being amid rain
    being in the rain; being amid rain
  • A state of being in the middle of rain.
  • 비가 내리는 가운데.
being among
    being between; being among
  • A state of being within a certain range of things.
  • 여럿으로 이루어진 일정한 범위의 안.
being among the public
    being among the public
  • A state of being among the general public.
  • 일반 사람들 사이.
being amusing
    being amusing
  • An act of having fun while romping, joking, etc.
  • 장난을 치며 즐겁게 노는 것.
being anachronistic
    anachronism; being anachronistic
  • A state of having a view or way of life that is behind the times.
  • 시대에 뒤떨어진 생각이나 생활 방식을 가짐.
being analogical
    being analogical; being figurative; being metaphorical
  • A comparison of one thing with another that shares similarities for effective explanation.
  • 효과적인 설명을 위하여 어떤 것을 그것과 비슷한 다른 것에 빗대는 것.
being analytic
    being analytic
  • A state in which a phenomenon or thing is observed by being divided into several elements or properties.
  • 어떤 현상이나 사물을 여러 요소나 성질로 나누는 것.
being ancillary
    being additional; being ancillary
  • A state of being added and connected to the main or basic one.
  • 중심이 되거나 기본적인 것에 붙어서 따름.
    being additional; being ancillary
  • A state of being added and connected to the main or basic one.
  • 중심이 되거나 기본적인 것에 붙어서 따르는 것.
being anesthetized
    being anesthetized
  • The state in which someone is so engrossed in something as to lose his/her reason.
  • 무엇에 빠져 이성을 잃게 됨.
being annual
    being annual
  • Each and every year.
  • 한 해 한 해.
    being annual
  • Each and every year.
  • 한 해 한 해.
    time of one year; being annual
  • The period of one year.
  • 한 해 동안.
    being annual; being yearly
  • A state of using one year as a standard unit of something.
  • 한 해를 기준 단위로 한 것.
being anomalous
    being irregular; being anomalous
  • A state of being against the rule.
  • 규칙에서 벗어나 달라진 것.
being anonymous
    being anonymous
  • The act of not disclosing one's name.
  • 이름을 밝히지 않음.
    being unknown; being nameless; being anonymous
  • A state of being without a name or unable to know by name.
  • 이름이 없거나 이름을 알 수 없음.
being antiaircraft
    being antiaircraft
  • An act of engaging in an antiaircraft action.
  • 공중의 목표물을 상대함.
being anti-American
    being anti-American
  • The act of opposing America, or something that is against America.
  • 미국에 반대함. 또는 미국에 반대되는 것.
being antibacterial
    being antibiotic; being antibacterial
  • A state of being resistant to microorganisms that cause decay or illness, etc.
  • 부패나 병 등을 일으키는 미생물에 저항함.
being antibiotic
    being antibiotic; being antibacterial
  • A state of being resistant to microorganisms that cause decay or illness, etc.
  • 부패나 병 등을 일으키는 미생물에 저항함.
being anticancer
    being anticancer; being antitumor; being cancer-fighting
  • An act of curbing the growth of tumor cells or killing them.
  • 암세포가 늘어나는 것을 억제하거나 암세포를 죽임.
being anti-democratic
    being anti-democratic
  • A state of opposing democracy or acting contrary to it.
  • 민주주의를 반대하거나 그에 어긋나는 것.
being anti-feudal
    being anti-feudal
  • An act of opposing the system or idea that a state is managed by allowing each of its regions to be ruled by a group of powerful elites.
  • 나라가 각 지역마다 세력이 있는 사람을 중심으로 꾸려지는 제도나 사상에 반대함.
being anti-human
    being anti-human; being against humanity
  • A thought or an act of breaking the relationship or order that one should maintain as a human being.
  • 사람으로서 마땅히 지켜야 할 인간관계나 질서를 깨뜨리는 사고나 행위.
being anti-Japan
    being anti-Japan
  • The act of opposing and rejecting Japan.
  • 일본을 반대하고 거부함.
being anti-nuclear
    being anti-nuclear
  • The act of opposing matters related to nuclear energy.
  • 원자력과 관련이 있는 일들에 반대함.
being antisocial
    being antisocial
  • A state of going against a society's system, order or norms, failing to adjust oneself to such a thing.
