being quadrangular
    quadrangle; being quadrangular
  • A shape or figure that consists of four angles.
  • 네 개의 각으로 이루어진 모양. 또는 그런 도형.
being quadratic
    being quadratic
  • A state in which a square is included in an equation, function, etc.
  • 수학식에서 방정식이나 함수 등이 제곱의 항을 포함하는 것.
being qualified
    being capable; being qualified
  • (figurative) The ability or qualification to do something; or a person who has such an ability or qualification.
  • (비유적으로) 어떤 일을 할 만한 능력이나 자질 또는 그것을 갖춘 사람.
    perfect fit; being qualified
  • The state of being well-qualified for a certain task.
  • 어떤 일에 자격이 알맞음.
being quantitative
    being quantitative; being numerical
  • Being based on the number and quantity of something.
  • 수와 양을 기준으로 하는 것.
    being quantitative
  • A state of being related to something countable or measurable.
  • 세거나 잴 수 있는 것과 관계된 것.
being quasi
    being pseudo; being quasi
  • A completely fake object that looks similar to a real one on the surface.
  • 겉으로 비슷하지만 실제로는 완전히 다른 가짜.
being quickly
    being immediately; being quickly
  • A state of acting immediately without hesitation when a certain matter occurs or a time arrives.
  • 어떤 일이나 때가 닥치자 망설이지 않고 당장.
being quiet
    being quiet
  • The state of an atmosphere, attitude, etc., being calm and solemn.
  • 분위기나 태도 등이 조용하고 엄숙함.
being racial
    being racial
  • Being related to racial classifications of all the people based on their physical characteristics and geographic territories.
  • 세계의 모든 사람을 피부색과 같은 신체적 특징과 지역에 따라 나눈 종류에 관한 것.
being radical
    being radical
  • A fast change or development occurring suddenly.
  • 변화나 발전이 빠른 속도로 급히 이루어지는 것.
  • being radical
  • Wanting to quickly realize an ideal for change or development.
  • 변화나 발전 등의 이상을 급하게 실현시키고자 하는 것.
being rampant
    being rampant
  • (figurative) A state in which something mushrooms here and there, disrupting the order.
  • (비유적으로) 여기저기서 마구 생겨나 질서를 무너뜨림.
being random
    being random
  • An act of causing all possible outcomes to occur equally without prior arrangement.
  • 아무런 조작 없이 일어날 수 있는 모든 일이 같은 확률로 일어나게 함.
being ranked in the top range
    being ranked in the top range
  • The range that fits into a certain ranking in a competition, contest, etc.
  • 경기나 대회 등에서 정해진 순위 안에 들어가는 범위.
being rapid
    express; rushing; being rapid
  • The act of going somewhere very quickly.
  • 급히 감.
    being with lightning speed; winning by leaps and bounds; being rapid
  • Literally meaning that streams run quickly, traveling a thousand miles; a state in which a certain work proceeds quickly without any interruption or break.
  • 강물이 빨리 흘러 천 리를 간다는 뜻으로, 어떤 일이 중간에 걸리거나 막힘이 없이 빨리 진행됨.
being rare
    being unprecedented; being rare
  • Being extraordinary and unique.
  • 보통의 경우에서 벗어나 특이한 것.
being rat-colored
    being rat-colored
  • A dark gray color like that of rat fur.
  • 쥐의 털 색깔과 같은 어두운 회색.
being rated
    being authentic; being rated
  • A proper formality or specification, or the state of complying with a formality or specification.
  • 바른 격식이나 규격. 또는 격식이나 규격에 맞음.
being rational
    being rational; being reasonable
  • The quality of following reason or being based on reason.
  • 이성에 따르거나 이성을 바탕으로 하는 것.
    being rational; being reasonable
  • A state of being in accordance with logic or reason.
  • 논리나 이치에 알맞은 것.
being raw
    being raw; being undisguised
  • An original and unfeigned state; a state in which everything has been exposed.
  • 꾸미지 않은 원래의 상태. 또는 숨김없이 드러낸 상태.
    being raw
  • The quality of criticizing or expressing without reserve.
  • 비난이나 표현 등을 숨김없이 모두 드러내는 것.
being ready to sink
    being about to set; being ready to sink
  • The sun being on the verge of going down.
  • 해가 곧 지려고 하는 상태에 있다.
being realistic
    reality; being realistic; truth
  • A property of showing something exactly as it is.
  • 실제 있는 그대로를 보여 주려고 하는 특성.
    being realistic; being true to life
  • An act of showing something exactly as it is.
