being possessive
    being possessive
  • A desire to have something as one's own.
  • 자기의 것으로 가지고 싶어 하는 욕망.
being post
    being after the fact; being post; being subsequent; being ex-post facto
  • A time after a work is done, or one finishes a work.
  • 일이 끝난 뒤. 또는 일을 끝낸 뒤.
being postnatal
    being after childbirth; being postnatal
  • A time after giving birth to a baby.
  • 아이를 낳은 뒤.
being pot-bellied
    being pot-bellied; person with a bulging belly
  • (disparaging) A person whose belly is bulging.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 배가 불룩하게 나온 사람.
being potential
    being potential; being latent
  • The quality of hiding without being exposed.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않고 속에 숨어 있는 것.
being practical
    being practical; being pragmatic
  • Having utility in real life.
  • 실제적인 쓸모가 있는 것.
    being practical
  • The tendency to put one's theory, plan, thought, etc. into action.
  • 이론이나 계획, 생각한 것을 실제 행동으로 옮기는 것.
    being realistic; being practical
  • A quality of being real or being able to be realized.
  • 현재 실제로 있거나 이루어질 수 있는 성질.
    being realistic; being practical; being probable
  • A state of being real or being able to be realized.
  • 현재 실제로 있거나 이루어질 수 있는 것.
  • being practical; being realistic
  • A state of attaching the utmost importance to a profit or benefit that can be actually gained.
  • 실제로 얻을 수 있는 이익 등을 가장 중요하게 여기는 것.
being pragmatic
    being practical; being pragmatic
  • Having utility in real life.
  • 실제적인 쓸모가 있는 것.
being pranksome
    being pranksome; being tongue-in-cheek
  • The tone of a remark intended to sound fun or to tease someone.
  • 장난으로 다른 사람을 놀리거나 웃기려고 하는 말투.
being precious
    being valuable; being precious
  • Being high and prestigious in class or position.
  • 신분이나 지위가 높고 귀함.
being predetermined
    being predetermined; being destined
  • The state of having already been determined as one's destiny.
  • 이미 운명으로 정해져 있는 것.
being preliminary
    being prior; being beforehand; being preliminary
  • A time before a certain thing happens, or before one starts doing something.
  • 일이 일어나기 전. 또는 일을 시작하기 전.
being premature
    being premature
  • A state of being too soon to do something.
  • 어떤 일을 하기에 아직 때가 이름.
being prenatal
    being before childbirth; being prenatal
  • A time prior to giving birth to a baby.
  • 아이를 낳기 바로 전.
being prepared
    being prepared; preparation
  • An act of preparing in advance for a difficult situation in the future, or such a preparation.
  • 앞으로 일어날 수 있는 어려운 상황에 대해 미리 준비함. 또는 그런 준비.
    being armed; being equipped; being prepared
  • (figurative) An act of arming oneself with a mindset, idea, skill, equipment, etc., necessary for doing a certain work.
  • (비유적으로) 어떤 일을 하는 데에 필요한 마음, 사상, 기술, 장비 등을 단단히 갖춤.
being present
    being present
  • The state of being at hand.
  • 자리에 있음.
  • being present
  • The state of being at hand during a vote at a meeting.
  • 회의에서 표결할 때에 자리에 있는 일.
being pressed to death
    being pressed to death; being crushed to death
  • A death from being pressed by something heavy.
  • 무거운 것에 눌려 죽음.
being pretax
    being pretax
  • Prior to paying tax.
  • 세금을 내기 전.
being previous
    being previous
  • A time that has alreay passed.
  • 이미 지나간 시간.
    being previous
  • A time earlier than now.
  • 지금보다 이전.
being pre-war
    being pre-war
  • The time before a war breaks out.
  • 전쟁이 일어나기 전.
being primal
    being primal; being earlies
  • The first time when something begins.
  • 시작하는 처음.
being primary
    being the first; being primary
  • The quality of being the source of, or the first in, something.
  • 어떤 일에서 근본이 되거나 맨 처음이 되는 것.
    being the first; being primary
  • The quality of being the first among many.
  • 여럿 가운데 첫 번째가 되는 것.
