quick firer
    quick firer
  • A cannon that fires a lot of rounds quickly.
  • 많은 탄알을 빨리 쏠 수 있는 포.
    quick-firer; fast talker
  • (figurative) A person who talks a lot and very fast.
  • (비유적으로) 말이 많고 매우 빠른 사람.
quick in visual learning
    quick in visual learning
  • Remembering or imitating something very well, just by looking at it or a demonstration just once.
  • 한두 번 보고도 잘 기억하거나 그대로 따라 하는 재주.
  • In the manner of taking a short time.
  • 걸리는 시간이 짧게.
    rapidly; quickly
  • In the manner of something flowing or going very fast.
  • 어떤 흐름이나 진행 속도가 매우 빠르게.
    nimbly; quickly
  • In an agile and quick manner.
  • 가볍고 재빠르게.
    quickly; suddenly
  • A word describing a person or an animal darting at something and biting or grabbing it.
  • 갑자기 달려들어 한 번에 물거나 잡는 모양.
    quickly; suddenly
  • A word describing a person or an animal darting at something repeatedly and biting or grabbing it at once.
  • 자꾸 달려들어 한 번에 물거나 잡는 모양.
    markedly; quickly
  • In the manner of increasing, stretching or shrinking very severely and suddenly.
  • 매우 거침새 없이 갑자기 늘거나 주는 모양.
    all of a sudden; quickly
  • In the manner of standing up suddenly from the position of lying down or sitting down.
  • 눕거나 앉아 있다가 갑자기 일어나는 모양.
  • In the manner of doing something repeatedly, very lightly, and fast.
  • 아주 가볍고 빠르게 자꾸 행동하는 모양.
  • In a short duration of time.
  • 걸리는 시간이 짧게.
  • In a very short of duration time.
  • 걸리는 시간이 아주 짧게.
11. 속히
    soon; quickly
  • Quite fast, in a hurry.
  • 서둘러서 꽤 빠르게.
  • In a very swift manner of handling tasks, doing actions, etc.
  • 일처리나 행동 등이 매우 빠르게.
13. 쑥쑥
  • In the manner of getting bigger or growing up so much rapidly.
  • 갑자기 많이 커지거나 자라는 모양.
  • A word describing the movement of passing quickly.
  • 빨리 지나가는 모양.
15. 어서
    quickly; without hesitation; without delay
  • A word used to hurry someone to work or do something quickly.
  • 일이나 행동을 빨리 하도록 재촉하는 말.
16. 얼른
    quickly; immediately; promptly
  • Right away without lingering over something.
  • 시간을 오래 끌지 않고 바로.
    right away; quickly
  • In a manner of finishing one thing after another very quickly and without a hitch.
  • 어떤 일을 잇따라 빠르고 시원스럽게 끝내는 모양.
    right away; quickly
  • In a manner of finishing one thing after another very quickly and without a hitch.
  • 어떤 일을 잇따라 빠르고 시원스럽게 끝내는 모양.
  • In a manner of being quick and agile.
  • 동작 등이 날쌔고 빠르게.
  • In such a manner that a small person, object, etc., quickly slides down a slope.
  • 작은 사람이나 물건 등이 기울어진 곳에서 빠르게 미끄러져 내리는 모양.
  • quickly
  • In a manner of walking or following someone in small quick steps.
  • 작고 재빠른 걸음으로 걷거나 따라다니는 모양.
  • With a sound resembling the one that is produced when a thin, narrow flow of water, etc., runs down quickly and briefly before stopping, or such an action.
  • 가는 물줄기 등이 빠르게 잠깐 흐르다가 그치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • quickly
  • In the manner of a child, small object, etc., sliding down a slope quickly and briefly before stopping.
  • 어린아이나 작은 물건 등이 기울어진 곳에서 빠르게 잠깐 미끄러지다가 멈추는 모양.
  • Early and fast.
  • 이르고도 빠르게.
  • With a sound resembling one that is produced when a flow of water, etc., keeps falling down forcefully, or such an action.
  • 물줄기 따위가 잇따라 세차게 쏟아지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • quickly
  • With a sound resembling one that is produced when many small objects keep falling down, or such an action.
  • 여러 개의 작은 물체가 잇따라 쏟아지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
24. 주룩
  • With a sound resembling one that is produced when a large amount of rain or water falls down quickly and briefly before stopping, or such an action.