  • 실제 있는 그대로를 보여 주는 것.
    being realistic; being practical
  • A quality of being real or being able to be realized.
  • 현재 실제로 있거나 이루어질 수 있는 성질.
    being realistic; being practical; being probable
  • A state of being real or being able to be realized.
  • 현재 실제로 있거나 이루어질 수 있는 것.
  • being practical; being realistic
  • A state of attaching the utmost importance to a profit or benefit that can be actually gained.
  • 실제로 얻을 수 있는 이익 등을 가장 중요하게 여기는 것.
being really
    being really
  • Something far beyond comparison to anything.
  • 비할 바 없이 아주.
being reasonable
    being natural; being reasonable
  • Obediently following pure reason.
  • 마땅한 도리나 이치에 순순히 따르는 것.
    being rational; being reasonable
  • The quality of following reason or being based on reason.
  • 이성에 따르거나 이성을 바탕으로 하는 것.
    being reasonable; making sense
  • A state in which a certain logic or principle is considered right in some way.
  • 어떤 면에서 그런대로 옳다고 생각되는 이치.
    being rational; being reasonable
  • A state of being in accordance with logic or reason.
  • 논리나 이치에 알맞은 것.
being rebellious
    being rebellious; being defiant
  • A state of showing the attitude of confronting, attacking or colliding with another person or object.
  • 다른 사람이나 대상에 맞서 달려들거나 부딪히는 태도를 보이는 것.
    being seditious; being subversive; being rebellious
  • A state in which words, actions, ideas, etc. are contrary or do not correspond to that of ruling power or system.
  • 말, 행동, 또는 사상 등이 통치 권력이나 체제에 반대되거나 맞지 않음.
being receptive
    being receptive
  • Accepting something.
  • 어떤 것을 받아들이는 것.
being reciprocal
    being reciprocal
  • A state of exchanging a special benefit.
  • 서로 특별한 혜택을 주고받는 것.
being recurrent
    being recurrent; being intermittent; being on-and-off
  • The state of repeating at regular intervals.
  • 일정한 시간 간격을 두고 되풀이하는 것.
being reddish
    being reddish; being tinged with red; red
  • A dark-red color like that of a ripe red pepper or blood.
  • 잘 익은 고추나 피의 빛깔과 같이 짙은 빨간 빛.
being redundant
    being redundant
  • The act of repeating what has already been said over and over again, or such a speech.
  • 이미 한 말을 자꾸 되풀이함. 또는 그런 말.
being reflective
    being reflective; being regretful; being repentant
  • A state of examining or realizing, and regretting one's wrongdoings by looking back on one's past words or actions.
  • 자신의 말이나 행동을 되돌아보면서 잘못을 살피거나 그것을 깨닫고 뉘우치는 것.
being reflexive
    being reflexive
  • A state of showing an instant response to a stimulus regardless of one's will.
  • 자극에 대하여 의지와 상관없이 순간적으로 반응을 보이는 것.
being reformative
    being reformative
  • Correcting irrational systems or institutions.
  • 불합리한 제도나 기구 등을 새롭고 고치는 것.
being regional
    being regional
  • The state of being limited to a certain area or region.
  • 일정한 지역에 한정되는 것.
being registered
    being enrolled; being registered
  • The state of one's name being on a list.
  • 명부에 이름이 적혀 있음.
being regretful
    being reflective; being regretful; being repentant
  • A state of examining or realizing, and regretting one's wrongdoings by looking back on one's past words or actions.
  • 자신의 말이나 행동을 되돌아보면서 잘못을 살피거나 그것을 깨닫고 뉘우치는 것.
being regular
    being fixed; being regular
  • The state of being unchanged, once decided.
  • 한번 정한 내용을 변경하지 않음.
    being fixed; being regular
  • A condition being unchanged, once decided.
  • 정한 내용을 변경하지 않는 것.
    habit; routine; being habitual; being regular
  • A state in which a bad habit or event occurs repeatedly.
  • 좋지 않은 버릇이나 일이 계속 반복됨.
    being fixed; being regular
  • A state in which the size, shape, range, time, etc., of something is fixed.
  • 어떤 것의 크기, 모양, 범위, 시간 등이 하나로 정해져 있음.
    being regular; being formal
  • A rule or norm that has been established formally.
  • 정식으로 정해진 규칙이나 규범.
    being regular
  • Something that has been established formally.
