suddenly appear and suddenly vanishsuddenly appearing and suddenly vanishingsuddenly at the same timesuddenly deceasedsuddenly fall from the skysudden momentsuddennesssudden risesudden showersudden situationsudden splashsudden stopsudden successsudden thrivingsudden turnsudden uncontrollable laughtersuesuffersuffer a reversalsuffer a side blow in a fightsuffer crushing defeatsufferersuffer from indigestionsuffer from progeriasuffer from sudden indigestionsuffer hardshipssufferingsuffering a reversalsuffering from a sicknesssuffering hardshipsuffer losssuffer measlessufficientsufficient amountsufficient conditionsufficientlysuffixsuffocatesuffocating
suddenly appear and suddenly vanish
- (figurative) To appear and disappear suddenly as one wishes, like a ghost, without letting others know of one's movement.
- (비유적으로) 귀신이 나타났다가 사라지는 것처럼 그 움직임을 알 수 없게 자기 마음대로 나타나고 사라지다.
suddenly appear and suddenly vanish
suddenly appearing and suddenly vanishing
- (figurative) One's movement or transformation being so unpredictable and mysterious that others cannot notice it, as if a ghost appears briefly and then vanishes.
- (비유적으로) 귀신이 나타났다가 사라지는 것처럼 그 움직임이나 변화가 알아챌 수 없을 만큼 자유롭고 신기하다.
suddenly appearing and suddenly vanishing
suddenly at the same time
- A word describing many incidents suddenly occurring.
- 여러 가지 일들이 갑자기 일어나는 모양.
suddenly at the same time
suddenly deceased
Idiomsuddenly fall from the sky
관용구하늘에서 뚝 떨어지다
- To gain something as a windfall without any due efforts.
- 큰 노력을 하지 않았는데도 갑자기 어떠한 성과를 얻게 되다.
suddenly fall from the sky
sudden moment
- The sudden appearance of an unexpected accident, behavior, object, etc.
- 예상하지 못한 사건이나 행동, 물체 등이 갑자기 나타남.
suddenness; abruptness
sudden rise
1. 급부상
- Something under water that rises suddenly over its surface.
- 물속에 있던 것이 갑자기 물 위로 떠오름.
sudden rise
2. 급상승
- The state of the temperature, price, proportion, etc., suddenly rising quickly.
- 기온이나 가격, 비율 등이 갑자기 빠르게 오름.
sudden rise; steep rise
3. 발흥
- A state in which an ideology, a country, force, etc. rises suddenly and gains power.
- 국가, 이념, 세력 등이 갑자기 일어나 힘을 얻음.
sudden rise; sudden thriving
sudden shower
sudden situation
- A situation or state in which an unexpected happening occurs.
- 뜻밖에 갑작스러운 일이 벌어져 있는 상황이나 상태.
sudden situation; unexpected situation
sudden splash
- (figurative) Having water poured on oneself unexpectedly.
- (비유적으로) 예기치 않게 물을 뒤집어 씀.
sudden splash
sudden stop
sudden success
sudden thriving
- A state in which an ideology, a country, force, etc. rises suddenly and gains power.
- 국가, 이념, 세력 등이 갑자기 일어나 힘을 얻음.
sudden rise; sudden thriving
sudden turn
sudden uncontrollable laughter
- The state of bursting into a laughter in spite of oneself because of some nonsense, or such a laughter.
- 어처구니가 없어 자기도 모르게 웃음이 툭 터져 나옴. 또는 그 웃음.
sudden uncontrollable laughter
1. 고행하다
- (figurative) To go through a difficult and agonizing incident.
- (비유적으로) 힘들고 괴로운 일을 겪다.
4. 만나다
- To go through something.
- 어떤 일을 당하다.
- To be in a certain time or gain an opportunity.
- 어떤 때를 당하거나 어떤 기회를 얻다.
meet with; be struck by; be hit by; go through; suffer
be in; enjoy; suffer; meet
7. 보다¹
- To suffer, experience or gain something.
- 어떤 일을 당하거나 겪거나 얻어 가지다.
suffer; experiecne; gain; make
8. 부대끼다
- To feel troubled from dealing with demanding people or work.
- 사람이나 일에 시달려 괴로워하다.
suffer; be pestered; be troubled
9. 쓰리다
- To be painful and distressed as if one's heart is aching.
- 마음이 쑤시는 것처럼 아프고 괴롭다.
10. 안다
- To suffer a loss or debt, or shoulder responsibility, etc.
- 손해나 빚 또는 책임 등을 맡다.
bear; assume; suffer
12. 입다
- To experience something bad, such as a loss, injury, damage, etc.
- 손해, 상처, 피해 등의 좋지 못한 일을 당하다.
suffer; sustain
suffer a reversal
- To lose a winning game or competition as the situation turns in favor of the opponent.
- 경기나 시합에서 계속 이기고 있다가 상황이 뒤바뀌어 지다.
suffer a reversal
Proverbssuffer a side blow in a fight
- For an irrelevant and weak bystander to be hurt amid a fight between the strong.