  • 사회의 체제나 질서, 규범에 적응하지 못하고 거스르는 것.
being antitumor
    being anticancer; being antitumor; being cancer-fighting
  • An act of curbing the growth of tumor cells or killing them.
  • 암세포가 늘어나는 것을 억제하거나 암세포를 죽임.
being anxious
    being anxious; anxiety
  • The state of being nervous and worried, or such worriedness.
  • 조마조마하여 마음을 졸임. 또는 그렇게 졸이는 마음.
being apart
    being apart; standing alone
  • Being alone, apart from something.
  • 혼자 떨어져 있다.
being a people person
    being sociable; being a people person
  • The act of working as a mediator or handling work in a flexible manner to bring about successful results, or such an ability.
  • 일이 잘되도록 중간에서 힘쓰거나 일을 융통성 있게 함. 또는 그런 재주.
being a pity
    being a pity
  • Sorry and sad due to a lingering attachment.
  • 미련이 남아 안타깝고 서운하다.
being applicable
    being applicable
  • A state of being just right for a certain range or condition, etc.
  • 어떤 범위나 조건 등에 바로 들어맞음.
being appointed as a cabinet member
    entry into the cabinet; being appointed as a cabinet member
  • A state of becoming a member of the cabinet.
  • 내각의 한 구성원이 됨.
being appropriate
    being due; being appropriate
  • The state of being suitable for one's position or level.
  • 분수나 정도에 알맞음.
    being appropriate
  • A proper and right degree.
  • 알맞고 바른 정도.
being approved
    being approved
  • The state of an application, agenda, etc., being approved through an examination.
  • 검사, 시험, 심의 등에서 해당 기준이나 조건에 맞아 인정되거나 합격함.
being approximate
    being approximate
  • A certain quantity or level.
  • 그만큼의 분량이나 수준.
being approximately
    being about; being around; being approximately
  • The state of being a little less or a little more.
  • 약간 덜하거나 넘음.
    being approximately
  • A degree that is slightly higher or lower than a certain amount.
  • 어떤 수량에 약간 모자라거나 넘치는 정도.
being aqueous
    being aqueous
  • A quality of dissolving in water easily.
  • 물에 잘 녹는 성질.
being arbitrary
    being optional; being discretionary; being arbitrary
  • The act of doing something as one wants without any rule or standard.
  • 일정한 규칙이나 기준 없이 하고 싶은 대로 함.
    being optional; being discretionary; being arbitrary
  • The state of doing something as one wants without any rule or standard.
  • 일정한 규칙이나 기준 없이 하고 싶은 대로 하는 것.
being archeological
    being archeological
  • Something related to the study of lifestyles or cultures of ancient people by using relics and remains.
  • 옛 유물과 유적으로 옛 사람의 생활이나 문화 연구와 관련된 것.
being arithmetical
    being arithmetical
  • A numerical representation by means of simple calculation of figures.
  • 간단한 수의 계산에 의하여 숫자로 나타내는 것.
being armed
    being armed; militarization
  • An act of being outfitted with equipment, etc. for a war or battle, or such equipment.
  • 전쟁이나 전투를 하기 위한 장비 등을 갖춤. 또는 그 장비.
  • being armed; being equipped; being prepared
  • (figurative) An act of arming oneself with a mindset, idea, skill, equipment, etc., necessary for doing a certain work.
  • (비유적으로) 어떤 일을 하는 데에 필요한 마음, 사상, 기술, 장비 등을 단단히 갖춤.
    being armed
  • (figurative) The act of fully preparing oneself for a future event or situation.
  • (비유적으로) 어떤 일이나 사태에 대처하기 위해 철저하게 준비함.
being around
    being about; being around; being approximately
  • The state of being a little less or a little more.
  • 약간 덜하거나 넘음.
    being around
  • The state of being slightly more or less than a quantity, or a bit earlier or later than a point in time.
  • 일정한 때나 수량에 약간 모자라거나 넘는 것.
    being around
  • The surroundings that encompass someone or something, or being within a close range.
  • 어떤 대상을 싸고 있는 둘레. 또는 가까운 범위 안.
    surrounding; being around
  • Something that surrounds a person or thing, or such an environment.
  • 어떤 사물이나 사람을 둘러싸고 있는 것. 또는 그 환경.
being around the clock
    being day and night; being around the clock
  • An instance of being regardless of day and night, devoted to a certain work without stopping.
