foreign influenceforeign invasionforeignismforeign landforeign languageforeign-made goodsforeign-made productforeign matterforeign movieforeign newsforeign powerforeign productforeign styleforeknowledgeforelegforelimbforelockforemanforenoonforeplayforerunnerforeseeforeshadowforeshadowingforesightforestforestallingforest and fieldforestationforest bathingforest fireforest pathforestryforest treeforetasteforetellerforeverForewarned, forearmedforewordfor exampleforex marketfor fear that someone may be blown away with just a little puff and burst with just a little squeezefor fear that someone may be put out with just a little bit of a squeeze and fly away with just a little puffforfeitfor freeforgeforge a roadforgeryforget
foreign influence
foreign invasion
- The invasion from an outside force or a foreign country.
- 외부나 외국이 쳐들어옴.
foreign invasion; invasion from outside
- Manners that have come from a foreign country.
- 외국에서 들어온 풍속.
foreignism; exotic fashion; foreign custom
foreign land
1. 이국
- The country of strangers, whose culture, customs, etc., are totally different from those of one's country.
- 문화나 풍속 등이 전혀 다른 남의 나라.
foreign country; foreign land
2. 이국땅
- The land of strangers, whose culture, customs, etc., are totally different from those of one's country.
- 문화나 풍속 등이 전혀 다른 남의 나라 땅.
foreign land; strange land
3. 이방
- The country of strangers, whose culture, customs, etc., are totally different from those of one's country.
- 문화나 풍속 등이 전혀 다른 남의 나라.
foreign country; foreign land
foreign language
- The language of a foreign country.
- 다른 나라의 말.
- A word that has not been naturalized after being adopted from a foreign country, such as a movie or milk.
- 외국에서 들어온 말로 아직 국어로 정착되지 않은 단어. 무비, 밀크 등이 있다.
foreign language
foreign language
foreign-made goods
foreign-made product
- The state of being produced in a foreign country, or such a product.
- 다른 나라에서 생산함. 또는 그런 물건.
foreign-made product; being of foreign origin
foreign matter
- A foreign substance in a pure substance, which has different properties from the pure substance.
- 순수한 물질 속에 섞인 다른 성질의 물질.
impurity; foreign matter
foreign movie
foreign news
- News from a foreign source, which has been relayed to a nation's domestic news outlets.
- 외국으로부터 국내의 보도 기관에 들어온 소식.
foreign news
foreign power
foreign product
foreign style
- The state of already knowing before something happens.
- 어떤 일이 일어나기 전에 미리 앎.
foreknowledge; foresight
- Two front legs of a four-legged animal or an insect.
- 네발짐승이나 곤충의 앞쪽에 있는 두 다리.
foreleg; forelimb
- Two front legs of a four-legged animal or an insect.
- 네발짐승이나 곤충의 앞쪽에 있는 두 다리.
foreleg; forelimb
- A person who supervises and directs laborers at a construction site.
- 공사장에서 일꾼들을 감독하고 일을 지시하는 사람.
foreman; chief workman
- The act of a man and a woman caressing each other before engaging in sexual intercourse.
- 남녀가 육체적 관계를 맺기 전에 서로를 어루만지는 일.
2. 산림
- A collective term for mountain and woods, or the woods in the mountain.
- 산과 숲. 또는 산에 있는 숲.
- The act of acting or striking first in an athletic match, fight, etc., to dampen an opponent's spirits.
- 운동 경기나 싸움 등에서 상대편의 기세를 억누르기 위해 먼저 행동하는 것.
preempting; taking the lead; forestalling
forest and field
forest bathing
- An act of taking a walk or staying in the forest for health, relaxing physically and mentally.
- 건강을 위해 숲에서 머물거나 산책하면서 몸과 마음을 편안하게 하는 것.
forest bathing
forest fire
forest path
- A business of forming or nurturing forests, and making use of them economically.
- 산림을 유지 혹은 조성하고 이를 경제적으로 이용하는 사업.
forest tree
- A tall tree with straight, thick stems and of which the branches grow widely and spread mostly at the upper part.
- 줄기가 곧고 굵으며 키가 크고 주로 위쪽에서 가지가 퍼져 자라는 나무.
forest tree
- (figurative) A slight and partial experience of something to come.
- (비유적으로) 본격적으로 하기 전에 시험 삼아 조금 해 보는 것.
- A person who talks of a future event based upon knowledge or guesswork about it.
- 미래의 일을 알거나 추측하여 말하는 사람.
predictor; foreteller
3. 영원히
- In a manner of a phenomenon or shape lasting endlessly; in a manner of forever not changing.
- 끝없이 이어지는 상태로. 또는 언제까지나 변하지 않는 상태로.
eternally; everlastingly; forever
Forewarned, forearmed
- An expression used to indicate that once one is prepared, one does nothing to worry about something.
- 미리 준비를 해 놓으면 걱정할 것이 없음.
Forewarned, forearmed
- The front part of a book or piece of writing with a simple description of its content, purpose, etc.
- 책이나 글의 첫 부분에 내용이나 목적 등을 간단하게 적은 글.
preface; foreword; introduction
for example
forex market
- The market where the notes used in a transaction with a foreign country are bought and sold.