  • being primary
  • The quality of being the base or the first in something.
  • 어떤 일에서 근본이 되거나 맨 처음이 되는 것.
being primeval
    being original; being pristine; being primeval
  • Being in the same state as something began.
  • 처음 시작된 그대로의 상태인 것.
being primitive
    being primitive; being original
  • The quality of being the very start of a certain thing or phenomenon.
  • 일이나 현상이 시작하는 맨 처음이 되는 것.
being prior
    being prior
  • An earlier time or order than the current time.
  • 말하는 시간보다 앞선 시간이나 차례.
    being prior; being beforehand; being preliminary
  • A time before a certain thing happens, or before one starts doing something.
  • 일이 일어나기 전. 또는 일을 시작하기 전.
being pristine
    being original; being pristine; being primeval
  • Being in the same state as something began.
  • 처음 시작된 그대로의 상태인 것.
being private
    being private; private matter
  • Something related to personal affairs or feelings.
  • 개인적인 일이나 감정 등에 관련된 것.
    being private
  • A state in which an individual establishes and manages an institution for the public benefit with his/her private fund.
  • 개인이 자신의 자금으로 공공의 이익을 위한 사업 기관을 설립하여 유지함.
    being personal; being private; being in person
  • A state of relating to an individual.
  • 개인에 관계된 것.
    being personal; being private
  • One's personal situation or circumstances.
  • 한 개인의 사정이나 형편.
    being private
  • The act of using something exclusively without sharing it with others.
  • 남과 공동으로 사용하지 않고 혼자서만 사용함.
being privately
    private occasion; informal occasion; being privately
  • An occasion in which you meet someone privately.
  • 개인적으로 만나는 자리.
being privately made
    being privately made; being privately manufactured; being homemade
  • An act of manufacturing by an individual, not related to public affairs, or goods manufactured in such a manner.
  • 공적인 일과 관계없이 개인이 만듦. 또는 그런 물건.
being privately manufactured
    being privately made; being privately manufactured; being homemade
  • An act of manufacturing by an individual, not related to public affairs, or goods manufactured in such a manner.
  • 공적인 일과 관계없이 개인이 만듦. 또는 그런 물건.
being proactive
    being proactive
  • An attitude of judging on one's own and behaving positively.
  • 자기 스스로 판단하여 적극적으로 움직이는 것.
being probable
    being probable
  • A likelihood in general of something happening.
  • 일반적으로 그 일이 생길 가능성이 있는 것.
    being probable; being likely
  • There being a likelihood in general of something happening.
  • 일반적으로 그 일이 생길 가능성이 있는.
    being realistic; being practical; being probable
  • A state of being real or being able to be realized.
  • 현재 실제로 있거나 이루어질 수 있는 것.
being proclamatory
    being declaratory; being proclamatory
  • Widely announcing an opinion, policy, position, etc.
  • 어떤 주장이나 방침, 입장 등을 널리 알리는 것.
being producing
    being producing
  • The basis when something new is created.
  • 그것이 바탕이 되어 새로운 것이 생겨나는 것.
being productive
    being productive
  • Something related to production.
  • 생산과 관련이 있는 것.
being professional
    being professional
  • The act of practicing something professionally or the state of belonging to a profession.
  • 전문으로 하거나 전문 분야에 속하는 것.
being profitable
    being profitable; being beneficial
  • The state of being profitable.
  • 이익이 됨.
being progressive
    being innovative; being progressive; being groundbreaking
  • A state of changing an old custom, convention, organization, method, etc., into completely new ones.
  • 오래된 풍속, 관습, 조직, 방법 등을 완전히 바꾸어 새롭게 하는 것.
being pro-Japanese
    being pro-Japanese
  • An act of feeling close to Japan or Japanese people and forming a friendly relationship with Japan or Japanese people.
  • 일본을 가깝게 여기어 친하게 지냄.
being prolonged
    being prolonged
  • The state of something not being concluded soon but continuing for a long period of time.
  • 일이 빨리 끝나지 않고 오래 이어짐.
being prominent
    being prominent; being distinguished
  • The state of being very noticeable or excellent in a certain field.
