.
  • 식사하기 전.
being behind
    being behind; being underhand
  • The part of an event or an object that is not exposed outwardly.
  • 어떤 일이나 사건의 겉으로 드러나지 않은 부분.
being behind one's remark
    being during one's speech; being behind one's remark
  • A state of being behind one's remark or in the middle of speaking.
  • 말 가운데. 또는 말을 하는 가운데.
being behind the scenes
    being behind the scenes
  • A part that is not exposed or revealed.
  • 겉으로 보이거나 드러나지 않는 부분.
being behind-the-scenes
    being behind-the-scenes
  • (figurative) A state in which something is being promoted clandestinely.
  • (비유적으로) 어떤 일이 은밀하게 이루어지는 상태.
being beleaguered
    enemies on all sides; being beleaguered; no way out; being stuck
  • A difficult situation or circumstance where one is not able to get help from anyone.
  • 아무에게도 도움을 받지 못하는 어려운 상황이나 형편.
being belligerent
    attacking; being belligerent
  • A state of assaulting the enemy in a war.
  • 전쟁에서 적을 치는 것.
being below
    being under; being below
  • The state of not reaching a certain quantity or amount.
  • 일정한 수량이나 정도에 이르지 못함.
    being short of; being below; being out of reach
  • The extent of not reaching a certain quantity or standard.
  • 어떤 수량이나 기준에 미치지 못하는 정도.
being below expectation
    failing; being below expectation
  • (figurative) Grade that does not meet a certain standard or expectation.
  • (비유적으로) 일정한 기준이나 기대에 미치지 못하는 점수.
being beneficial
    being profitable; being beneficial
  • The state of being profitable.
  • 이익이 됨.
being bent-over
    being crooked; being bent-over
  • The appearance of something that is very crooked.
  • 심하게 구부러져 있는 모양.
being between
    being between; being among
  • A state of being within a certain range of things.
  • 여럿으로 이루어진 일정한 범위의 안.
being between life and death
    being on the brink of death; deadly situation; being near death; being between life and death
  • A state or situation where one is about to die.
  • 거의 죽을 것 같은 상태나 상황.
being between months
    being between months
  • The gap between one month and another.
  • 달과 달 사이.
being between teacher and student
    being between teacher and student; teacher-student relations
  • A relation between a teacher and a student.
  • 스승과 제자 사이.
being beyond
    being beyond; being out of
  • The part that goes beyond a certain range or limit.
  • 어떤 범위나 한도에 들지 않는 부분.
being beyond imagination
    being contrary to imagination; being beyond imagination
  • A state of being contrary to one's imagination.
  • 생각했던 것 밖.
being beyond one's capability
    lack of ability; being beyond one's capability
  • The state of showing a shortage of power, ability, etc.
  • 힘이나 능력 등이 모자람.
being beyond one's reach
    being beyond one's reach
  • Inappropriate for one's status or position.
  • 자기의 신분이나 위치에 알맞지 않다.
being biased
    being partial; being biased
  • The state of not being fair and leaning toward a certain side.
  • 올바르지 못하고 어느 한쪽으로 치우친 것.
being bias-free
    being bias-free; being unbiased
  • The state of not having any useless thoughts, bias, etc.
  • 쓸데없는 생각이나 선입관 등이 없는 상태.

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