being half asleepbeing half-asleepbeing half-awakebeing half-cookedbeing half-deadbeing half-dreaming and half-awakebeing half-heartedbeing half in doubtbeing half-mutebeing half-nakedbeing handmadebeing hard-boiledbeing harshbeing headstrongbeing healthybeing heapedbeing heaped upbeing heartlessbeing heatedbeing heavily armedbeing heavyweightbeing hedonicbeing hemisphericalbeing herbivorousbeing here and therebeing hereditarybeing hereticalbeing heterogeneousbeing hiddenbeing hierarchicalbeing high and lowbeing high classbeing high-dimensionalbeing high-handedbeing high-intensitybeing high-levelbeing highly educatedbeing high-pitchedbeing high-strengthbeing high-tonedbeing hillybeing historicbeing historicalbeing hobeing holybeing home and abroadbeing homelessbeing homemadebeing honorarybeing hoped-forbeing hopefulbeing horizontalbeing horn-rimmedbeing hostilebeing hotbeing hot-temperedbeing humanbeing humanebeing humanitarianbeing human-operatedbeing humiliatedbeing humorous
being half asleep
being half-asleep
- A state in which the mind is not fully awake and cannot discern dream from reality.
- 꿈인지 현실인지도 모를 만큼 정신이 흐릿한 상태.
being half-asleep; being half-awake; being half-dreaming and half-awake
being half-awake
- A state in which the mind is not fully awake and cannot discern dream from reality.
- 꿈인지 현실인지도 모를 만큼 정신이 흐릿한 상태.
being half-asleep; being half-awake; being half-dreaming and half-awake
being half-cooked
- Food that is half-cooked, or the act of cooking in such a way.
- 음식이 반쯤 익은 것. 또는 그렇게 익힘.
being half-cooked
being half-dead
- The state of someone almost dying from being beaten or having a serious disease, or the state of feeling very exhausted and unable to lift a finger.
- 심하게 맞거나 병이 깊어서 거의 죽게 된 상태. 또는 굉장히 피곤해서 몸을 움직일 수 없는 상태.
being half-dead; being more dead than alive
being half-dreaming and half-awake
- A state in which the mind is not fully awake and cannot discern dream from reality.
- 꿈인지 현실인지도 모를 만큼 정신이 흐릿한 상태.
being half-asleep; being half-awake; being half-dreaming and half-awake
being half-hearted
being half in doubt
- Not being completely convinced, being in doubt although believing to a certain extent.
- 어느 정도 믿기는 하지만 확실히 믿지 못하고 의심함.
being half in doubt
being half-mute
- A person who stammers inarticulately due to abnormalities of his/her vocal organs.
- 발음기관의 이상으로 남이 알아듣기 어렵게 더듬거리면서 말하는 사람.
being half-mute; stammerer
being half-naked
being handmade
being hard-boiled
being harsh
- One's personality, etc., being vicious and cruel.
- 사납고 악독함.
being fierce; being wicked; being harsh
being headstrong
1. 고집불통
- An attitude of being stubborn and insisting on an idea or opinion, or such a person.
- 자기의 생각이나 주장을 굽힐 줄 모르고 고집이 셈. 또는 그런 사람.
being headstrong; being willful
2. 오기¹
- An attitude of being stubborn, not given to losing despite one's lack of ability.
- 능력은 부족하면서 지기 싫어하는 고집스러운 마음.
being obstinate; being headstrong; being unyielding
being healthy
being heaped
- A state in which a certain object, work, problem, etc. is placed on top of another.
- 어떤 물건이나 일, 문제 등이 산더미같이 쌓임.
being piled; being heaped; being in a heap; accumulation
being heaped up
- A state in which rice or other grains are heaped up in a bowl.
- 밥이나 곡식 등을 그릇에 수북하게 담는 것.
heap; being heaped up
being heartless
- A cold and unfriendly attitude that stems from a lack of humanly warmth.
- 사람에게서 느껴지는 따뜻한 마음이 없이 차갑고 쌀쌀함.
being heartless; being cold-hearted
being heated
- Focused interest and excitement about an event or incident.