  • 어떤 분야에서 매우 두드러지거나 뛰어남.
    being well-known; being prominent
  • The state of one's name being widely known to the world.
  • 세상에 이름이 널리 알려져 있음.
    being prominent; being senior
  • A person with an important role or of substantial influence in a group or field.
  • 어떤 집단이나 분야에서 중요한 역할을 하거나 지도적인 영향력을 가진 인물.
being prosperous
    being wealthy and powerful; being prosperous
  • A nation being affluent and having powerful military strength.
  • 나라의 살림이 넉넉하고 군사력이 강함.
being provincial
    being provincial
  • The state of being established and managed with the provincial budget for the public benefit.
  • 공공의 이익을 위하여 도의 예산으로 설립하고 관리함.
being provisional
    being provisional; being tentative; being interim
  • The quality of being decided according to circumstances, without being decided in advance.
  • 미리 정하지 않고 그때그때 필요에 따라 정한 것.
    being provisional; being temporary; being tentative
  • The state of having been agreed upon provisionally.
  • 임시로 정함.
    being temporary; being provisional; being tentative
  • The state of having been agreed upon provisionally.
  • 임시로 정하는 것.
being provocative
    being provocative
  • A state of seeming to challenge someone or make him/her angry.
  • 상대를 화나게 하거나 싸움을 거는 듯한 것.
  • being provocative
  • A state of seeming to excite or tempt someone sexually.
  • 상대를 성적으로 자극하거나 유혹하는 듯한 것.
    being provocative
  • The characteristic of something which causes a certain response or excitement.
  • 어떤 반응이나 흥분을 일으키는 것.
being pseudo
    being pseudo; being quasi
  • A completely fake object that looks similar to a real one on the surface.
  • 겉으로 비슷하지만 실제로는 완전히 다른 가짜.
being psychic
    being psychic
  • A scientifically unexplainable phenomenon, mainly related to the human soul.
  • 주로 사람의 영혼과 관련된, 과학적으로 설명할 수 없는 현상.
being psychological
    being mental; being psychological
  • Being related to one's mind.
  • 마음과 관련된 것.
being public
    public affairs; being public
  • Something related to a nation, society, organization, group, etc.
  • 국가나 사회, 단체, 집단과 관련된 일.
    being public
  • Showing a thing, truth, content, etc., to a lot of people.
  • 어떤 사물이나 사실, 내용 등을 여러 사람에게 보이는 것.
    being public
  • Relating to all the people of a society or country.
  • 한 국가 또는 사회의 모든 사람에게 관계되는 것.
    being public
  • The quality or state of being related to the interests of all the members of a society.
  • 사회 구성원 전체의 이익과 두루 관련되는 성질.
    being public
  • The state of being established and run by a local government, or such facilities.
  • 지방 자치 단체가 설립하여 운영함. 또는 그런 시설.
    being public
  • The establishment of a facility by the government or a public organizaiton, or such a facility.
  • 국가나 공공 단체에서 시설을 만듦. 또는 그런 시설.
    being public
  • The quality of aiming for the interests of all the members of society.
  • 사회 모든 사람의 이익을 목적으로 하는 성질.
    being public; being popular
  • Something cheap or commonplace, enjoyed by many people because it suits the public's taste.
  • 많은 사람들이 이용하고 즐길 수 있을 정도로 값이 싸거나 여러 사람의 취향에 맞는 평범한 것.
being public and private
    being public and private
  • The state of being publicly and privately established.
  • 공립과 사립.
being published daily
    daily publication; being published daily
  • An act of publishing a newspaper, magazine, etc. everyday, or such a publication.
  • 신문이나 잡지 등을 날마다 찍어 냄. 또는 그런 발행물.
being pungent
    being irritating; being irritable; being pungent; being spicy
  • The characteristic of something that strongly irritates one's feeling or emotion.
  • 감각이나 감정 등에 강한 반응이 일어나게 하는 성질.
being put to practical use
    commercialization; being put to practical use
  • Being widely used or being put to use in real life.
  • 실제로 널리 쓰거나 쓰게 함.

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