  • 많은 양의 비나 물 등이 빠르게 잠깐 흐르다가 그치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • In such a manner that a thick flow of water runs down, or the sound made by such a flow.
  • 굵은 물줄기 등이 빠르게 흘러내리는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • quickly
  • In such a manner that a person, object, etc., quickly slides down a slope.
  • 사람이나 물건 등이 기울어진 곳에서 빠르게 미끄러져 내리는 모양.
  • quickly
  • In a manner of walking or following someone in quick steps.
  • 재빠른 걸음으로 걷거나 따라다니는 모양.
  • With a sound resembling one that is produced when a rivulet of water, etc., runs down quickly and briefly before stopping, or such an action.
  • 굵은 물줄기 등이 빠르게 잠깐 흐르다가 그치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • quickly
  • In a manner of a person, object, etc., sliding down a slope quickly and briefly before stopping.
  • 사람이나 물건 등이 기울어진 곳에서 빠르게 잠깐 미끄러지다가 멈추는 모양.
    quickly; in a trickle
  • A word used to describe the trickling sound made when a thin flow of water runs down, or such a motion.
  • 가는 물줄기 등이 빠르게 흘러내리는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • quickly; in a sliding manner
  • In the manner of a small person, object, etc., quickly sliding down a slope.
  • 작은 사람이나 물건 등이 기울어진 곳에서 빠르게 미끄러져 내리는 모양.
  • quickly; in a scurry
  • In the manner of walking or following someone in small quick steps.
  • 작고 재빠른 걸음으로 걷거나 따라다니는 모양.
    quickly; in a trickle
  • A word used to describe the trickling sound made when a thin flow of water runs down quickly and briefly before stopping, or such a motion.
  • 가는 물줄기 등이 빠르게 잠깐 흐르다가 그치는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • quickly; in a sliding manner
  • In the manner of a small person, object, etc., sliding down a slope quickly and briefly before stopping.
  • 어린아이나 작은 물건 등이 기울어진 곳에서 빠르게 잠깐 미끄러지다가 멈추는 모양.
    quickly; in a trickle
  • A word used to describe the sound made when a thick flow of water runs down, or such a motion.
  • 굵은 물줄기 등이 빠르게 흘러내리는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
  • quickly; in a sliding manner
  • In the manner of a person, object, etc., quickly sliding down a slope.
  • 사람이나 물건 등이 기울어진 곳에서 빠르게 미끄러져 내리는 모양.
  • quickly; in a scurry
  • In the manner of walking or following someone in quick steps.
  • 재빠른 걸음으로 걷거나 따라다니는 모양.
30. 쭉쭉
    quickly; in a sliding manner
  • In the manner of being pushed away on a slippery surface.
  • 미끄러운 곳에서 계속 밀려 나가는 모양.
    quickly; hurriedly
  • In the manner of walking fast, in a hurry.
  • 매우 바삐 걷는 모양.
32. 퍼뜩
  • A word describing a certain thought occurring suddenly for a very short period of time.
  • 어떤 생각이 갑자기 아주 짧게 떠오르는 모양.
    as soon as possible; immediately; quickly
  • As soon as possible.
  • 하루라도 빨리.
    as soon as possible; immediately; quickly
  • As soon as possible.
  • 하루라도 빠르게.
    as soon as possible; immediately; quickly
  • As soon as possible.
  • 하루라도 빠르게.
    as soon as possible; hurriedly; quickly
  • As soon as possible; or hurriedly and quickly.
  • 조금이라도 빨리. 또는 급하게 서둘러서.
    quickly; hurriedly
  • In the manner of being in a rush to finish a task quickly.
  • 일을 급하게 서둘러 빨리 하는 모양.
    quickly; in an instant; in a flash; powerfully
  • In the manner of a certain event progressing quickly, powerfully.
  • 어떤 일이 빠르고 힘차게 일어나는 모양.
39. 확확
    quickly; in an instant; in a flash; powerfully
  • In the manner of a series of events progressing quickly, powerfully.
  • 어떤 일이 잇따라 빠르고 힘차게 일어나는 모양.
    quickly; sharply
  • A word describing the motion of turning something around suddenly, strongly.
