be industrializedbe in fashionbe infatuatedbe infectedbe inferiorbe inferior tobe inferredbe infested withbe inflamedbe inflatedbe inflictedbe influencedbe influenced bybe influenced easilybe informedbe in full bloombe in full swingbe infuriatedbe infusedbeingbeing a backbreakerbeing abnormalbeing aboutbeing about the samebeing about to setbeing above sea levelbeing abreastbeing absent-mindedbeing absolutebeing absorbedbeing abstractbeing absurdbeing abundantbeing academicbeing acceptedbeing accessorybeing accidentalbeing accident-freebeing accumulatedbeing accustomedbeing acquiredbeing across-the-boardbeing active
be industrialized
- For the core of a nation's industrial structure to shift from agriculture, mining, etc., to manufacturing.
- 산업 구성의 중심이 농업이나 광업 등에서 물건을 만드는 공업으로 이동하게 되다.
be industrialized
be in fashion
1. 유행되다
- For something to gain popularity among people and to be spread to the entire society.
- 무엇이 사람들에게 인기를 얻어 사회 전체에 널리 퍼지게 되다.
be in fashion; be in
2. 유행하다
- For something to gain popularity among people and to be spread to an entire society.
- 무엇이 사람들에게 인기를 얻어 사회 전체에 널리 퍼지다.
be in fashion; be in
be infatuated
be infected
1. 감염되다
- To be affected adversely by a bad habit, custom, values or environment.
- 나쁜 버릇, 풍습, 가치관, 환경 등이 영향을 주어 똑같이 되게 하다.
- For a germ to invade and spread throughout the body of a plant or animal.
- 병균이 식물이나 동물의 몸 안으로 들어가 퍼지다.
- For a virus to infiltrate the hard disk or file of a computer, causing it to malfunction.
- 컴퓨터 바이러스가 컴퓨터의 하드 디스크나 파일에 들어가 고장이 나다.
be infected; be contaminated
be infected
be infected
2. 오르다
- For a germ, poison, etc., to infect someone and spread in his/her body.
- 병균, 독 등이 옮아 그 기운이 퍼지다.
be infected
be inferior
be inferior to
be inferred
- For a certain object or phenomenon to be guessed about, using the knowledge of its identical or similar object or phenomenon.
- 같거나 비슷한 성질을 가진 것을 통해 다른 사물이나 현상이 미루어 짐작되다.
be inferred; be conjectured
be infested with
- For insects or people to gather together in one place and move in a chaotic way.
- 벌레나 사람이 한곳에 많이 모여 무질서하게 움직이다.
be infested with; swarm
be inflamed
be inflated
- For a matter, incident, etc., to become known in an exaggerated manner.
- 일, 사건 등이 실제보다 크게 알려지게 되다.
be inflated
be inflicted
- For good or harm to be done to someone or something.
- 어떤 대상에게 이익이나 손해 등이 생기다.
- For harm to be done to someone's health.
- 건강에 해가 되다.
be done; be inflicted; occur
be done; be inflicted; occur
be influenced
1. 감화되다
- For one's thoughts or actions to change due to positive influence.
- 좋은 영향을 받아 생각이나 행동이 변하다.
be influenced; be inspired
2. 감화하다
- For one's thoughts or actions to change due to positive influence; or to cause to change in such a way.
- 좋은 영향을 받아 생각이나 행동이 변하다. 또는 그렇게 변하게 하다.
influence; be influenced
3. 달리다²
- For something to be absolutely influenced by something.
- 어떤 일이 무엇에 의하여 절대적인 영향을 받다.
be influenced; be affected
5. 물들다
- To resemble someone or something under the influence of his/her or its environment, act, or ideas, etc.
- 환경이나 행동, 사상 등의 영향을 받아 닮다.
be imbued; be influenced
6. 움직이다
- For a certain fact or phenomenon to change; to change a certain fact or phenomenon.
- 어떤 사실이나 현상이 바뀌다. 또는 어떤 사실이나 현상을 바꾸다.
move; influence; be influenced
be influenced by
- To be affected or influenced by someone else's behavior or psychological action.
- 다른 사람이 하는 행동, 심리적인 작용 등을 당하거나 입다.
receive; get; be affected by; be influenced by
be influenced easily
be informed
be in full bloom
be in full swing
1. 기승하다
- Not to weaken or still be active and vigorous due to something having strong energy or power.
- 기운이나 힘이 세서 좀처럼 약해지지 않다.
be in full swing
2. 본격화되다
- For something to take shape and get to be proceeding actively.
- 모습을 제대로 갖추고 적극적으로 이루어지게 되다.
be in full swing
3. 본격화하다
- For something to take shape and be proceeding actively, or to make this happen.
- 모습을 제대로 갖추고 적극적으로 이루어지다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
be in full swing
be infuriated
be infused
being a backbreaker
- Something being unbearably difficult and troublesome.
- 몹시 힘들고 괴로워 견디기 어렵다.
being a drudgery; being a backbreaker
being abnormal
1. 변태
- A state in which a person is not normal in acts or psychology related to sex, or such a person.