  • 정식으로 정해져 있는 것.
    being regular; regular worker
  • A position or job that guarantees employment up to a certain age and requires full-time work.
  • 일정한 나이까지의 고용이 보장되며 전일제로 일하는 직위나 직무.
    being periodic; being regular
  • The act of the same phenomenon or feature appearing again at regular intervals.
  • 일정한 간격을 두고 같은 현상이나 특징이 다시 나타나는 것.
being rejected
    being unsuccessful; being rejected
  • A state of failing to pass a test or to be selected.
  • 심사나 선발에서 떨어짐.
    being rejected; failing
  • A state of failing an examination or test.
  • 시험이나 검사에 떨어짐.
being related
    being related; being concerned; being relevant
  • A state of being related to a certain field or area; or such a field or area.
  • 어떤 방면이나 영역에 관련을 맺고 있음. 또는 그 방면이나 영역.
    being related
  • People, objects, or phenomena, etc., of more than two, being related so as to influence each other, or the relationship.
  • 둘 이상의 사람, 사물, 현상 등이 서로 영향을 주고받도록 관계를 맺고 있음. 또는 그 관계.
    being related
  • The state or situation of being related to each other, or being related.
  • 서로 관련이 있는 상태나 상황. 관련이 있음.
    being related; being competent; being relevant
  • A state of being applicable to a just right thing.
  • 바로 그것에 해당됨.
    being related
  • The state of having relation or relevance.
  • 관계나 관련이 있음.
    being relevant; being competent; being related
  • The thing itself related to something.
  • 무엇과 관계가 있는 바로 그것.
being related to animals
    being related to animals
  • An inherent quality seen in only animals.
  • 동물에서만 볼 수 있는 고유한 성질.
being relative
    being relative
  • A state of opposing one another or being considered compared with one another.
  • 서로 맞서거나 비교되는 관계에 있는 것.
    being relative
  • Opposing one another or being compared with one another.
  • 서로 맞서거나 비교되는 관계에 있는.
being released
    being released
  • The state of becoming free and leaving a detention house or prison.
  • 구치소나 교도소에서 풀려나옴.
    being released; being discharged
  • The state of being released from prison, after a prison term.
  • 형벌을 받는 기간을 마치고 교도소에서 석방되어 나옴.
being relentless
    being unyielding; being persistent; being relentless
  • An attitude of doing everything very stubbornly and persistently despite any difficulties; or a person with such an attitude.
  • 어려움에도 불구하고 어떤 일이든 몹시 억세고 끈덕지게 해 나가는 태도. 또는 그런 사람.
being relevant
    being related; being concerned; being relevant
  • A state of being related to a certain field or area; or such a field or area.
  • 어떤 방면이나 영역에 관련을 맺고 있음. 또는 그 방면이나 영역.
    being related; being competent; being relevant
  • A state of being applicable to a just right thing.
  • 바로 그것에 해당됨.
    being relevant; being competent; being related
  • The thing itself related to something.
  • 무엇과 관계가 있는 바로 그것.
being reliant
    being dependent; being reliant
  • The quality of tending to depend on something, not being able to handle a certain thing on one's own.
  • 자신의 힘으로 하지 못하고 무엇에 기대는 성질이 있는 것.
being religious
    being religious
  • Something that belongs or relates to a religion.
  • 종교에 딸리거나 종교와 관련이 있는 것.
being repentant
    being reflective; being regretful; being repentant
  • A state of examining or realizing, and regretting one's wrongdoings by looking back on one's past words or actions.
  • 자신의 말이나 행동을 되돌아보면서 잘못을 살피거나 그것을 깨닫고 뉘우치는 것.
being repetitive
    being repetitive; being on and off
  • The pattern of incidents being repeated at regular gaps.
  • 어떤 일이 일정한 간격을 두고 자꾸 반복되는 모양.
being representative
    being representative; being typical
  • A quality of being extremely outstanding or excellent enough to represent a certain group or sector.
  • 어떤 집단이나 분야를 대표할 만큼 가장 두드러지거나 뛰어난 것.
being repressive
    being suppressive; being oppressive; being repressive
  • A state of restraining someone from acting freely.
  • 자유롭게 행동하지 못하도록 억누르는 것.
being required
    being essential; being indispensable; being required
  • A state in which a certain object is indispensable or essential for doing something.
  • 어떤 물건이 반드시 있어야 하거나 반드시 쓰임.
    being essential; being required; being indispensable
  • A state of being essential or required.
  • 꼭 있어야 하거나 해야 하는 것.

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