- 어떤 일이나 사건에 대하여 관심이 집중되고 분위기가 흥분됨.
being heated
being heavily armed
- The act of bracing oneself for a war by being heavily armed with strong weapons.
- 전쟁을 대비하여 강한 무기들로 단단히 무장함.
being heavily armed
being heavyweight
- (figurative) A position of importance and significance.
- (비유적으로) 중요하고 비중이 높은 지위.
being heavyweight
being hedonic
- A state of having fun and enjoying something.
- 놀고 즐기는 것.
being entertaining; being pleasure-seeking; being hedonic
being hemispherical
being herbivorous
being here and there
1. 여기저기
- A variety of places or locations that are not clearly specified.
- 분명하게 정해지지 않은 여러 장소나 위치.
being here and there; being place to place; everywhere
2. 요기조기
- A variety of places or locations that are not clearly specified.
- 분명하게 정해지지 않은 여러 장소나 위치.
being here and there; being place to place; everywhere
being hereditary
1. 세습
- The act of bequeathing and inheriting one's property, status, occupation, etc.
- 재산이나 신분, 직업 등을 대를 이어 물려주고 물려받음.
being hereditary
2. 세습적¹
- Receiving property, status, an occupation, etc., by inheritance.
- 재산이나 신분, 직업 등을 그 자손들이 대를 이어 물려받는 것.
being hereditary
3. 유전적¹
- The characteristics in which the appearance, personality, physical constitution, etc., of the preceding generation runs down to the next generation.
- 윗대의 생김새, 성격, 체질 등이 다음 세대에게 전해지는 성질을 띠는 것.
being hereditary
being heretical
- The quality of rejecting an authoritative idea, theory, etc.
- 권위 있는 사상이나 학설 등에 반항하는 것.
- The quality of being not recognized as an orthodoxy because it is against the orthodox doctrines of a certain religion.
- 정통 교리에 어긋나는 주장을 하여 정통으로 인정되지 않는 것.
being heretical; being unorthodox
being heretical; being unorthodox
being heterogeneous
being hidden
being hierarchical
- Something about social status, occupation, economic situation, etc.
- 사회적 지위, 직업, 경제적 수준 등에 관한 것.
being hierarchical
being high and low
- A compound noun meaning being both high and low in one's status or rank.
- 신분이나 지위의 높음과 낮음.
being high and low
being high class
- The quality of goods, facilities, etc., being excellent.
- 물건이나 시설 등의 품질이 뛰어나다.
being high class
being high-dimensional
- A state in which the level of thinking or behavior is high.
- 생각이나 행동 등의 수준이 높은 것.
being high-level; being high-dimensional
being high-handed
1. 고압적¹
- An attitude of trying to control other people.
- 남을 억누르는 것.
being high-handed; being oppressive; being domineering
2. 독단적¹
- Making a judgment or decision on one's own without taking the opinions of others into consideration.
- 남과 상의하지 않고 혼자서 판단하거나 결정하는 것.
being high-handed
3. 위압적¹
- The manner of pressing someone mentally by using strong power or an attitude of making him/her feel afraid.
- 두려움을 느끼게 하는 태도나 강력한 힘 등으로 정신적으로 내리누르는 것.
being coercive; being overbearing; being high-handed
being high-intensity
- An object being very hard or a matter being processed very intensely.
- 물체가 매우 단단하거나 일이 처리되는 정도가 매우 셈.
being high-strength; being high-intensity
being high-level
- A state in which the level of thinking or behavior is high.
- 생각이나 행동 등의 수준이 높은 것.
being high-level; being high-dimensional
being highly educated
being high-pitched
- The act of making a note, voice, etc., higher; or such a high tone.
- 음이나 목소리 등의 가락을 높임. 또는 그 높은 가락.
raising one's voice; being high-pitched; being high-toned
being high-strength
- An object being very hard or a matter being processed very intensely.
- 물체가 매우 단단하거나 일이 처리되는 정도가 매우 셈.
being high-strength; being high-intensity
being high-toned
- The act of making a note, voice, etc., higher; or such a high tone.