- 성에 관련된 행동이나 심리가 정상적이지 않은 상태. 또는 그런 사람.
pervert; being perverse; being abnormal
2. 병적¹
- A state in which one's words or behavior are too excessive to be considered normal.
- 말이나 행동 등이 정상적인 상태에서 벗어나 지나친 것.
being abnormal; being pathological
3. 비정상
- The state of being defective because of changes or problems.
- 바뀌거나 탈이 생겨 제대로가 아닌 상태.
being abnormal; being unusual
being about
1. 내외¹
- The state of being a little less or a little more.
- 약간 덜하거나 넘음.
being about; being around; being approximately
2. 언저리
- The state of being before or after a certain age or time.
- 어떤 나이나 시간의 앞뒤.
- The state of being under or above a certain level, degree, figure, etc.
- 어떤 수준이나 정도 또는 수치 등의 위아래.
being about
being about
being about the same
being about to set
- The sun being on the verge of going down.
- 해가 곧 지려고 하는 상태에 있다.
being about to set; being ready to sink
being above sea level
- The height of a piece of land or mountain, measured from the surface of the sea.
- 바닷물의 표면으로부터 잰 육지나 산의 높이.
elevation; altitude; being above sea level
being abreast
being absent-minded
- Draining of one's energy, leading to absent-mindedness; or such a state.
- 몸의 기운이 빠지고 정신이 멍함. 또는 그런 상태.
being spiritless; being dejected; being absent-minded; being dazed
being absolute
1. 절대¹
- The state of no conditions or constraints being imposed.
- 아무런 조건이나 제약이 붙지 않음.
- The state of being incomparable and unmatched or existing in itself without comparison with others.
- 비교하여 맞설 만한 것이 없거나, 다른 것과 비교하지 않고 그 자체만으로 존재함.
being absolute; being unwavering
being absolute
2. 절대적¹
- The state of being with no conditions or constraints imposed.
- 아무런 조건이나 제약이 붙지 않는 것.
- The state of being incomparable or unmatched.
- 비교하거나 상대될 만한 것이 없는 것.
being absolute
being absolute
being absorbed
- A state in which one is preoccupied with a certain thing and concentrates solely on the matter.
- 어떤 한 가지 일에만 정신을 집중하여 몰두한 상태.
being lost; being absorbed; being immersed
being abstract
- The state of something not taking a fixed form or characteristic.
- 일정한 형태와 성질을 갖추고 있지 않은 것.
being abstract
being absurd
being abundant
- The state of something being enough, and therefore being plenty.
- 매우 많아서 넉넉함.
being rich; being abundant
being academic
1. 학구적¹
- A state of being devoted to carrying out academic studies.
- 학문 연구에 온 정신을 기울여 열중하는 것.
being academic; being scholarly; being intellectual
2. 학구파
- A person who is aborbed in doing academic research or studying; or a group of such persons.
- 학문 연구 또는 공부에 열중하는 사람. 또는 그런 사람들의 집단.
being scholarly; being academic; studying hard
3. 학문적¹
- A state in which something is related to academic studies or in which its method or system has been academically established.
- 학문과 관련되어 있거나 학문으로서의 방법이나 체계가 서 있는 것.
being academic; being learned; being scholarly
4. 학술
- A compound noun for academic knowledge and techniques.
- 학문과 기술.
academics and academic techniques; being academic; being scientific
5. 학술적¹
- A state of involving academic knowledge and techniques.
- 학문과 기술에 관한 것.
being academic; being scientific; being scholarly
being accepted
- A state in which one's work is submitted, evaluated and then selected for a competition or an exhibition.
- 대회나 전시회에 낸 작품이 심사에 합격하여 뽑힘.
being selected; being accepted; winning a prize
being accessory
- A state of being added to the main things.
- 주된 것에 딸려서 덧붙임.
being additional; being accessory
being accidental
being accident-free
being accumulated
- The state of a large amount of something being stacked in layers; or an act of stacking a large amount of something in layers.
- 많이 겹쳐져 쌓임. 또는 많이 겹쳐 쌓음.
being accumulated; accumulation
being accustomed
being acquired
being across-the-board
- The state of bundling a variety of things that exist separately.
- 따로 떨어져 있는 여러 가지 것을 한데 묶는 것.
being across-the-board; being comprehensive
being active
2. 적극
- The state of being committed to something and thus acting positively and vigorously.
- 어떤 일에 대하여 자신의 의지를 가지고 긍정적이며 활발하게 행동함.
being strong; being positive; being active
3. 적극적¹
- Being proactive and positive in attitude toward something.
- 어떤 일에 대한 태도에 있어 자발적이고 긍정적인 것.
being active
4. 현역
- A person who is currently performing a certain duty; or a person's current job.
- 현재 어떤 직무에서 일하고 있는 사람. 또는 현재 직업으로 삼고 있는 일.
being active; being current; being incumbent
5. 활동적¹
- A state of moving one's body to perform some action.
- 몸을 움직여 행동하는 것.
- A state of striving to achieve a good result in a certain task.
- 어떤 일에서 좋은 결과를 거두기 위해 힘쓰는 것.
being active; being energetic
being active; being energetic
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