  • 갑자기 힘 있게 빨리 돌리는 모양.
    quickly; nimbly; swiftly
  • In the manner of running fast or moving one's body suddenly.
  • 갑자기 빠르게 뛰거나 몸을 움직이는 모양.
  • quickly; hurriedly
  • In a manner of being in a rush to finish a task quickly.
  • 일을 서둘러 빨리 해치우는 모양.
    quickly; hurriedly
  • In the manner of being in a rush to finish a task quickly.
  • 일을 급하게 서둘러 빨리 해치우는 모양.
43. 후딱
    quickly; swiftly; nimbly
  • In the manner of acting very swiftly.
  • 매우 재빠르게 행동하는 모양.
  • quickly; in a flash; in a blink of an eye
  • In the state of time seeming to fly very fast.
  • 시간이 매우 빠르게 지나가는 모양.
    quickly; swiftly; nimbly
  • In the manner of doing a series of acts very quickly, randomly.
  • 닥치는 대로 잇따라 매우 재빠르게 행동하는 모양.
  • quickly; in a flash; in a blink of an eye
  • In the state of time seeming to fly very fast, continuously.
  • 시간이 잇따라 매우 빠르게 지나가는 모양.
  • In the manner of getting things done quickly.
  • 일을 빠르게 해치우는 모양.
  • quickly
  • A word describing the motion of taking a quick look around.
  • 주위를 한 번 둘러보는 모양.
46. 휙휙
    quickly; swiftly
  • A word describing the motion of an object moving or passing swiftly, continuously.
  • 계속해서 빠르게 움직이거나 스치는 모양.
  • quickly; rapidly
  • A word describing the manner of getting things done quickly one after another.
  • 일을 계속 빠르게 해치우는 모양.
47. 힐끗
    briefly; quickly
  • In the state of coming in and out of view briefly.
  • 눈에 잠깐 띄는 모양.
quickly and quietly
    quickly and quietly
  • A word describing a person acting quickly and quietly.
  • 슬쩍 행동하는 모양.
quickly used up
    quickly used up; easily worn out
  • An object being easily worn out or something quickly running out.
  • 물건이 쉽게 닳거나 빨리 없어지는 듯하다.
quickly with a jerk
    quickly with a jerk
  • A word describing the motion of shaking off hands or thrusting something away quickly.
  • 힘을 주어서 날쌔게 뿌리치는 모양.
quickly without hesitation
    quickly without hesitation
  • In the manner of doing a certain act swiftly and without hesitation.
  • 망설이지 않고 선뜻 행동하는 모양.
    quickly without hesitation
  • A word describing the manner of doing a certain act swiftly, vigorously, and without hesitation.
  • 망설이지 않고 빠르고 시원하게 행동하는 모양.
    quickly without hesitation
  • In the manner of doing a certain act swiftly and without hesitation.
  • 전혀 망설이지 않고 선뜻 행동하는 모양.
    quickly without hesitation
  • In the manner of doing a certain act swiftly and without hesitation.
  • 전혀 망설이지 않고 선뜻선뜻 행동하는 모양.
    quickly without hesitation
  • A word describing the manner of doing a certain act swiftly, vigorously, and without hesitation.
  • 어떤 행동을 망설이지 않고 빠르고 시원스럽게 해내는 모양.
    quickness; agility
  • A quick and agile nature in a movement, action, decision, etc.
  • 동작, 행동, 판단 등이 재빠르고 날쌘 성질.
    quickness; rapidity; swiftness
  • An action, work processing, etc., being very fast.
  • 일처리나 행동 등이 매우 빠름.
    quickness; rapidity; swiftness
  • The quality of an action, work processing, etc., being very fast.
  • 일처리나 행동 등이 매우 빠른 성질.
quick pace
    quick pace
  • The act of walking quickly, or a fast walk.
  • 빨리 걸음. 또는 빠른 걸음.
quick reaction
    quick reaction
  • The ability to make a quick judgment, and then speak or act in response to a certain event.
  • 어떤 일이 생겼을 때 순간적으로 판단해서 말하거나 행동하는 능력.
quick relief
    quick relief
  • An immediate result or effect.
  • 어떤 결과나 효과가 바로 나타남.
quick short steps
    quick short steps
  • A fast, hurried walk.
  • 서둘러 빨리 걷는 걸음.

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