  • 어떤 일에 열중하느라 조금도 쉬지 않고 밤낮을 가리지 않음.
being arranged in a row
    being arranged in a row
  • The state of being lined up in a row.
  • 나란히 줄을 지음.
being artificial
    being artificial
  • A state of being done by human power, not created by nature.
  • 자연적인 것이 아니라 사람의 힘으로 만들어 낸 것.
    being artificial
  • A state of being done by human power, not created by nature.
  • 자연적으로 만들어진 것이 아닌 사람의 힘으로 이루어진 것.
being artistic
    being artistic
  • The state of having the characteristics of art.
  • 예술의 특성을 가진 것.
being a runner-up
    being a runner-up
  • In a sporting event or competition, the act of achieving the second-highest honor behind winning, or such an honor.
  • 경기나 시합에서, 우승 다음가는 등급을 차지함. 또는 그 등급.
being as a consequence
    being as a result; being as a consequence
  • The final state or outcome from a certain process when it is completed.
  • 어떤 원인에 의한 일이 끝난 후의 상태나 현상이 되는 것.
being as a matter of fact
    being actual; being as a matter of fact; being virtual
  • An actual state or situation where one is placed.
  • 실제로 처한 상태.
being as a result
    being as a result; being as a consequence
  • The final state or outcome from a certain process when it is completed.
  • 어떤 원인에 의한 일이 끝난 후의 상태나 현상이 되는 것.
being as before
    being as before
  • Being the same as someone or something was before.
  • 전과 똑같다.
being as cold as ice
    being ice-cold; being as cold as ice
  • (figurative) The state of one's hands and feet, a floor, etc., being very cold.
  • (비유적으로) 손이나 발, 방바닥 등의 사물이 몹시 찬 것.
being as far as
    being as long as; being as far as
  • A word used to mean a condition.
  • 조건의 뜻을 나타내는 말.
being as if in death agony
    being as if in death agony
  • A state of being in pain as if taking one's dying breath.
  • 목숨이 끊어질 때처럼 몹시 고통스러운 것.
being as long as
    being as long as; being as far as
  • A word used to mean a condition.
  • 조건의 뜻을 나타내는 말.
being associated the United States
    being associated the United States; being connected with the United States
  • A state of being in regard to the United States, or relevant to the United States.
  • 미국에 대한 것. 또는 미국과 관련된 것.
being associated with Japan
    being associated with Japan; being connected with Japan
  • A thing in regard to Japan or relevant to Japan.
  • 일본에 대한 것. 또는 일본과 관련된 것.
being associated with North Korea
    being associated with North Korea; being connected with North Korea
  • Something in regard to North Korea, or something that targets North Korea.
  • 북한에 대한 것. 또는 북한을 대상으로 하는 것.
being associated with South Korea
    being associated with South Korea; being connected with South Korea
  • Something in regard to South Korea, or something that targets South Korea.
  • 남한에 대한 것. 또는 남한을 대상으로 하는 것.
being as something was
    being as something was
  • The state of being identical to something.
  • 그것과 똑같은 것.
being as swift as an arrow
    being as swift as an arrow
  • Very fast like a shot arrow flying.
  • 쏜 화살이 날아가는 것처럼 매우 빠르다.
being at a cost
    being at a cost
  • The state of a certain act being compensated.
  • 어떤 행위에 대해 보상이 있음.
being at a door
    being at a gate; being at a door
  • The front of a gate or door.
  • 문의 앞.
being at a gate
    being at a gate; being at a door
  • The front of a gate or door.
  • 문의 앞.
being at a high rank
    being at a high rank
  • One's position, class, status, etc., being high.
  • 지위나 신분이나 수준이 높다.
being at a loss
    being at a loss
  • Being in a very frustrated state of mind because one does not know what to do.
  • 어떻게 해야 할지 몰라서 마음이 아주 답답하다.
    being at a loss
  • Having no idea what to do in the future.
  • 앞으로 어떻게 해야 할 지 아무 것도 생각나지 않다.
    being at a loss
  • Hard to come to a decision.
  • 분명하게 마음을 정하기 어렵다.
    being at a loss
  • Not having any hope or a solution.
  • 희망이 없다. 해결 방법이 없다.

'English - Korean > b' 카테고리의 다른 글

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be in another person's arms - be induced  (0) 2020.02.07

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