- 강한 자들이 싸우는 틈에서 아무 상관없는 약한 자가 해를 입는다.
The back of a shrimp bursts amid a fight between whales; suffer a side blow in a fight
suffer crushing defeat
- To be completely defeated or utterly fail in a fight, sports game, etc.
- 싸움이나 경기 등에서 매우 크게 지거나 실패하다.
suffer crushing defeat; be terribly defeated
suffer from indigestion
- For food to not be digested well, causing a discomfort in the stomach.
- 먹은 것이 잘 소화되지 않아 배 속이 편하지 않게 되다.
feel stodgy; suffer from indigestion
suffer from progeria
suffer from sudden indigestion
suffer hardships
- To experience difficulties enough to feel distressed.
- 속이 상할 정도로 어려움을 겪다.
suffer hardships; have a hard time
1. 개고생
- The state of suffering from a very difficult and hard problem.
- 아주 심하게 어렵고 힘든 일을 겪음.
hardship; trouble; suffering
2. 고난
- A state or situation which is extremely difficult and painful.
- 매우 괴롭고 어려움.
hardship; trouble; suffering; difficulty; adversity; trial; ordeal
3. 고행
- (figurative) An act of going through a difficult and agonizing incident.
- (비유적으로) 힘들고 괴로운 일을 겪음.
5. 괴롬
- The state of being in pain physically or emotionally, or this feeling.
- 몸이나 마음이 고통스러운 상태. 또는 그런 느낌.
suffering; ordeal; agony
8. 환난
- An extremely worrying and painful situation.
- 매우 걱정되고 고통스러운 일.
hardship; adversity; ordeal; suffering
suffering a reversal
- A failure in a winning game or competition as the situation turns in favor of the opponent.
- 경기나 시합에서 계속 이기고 있다가 상황이 뒤바뀌어 짐.
suffering a reversal
suffering from a sickness
suffering hardship
- Experiencing difficulties at work or in life.
- 일이나 생활 등에 어렵고 힘든 점이 있다.
suffering hardship; painstaking; troubled
suffer loss
- To not get back as much as one has invested or the value of one's efforts, or suffer a loss.
- 들인 돈이나 노력에 비해 얻는 것이 적다. 또는 손해를 보다.
suffer loss; sell below cost
Idiomsuffer measles
관용구홍역(을) 치르다
- To go through a gruelling or difficult time.
- 몹시 애를 먹거나 어려움을 겪다.
suffer measles
1. 넉넉하다
- Enough, neither small nor insufficient in size or number.
- 크기나 수 등이 적거나 부족하지 않고 충분하다.
enough; sufficient; ample; plenty
2. 변변하다
- Having a sufficient amount of good household items, clothing, food, etc.
- 살림살이나 옷, 음식 등이 제대로 갖추어져 충분하다.
enough; sufficient; decent
3. 오붓하다
- One's household size or income being enough and substantial.
- 살림이나 수입이 넉넉하여 실속 있다.
sufficient; moderately wealthy; well
sufficient amount
sufficient condition
- In logic, the condition sufficient for a proposition.
- 논리학에서, 어떤 명제가 성립하는 데 충분한 조건.
sufficient condition
1. 넉넉히
- In the state of being enough, neither too small nor insufficient in size or number.
- 크기나 수 등이 적거나 부족하지 않고 충분하게.
sufficiently; plentifully
4. 착실히
- In the manner of being adequate in level or amount without lacking.
- 일정한 기준이나 정도에 모자람 없이 충분하게.
6. 함빡
- In a state of being ample to the extent of overflowing.
- 일정한 분량이 차고도 남을 만큼 넉넉하게.
fully; greatly; sufficiently
7. 흠뻑
- In a state of being ample to the extent of overflowing.
- 일정한 분량이 차고도 남을 만큼 몹시 넉넉하게.
fully; greatly; sufficiently
8. 흠씬
- In the manner of being ample to the extent of overflowing.
- 꽉 차고도 남을 만큼 넉넉하게.
sufficiently; fully; greatly
1. 접미사
- A word that is attached to the end of another and expands its meaning to form a new word.
- 어떤 말의 뒤에 붙어서 뜻을 더하며 새로운 단어를 만드는 말.
2. 토¹
- A part of speech that combines with nouns, pronouns, numerals, adverbs, endings, etc., to indicate the grammatical relationship between such words and others and to further specify the meanings of such words.
- 명사, 대명사, 수사, 부사, 어미 등에 붙어 그 말과 다른 말과의 문법적 관계를 표시하거나 그 말의 뜻을 도와주는 품사.
- The Korean suffix that is attached to a Chinese phrase for easier flow of reading.
- 한문 구절 끝에 붙여 읽는 한국어 부분.
3. 질식시키다
- To make someone unable to breathe by obstructing the air passages or depriving him/her of air.
- 숨통을 막거나 산소가 부족하게 하여 숨을 쉬지 못하게 하다.
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