being actualbeing acutebeing adamantbeing a daredevilbeing additionalbeing adequatebeing a drudgerybeing advancedbeing adventurousbeing aestheticbeing affiliatedbeing affirmativebeing aforementionedbeing afraid of strangersbeing afterbeing after a long timebeing after childbirthbeing after-taxbeing after the factbeing againbeing against humanitybeing against one's own peoplebeing aggravatedbeing aggregatebeing aggressivebeing agitativebeing aheadbeing a high-risebeing airybeing a jack-of-all-tradesbeing alienbeing all alonebeing all at oncebeing all earsbeing all-nightbeing all of a sortbeing all or nothingbeing all-outbeing all overbeing all over the placebeing all-roundbeing all-seasonbeing alluringbeing all year aroundbeing all year roundbeing almightybeing almost all used upbeing almost equalbeing alonebeing a low-risebeing altogetherbeing altruisticbeing always rightbeing amazed at how much things have changed in a short timebeing amazingbeing ambitiousbeing American-madebeing amicable
being actual
- An actual state or situation where one is placed.
- 실제로 처한 상태.
being actual; being as a matter of fact; being virtual
being acute
being adamant
- A state in which one's thought or belief is clear and does not change.
- 생각이나 믿음이 변하지 않고 확실함.
being firm; being adamant; being determined
being a daredevil
- Ability to carry on something through difficulty or crisis.
- 어려움이나 위기를 극복하고 어떤 일을 해 나가는 능력.
being a daredevil; being undaunted
being additional
1. 가중
- A penalty or punishment becoming heavier.
- 형벌이 더 무거워지는 것.
being additional; being aggravated
2. 부대¹
- A state of being added to the main things.
- 주된 것에 딸려서 덧붙임.
being additional; being accessory
3. 부수¹
- A state of being added and connected to the main or basic one.
- 중심이 되거나 기본적인 것에 붙어서 따름.
being additional; being ancillary
4. 부수적¹
- A state of being added and connected to the main or basic one.
- 중심이 되거나 기본적인 것에 붙어서 따르는 것.
being additional; being ancillary
being adequate
- The state of being suitable thanks to the quality of fully meeting certain requirements or conditions.
- 어떤 일이나 조건에 꼭 들어맞아 알맞음.
being fit; being adequate
being a drudgery
- Something being unbearably difficult and troublesome.
- 몹시 힘들고 괴로워 견디기 어렵다.
being a drudgery; being a backbreaker
being advanced
being adventurous
being aesthetic
being affiliated
- A state of belonging to a certain organization or force, being under the influence of such an entity.
- 어떤 조직이나 세력에 속하여 그 영향이 미치는 범위.
being under; being under control; being affiliated
being affirmative
- The act of admitting that a certain fact is true or one's thought is right.
- 어떤 사실이나 생각이 맞다거나 옳다고 인정하는 것.
being positive; being affirmative
being aforementioned
- A thing mentioned or written in an earlier section of a text.
- 한 편의 글에서, 앞이나 위에 적은 것.
the above; being aforementioned
being afraid of strangers
- He act of finding it difficult to meet a stranger or not enjoying doing so.
- 낯선 사람을 대하기 어려워하거나 싫어하는 것.
being afraid of strangers
being after
being after a long time
being after childbirth
being after-tax
being after the fact
- A time after a work is done, or one finishes a work.
- 일이 끝난 뒤. 또는 일을 끝낸 뒤.
being after the fact; being post; being subsequent; being ex-post facto
being again
being against humanity
- A thought or an act of breaking the relationship or order that one should maintain as a human being.
- 사람으로서 마땅히 지켜야 할 인간관계나 질서를 깨뜨리는 사고나 행위.
being anti-human; being against humanity
being against one's own people
1. 반민족
- The act of going against or betraying one's own people.
- 자기 민족을 거스르거나 저버림.
being against one's own people
2. 반민족적¹
- Going against or betraying one's own people.
- 자기 민족을 거스르거나 저버리는 것.
being against one's own people
3. 반민족적²
- Going against or betraying one's own people.
- 자기 민족을 거스르거나 저버리는.
being against one's own people
being aggravated
being aggregate
- The act of putting relevant things together into one.
- 관련되는 여러 가지를 모아 하나로 합침.
being aggregate; being combined
being aggressive
being agitative
- Provoking other people to do something.
- 다른 사람을 부추겨 어떤 일이나 행동을 하게 하는 것.
being agitative; being inflammatory
being ahead
being a high-rise
- A state in which a building consists of a great number of floors.
- 건물의 층수가 많은 것.
being a high-rise
being airy
- A state of being much lighter than thought.
- 생각한 것보다 매우 가벼운 물건.
being lightweight; being airy; being fluffy
being a jack-of-all-trades
- Having various talents or abilities.
- 여러 가지 재능이나 재주가 많다.
all-around; multi-talented; being a jack-of-all-trades
being alien
- The act of coming from another country or outside.
- 다른 나라나 밖에서 들어옴.
being foreign; being alien
being all alone
- A state of being all alone without anyone to rely on or ask for help.