- 외국과 거래할 때 쓰는 어음을 사고파는 시장.
foreign exchange market; forex market
Proverbsfor fear that someone may be blown away with just a little puff and burst with just a little squeeze
- An expression used to describe the attitude of parents who care much about and cherish their young children.
- 주로 부모가 어린 자녀를 몹시 아끼며 소중하게 생각하는 마음.
for fear that someone may be blown away with just a little puff and burst with just a little squeeze
Idiomfor fear that someone may be put out with just a little bit of a squeeze and fly away with just a little puff
관용구쥐면 꺼질까 불면 날까
- A manner of treating one's adorable child very carefully.
- 아이를 사랑하여 매우 소중히 다루는 모양.
for fear that someone may be put out with just a little bit of a squeeze and fly away with just a little puff
1. 몰수하다
- To take forcibly the property of a criminal that was used to help commit the crime or acquired as a result of it.
- 죄를 지은 사람에게서 범죄 행위에 제공하거나 범죄 행위의 결과로 얻은 재산을 강제로 빼앗다.
confiscate; forfeit
2. 박탈
- The act of taking another person's property, right, qualification, etc., away with force.
- 남의 재물이나 권리, 자격 등을 강제로 빼앗음.
deprivation; forfeit
3. 박탈하다
- To take another person's property, right, qualification, etc., away with force.
- 남의 재물이나 권리, 자격 등을 강제로 빼앗다.
deprive; forfeit
5. 위약금
- Money that a person who breaks a contract is supposed to give to the other party.
- 계약을 어기는 사람이 계약의 상대방에게 주기로 약속한 돈.
cancellation charge; penalty for breach of contract; forfeit
for free
1. 위조하다
- To make an object or document look genuine, in order to deceive others.
- 남을 속이려고 물건이나 문서를 진짜처럼 만들다.
forge; fabricate; falsify
3. 치다²
- To make a tool by heating and striking a piece of metal.
- 쇠붙이를 불에 뜨겁게 달구어 두들겨서 연장을 만들다.
4. 확립하다
- To make a thought or system, etc., firm and clear.
- 생각이나 체계 등을 굳고 확실하게 세우다.
establish; build; forge
Idiomforge a road
관용구길(을) 뚫다
- To find a way.
- 방법을 찾아내다.
forge a road
1. 가짜
- Something which is made to look real, but is not real.
- 진짜처럼 꾸몄지만 진짜가 아닌 것.
fake; forgery; imitation
3. 위작
- The act of making a thing similar to another's piece of work; or such a piece of work.
- 다른 사람의 작품을 비슷하게 만듦. 또는 그 작품.
- The act of making a copy of another's work and releasing it without the permit of the copyright holder.
- 저작권자의 승낙 없이 다른 사람의 작품을 똑같이 만들어 발행함.
fake; phony; forgery
fake; phony; forgery
4. 위조
- The act of making an object or document look genuine, in order to deceive others.
- 남을 속이려고 물건이나 문서를 진짜처럼 만듦.
forgery; fabrication; falsification
5. 위조죄
- The crime of faking and using a product, money, document, etc., to deceive others.
- 남을 속이려고 물건, 화폐, 문서 등을 진짜처럼 만들고 사용하는 죄.
6. 조작¹
- The act of making up something as if it were true.
- 어떤 일을 사실인 것처럼 꾸며서 만듦.
forgery; manipulation
3. 잊다
- To not remember or fail to remember something that one knew once.
- 한번 알았던 것을 기억하지 못하거나 기억해 내지 못하다.
- To momentarily fail to recall something that one should remember.
- 기억해야 할 것을 한순간 미처 생각해 내지 못하다.
- To put one's difficulties, pain, or bad things of the past out of one's mind, or not care about them.
- 어려움이나 고통, 또는 좋지 않은 지난 일을 마음속에 두지 않거나 신경 쓰지 않다.
- To not keep one's duty or one's debt to someone in one's mind.
- 본분이나 은혜 등을 마음에 새겨 두지 않다.
- To skip meals, sleep, etc., while being so absorbed in something.
- 어떤 일에 열중한 나머지 잠이나 식사 등을 제대로 챙기지 않다.
forget; be forgetful of
forget; dismiss something from one's mind; think no more of
4. 잊어버리다
- To not remember or fail to remember something that one knew once.
- 한번 알았던 것을 모두 기억하지 못하거나 전혀 기억해 내지 못하다.
- To momentarily fail to recall something that one should remember.
- 기억해야 할 것을 한순간 전혀 생각해 내지 못하다.
- To put one's difficulties, pain, or bad things of the past out of one's mind, or not care about them.
- 어려움이나 고통, 또는 좋지 않은 지난 일을 마음속에 두지 않거나 신경 쓰지 않다.
- To not keep one's duty or one's debt to someone in one's mind.
- 마땅히 해야 할 일이나 은혜 등을 마음에 새겨 두지 않다.
- To skip meals, sleep, etc., while being so absorbed in something.
- 어떤 일에 열중하여 잠이나 식사 등을 제대로 챙기지 않다.
forget; be forgetful of
forget; dismiss something from one's mind; think no more of
6. 흘려보내다
- To let something pass or go by.
- 흘러가도록 내버려 두다.
- To miss or forget what others say without paying attention to it.
- 주의해서 듣지 않고 그냥 지나쳐 버리다.
pass; forget
forget; ignore; overlook
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