- 음이나 목소리 등의 가락을 높임. 또는 그 높은 가락.
raising one's voice; being high-pitched; being high-toned
being hilly
- A place abundant in valleys between mountains.
- 산과 산 사이에 있는 골짜기가 많은 곳.
being mountainous; being hilly; mountain
being historic
- Something important enough to be remembered by people for ages.
- 오랫동안 기억될 만큼 중요한 것.
being historic; being monumental; being epochal
being historical
- Something about the process of a human society where it flourishes and collapses with time; the records of such a process.
- 인간 사회가 시간이 지남에 따라 흥하고 망하면서 변해 온 과정에 관한 것. 또는 그러한 기록에 관한 것.
- Something handed down from age to age.
- 오랜 세월을 두고 전해지는 것.
being historical
being historical
being ho
- (figurative) A body with high fever or a very hot object.
- (비유적으로) 몹시 뜨겁게 열이 나는 몸이나 뜨거운 물체.
high fever; being burning; being ho
being holy
- The state of being so precious and great that one cannot easily get close.
- 함부로 가까이할 수 없을 만큼 귀하고 위대함.
being sacred; being holy
being home and abroad
1. 대내외
- The state of being related to both inside and outside of a society, country, etc.
- 사회나 나라 등의 안과 밖에 모두 관계됨.
being domestic and foreign; being home and abroad; being internal and external
2. 대내외적¹
- A state of being related to both inside and outside of a society, a country, etc.
- 사회나 나라 등의 안과 밖에 모두 관계됨.
being home and abroad; being internal and external
being homeless
being homemade
- An act of manufacturing by an individual, not related to public affairs, or goods manufactured in such a manner.
- 공적인 일과 관계없이 개인이 만듦. 또는 그런 물건.
being privately made; being privately manufactured; being homemade
being honorary
- A special name given to honor and show respect for a person's achievement and authority.
- 어떤 사람의 업적이나 권위를 높이 기리고 존경하는 뜻을 나타내기 위해서 특별히 붙여 주는 이름.
being honorary
being hoped-for
- A thing that many people anxiously wait and hope for.
- 많은 사람들이 몹시 기다리고 바라는 것.
being hoped-for; anticipation; ambition
being hopeful
- A state of having expectations for the future.
- 앞일에 대하여 기대를 가지고 바라는 것.
- A state of having the potential to be successful in the future.
- 앞으로 잘될 수 있는 가능성이 있는 것.
being hopeful; being optimistic
being hopeful; being optimistic
being horizontal
1. 수평
- A direction in which an object is located at a right angle to the force it receives from the Earth.
- 물체가 지구로부터 받는 힘의 방향과 90도를 이루는 방향.
being horizontal
2. 횡적¹
- A state of elements or objects being connected widthwise or being in a horizontal relationship.
- 어떤 일이나 사물의 관계가 가로로 연결되어 있는 것.
being horizontal; being widthwise
being horn-rimmed
being hostile
being hot
being hot-tempered
- The personality trait, which is being short-tempered and overly sensitive to a stimulus.
- 성질이 급하고 자극에 민감하여 쉽게 흥분하는 기질.
being hot-tempered
being human
being humane
- A state of involving an array of duties and principles that a person is expected to follow as a human being regardless of his/her race, ethnic group, nationality, religion, etc.
- 인종, 민족, 국가, 종교 등의 차이를 뛰어넘어 사람으로서 마땅히 지켜야 할 도리에 관계되는 것.
being humane; being humanitarian
being humanitarian
- A state of involving an array of duties and principles that a person is expected to follow as a human being regardless of his/her race, ethnic group, nationality, religion, etc.
- 인종, 민족, 국가, 종교 등의 차이를 뛰어넘어 사람으로서 마땅히 지켜야 할 도리에 관계되는 것.
being humane; being humanitarian
being human-operated
- The state of a car, airplane, spaceship, etc., being operated or driven by a person.
- 차나 비행기, 우주선 등에 그것을 작동하고 운전하는 사람이 있음.
being manned; being human-operated
being humiliated
- The state of being dishonored and ashamed.
- 욕되고 창피스러운 것.
being humiliated; being disgraceful
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