- 마음을 기대거나 도움을 받을 곳이 없는 외로운 몸.
being all alone; being by oneself
being all at once
- A state of doing something all at once or simultaneously.
- 여럿이 한꺼번에 함.
being all at once; being altogether
being all ears
- Listening to what the other person says very attentively.
- 다른 사람이 말하는 것을 귀를 기울여 들음.
listening attentively; listening courteously; being all ears
being all-night
- A place that is as bright at night as in the daytime because all the light stays turned on.
- 등불이 환하게 켜 있어서 밤에도 대낮같이 밝은 곳.
being nightless; being all-night
being all of a sort
being all or nothing
- An act of trying to put an end to something without caring about being dead.
- 죽고 사는 것을 상관하지 않고 끝장을 내려고 함.
risking life; being desperate; being all or nothing
being all-out
- Something that covers the entire overall aspects.
- 전체적인 모든 면에 걸치는 것.
being complete; being all-out
being all over
being all over the place
- All directions or sides.
- 모든 방향이나 방면.
being in all directions; being all over the place; everywhere
being all-round
- The quality of working properly in any conditions or circumstances.
- 어떠한 조건이나 상황에도 제 기능을 다할 수 있음.
being multi-purpose; being all-round
being all-season
- The quality of working properly in any weather condition.
- 어떠한 날씨에도 제 기능을 다할 수 있음.
being all-season
being alluring
- A state of being so beautiful and attractive that a beholder cannot come to his/her senses.
- 정신을 차리지 못할 만큼 아름답고 매력적임.
being alluring; being fascinating
being all year around
- A state of taking place throughout the year.
- 한 해 동안 계속.
being all year around; being year-round
being all year round
- A period from spring, summer, fall and through winter.
- 봄, 여름, 가을, 겨울 네 계절 내내의 동안.
four seasons; being throughout the year; being all year round; always
being almighty
- The state of knowing everything absolutely and having the ability to do anything, or such power.
- 모든 일을 잘 알고, 모든 일을 할 수 있음. 또는 그런 능력.
omniscience and omnipotence; being almighty
being almost all used up
- The state of one's property or household goods being almost entirely used up.
- 재산이나 살림이 거의 없어지는 것.
being almost all used up
being almost equal
1. 난형난제
- Difficulty in telling who to call an older brother and who a younger brother, used when two people or things are very similar, making it hard to tell who or which is better than the other.
- 누구를 형이라 하고 누구를 동생이라 하기 어렵다는 뜻으로 두 사물이 비슷해서 무엇이 더 낫다고 말할 수 없음.
being almost equal; having trouble telling which is better
2. 백중
- A state in which two people or things are very similar in talents, abilities, techniques, etc., making it hard to tell who or which is better or worse than the other.
- 낫고 모자람을 가리기 힘들 정도로 재주나 실력, 기술 등이 서로 비슷함.
being almost equal; having trouble telling which is better
3. 백중하다
- Two people or things being very similar in talents, abilities, techniques, etc., making it hard to tell who or which is better or worse than the other.
- 낫고 모자람을 가리기 힘들 정도로 재주나 실력, 기술 등이 서로 비슷하다.
being almost equal; having trouble telling which is better
being alone
1. 단신¹
- A state of being all alone without a family.
- 가족이 하나도 없이 혼자인 사람.
- A state of being all alone with nobody on his/her side.
- 곁에 아무도 없는 혼자의 몸.
being alone; being solitary
being alone; being solitary
2. 외톨이
- An object that is alone without being paired.
- 다른 짝이 없이 혼자만 있는 사물.
being lone; being alone; single
3. 혼자¹
- A state of being the only person, with no one around.
- 다른 사람 없이 한 사람.
being alone; being by oneself
4. 홀몸
- A person without a wife or husband, or siblings.
- 아내나 남편 또는 형제가 없는 사람.
being alone; being single
being a low-rise
- The state of a building being composed of a small number of floors.
- 건물의 층수가 적은 것.
being a low-rise
being altogether
- A state of doing something all at once or simultaneously.
- 여럿이 한꺼번에 함.
being all at once; being altogether
being altruistic
- A state of regarding others' interest as more important than one's own.
- 자기의 이익보다는 다른 사람의 이익을 더 중요하게 생각하는 것.
being altruistic; being selfless
being always right
- A state of being always right in everything such as prediction, guessing, etc.
- 무슨 일이든지 틀림없이 잘 들어맞음.
being always right
being amazed at how much things have changed in a short time
- An impression of being in a completely different world due to much progress and change in a relatively short period of time.
- 별로 길지 않은 시간 동안에 많은 진보와 변화를 겪어 아주 다른 세상이 된 것 같은 느낌.
being amazed at how much things have changed in a short time
being amazing
being ambitious
- A state of having a positive mind or will to do something.
- 무엇을 하고자 하는 적극적인 마음이나 의지가 넘쳐 있는 것.
being enthusiastic; being ambitious; being eager
being American-made
- A quality of being made in the United States; a product made in the United States.
- 미국에서 만듦. 또는 미국에서 만든 물건.
being American-made; American product
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