although one or something is said ~altitudealtitude sicknessaltoaltogetheraltruismaltruisticaluminiumaluminum foilalumnaalumnaealumnialumni associationalumnusa lump on one's eyealwaysAlzheimer's man is born with what heshe will eatA man who loves his wife so much that he would even bow deeply at the post of his wife's parents' houseA man who loves his wife very much would even bow to the post of a stable in his parents-in-law's houseA man would not ensheathe his sword once he has drawn itA marka married daughter not being a member of the familya married woman living with her in-lawsamassamateuramateur danceramazementamazingamazonambassadoramberambienceambientambiguityambiguous
Idiomalthough one or something is said ~
관용구말이 ∼지
- To be different in reality from what is said or called.
- 말과는 다르게 실제로는 그렇지 못하여.
although one or something is said ~
altitude sickness
- Symptoms such as headaches, vomiting, etc., due to decreased air pressure in high mountains.
- 높은 산에 올라갔을 때 낮아진 기압 때문에 일어나는 두통, 구토 등의 증세.
mountain sickness; altitude sickness
- In vocal music, the lowest range of female voice, or a vocalist of this range.
- 성악에서, 여성의 가장 낮은 음역. 또는 그 음역의 가수.
- Regarding others' interests as more important than one's own.
- 자기의 이익보다는 다른 사람의 이익을 더 중요하게 생각하는.
altruistic; selfless
- Silver-white, soft metal, which is used widely in construction, chemistry, household goods, etc., because it is light and corrosion-resistant.
- 부식이 잘 되지 않고 가벼워 건축, 화학, 가정용 제품 등에 널리 쓰이는 은백색의 무른 쇠붙이.
aluminum foil
- A thin, paper-like aluminum, which is usually used to wrap food.
- 주로 식품을 포장할 때 쓰는, 알루미늄을 종이처럼 얇게 펴 만든 것.
aluminum foil; tin foil
- People who went to the same school or studied under the same teacher.
- 한 스승 밑이나 같은 학교에서 함께 공부함.
alumni; alumnae
1. 교우²
- Employees, enrolled students and graduates of the same school.
- 같은 학교의 직원과 재학생과 졸업생.
2. 동문¹
- A person who went to the same school or learned from the same teacher.
- 같은 학교를 나온 사람이나 같은 스승에게서 배운 사람.
3. 동문수학
- People who went to the same school or studied under the same teacher.
- 한 스승 밑이나 같은 학교에서 함께 공부함.
alumni; alumnae
alumni association
- An association of people who graduated from the same school.
- 같은 학교를 졸업한 사람들의 모임.
alumni association
- People who studied in the same school.
- 같은 학교에서 공부를 한 사이.
- A person who graduated from the same school in the same year.
- 같은 해에 같은 학교를 나온 사람.
alumnus; classmate
alumnus; classmate
Idioma lump on one's eye
관용구눈 위에 혹
- A person one dislikes very much and does not want to see.
- 몹시 미워서 보기 싫은 사람.
a lump on one's eye
Alzheimer's disease
- A disease, usually affecting the elderly, which damages brains cells and leads to loss of intelligence, will, memory, etc.
- 주로 노인에게 나타나며, 뇌세포가 손상되어 지능, 의지, 기억 등이 사라지는 병.
dementia; Alzheimer's disease
- A prefix used to mean "able to get pregnant" or "able to bear a baby or fruit."
- '새끼를 밸 수 있는' 또는 '열매를 맺을 수 있는'의 뜻을 더하는 접두사.
- A prefix used to mean "having an inwards-bent shape."
- '오목한 형태를 가진'의 뜻을 더하는 접두사.
1. 병합하다
- For more than two organizations or countries to be unified, or to unify them.
- 둘 이상의 조직이나 나라 등이 하나로 합쳐지다. 또는 그렇게 만들다.
annex; amalgamate
2. 합방하다
- For two or more countries to be unified, or to unify them.
- 둘 이상의 나라가 하나로 합쳐지다. 또는 둘 이상의 나라를 합치다.
annex; amalgamate
3. 합병하다
- For two or more organizations, groups or countries to be unified; the act of unifying them.
- 둘 이상의 기구나 단체, 나라 등이 하나로 합쳐지다. 또는 그렇게 만들다.
merge; annex; amalgamate
1. 병합
- More than two organizations or countries being unified; the act of unifying them.
- 둘 이상의 조직이나 나라 등이 하나로 합쳐짐. 또는 그렇게 만듦.
annexation; amalgamation
2. 합방
- A state in which two or more countries are unified; the act of unifying them.
- 둘 이상의 나라가 하나로 합쳐짐. 또는 둘 이상의 나라를 합침.
annexation; amalgamation
3. 합병
- A state in which two or more organizations, groups or countries are unified; the act of unifying them.
- 둘 이상의 기구나 단체, 나라 등이 하나로 합쳐짐. 또는 그렇게 만듦.
merger; annexation; amalgamation
ProverbsA man is born with what heshe will eat
- People have their own ways to survive whether they have a talent or not.
- 사람은 능력이 있거나 없거나 누구든 다 살아 나갈 수 있는 방법을 가지고 있다.
A man is born with what he/she will eat
ProverbsA man who loves his wife so much that he would even bow deeply at the post of his wife's parents' house
- A man who loves his wife very much will love every little trivial thing around her and be nice to people around her.
- 아내가 좋으면 아내 주위의 모든 것이 좋아 보이고 주위 사람들에게도 잘하게 된다.
A man who loves his wife so much that he would even bow deeply at the post of his wife's parents' house; Love me, love my dog
ProverbsA man who loves his wife very much would even bow to the post of a stable in his parents-in-law's house
- An expression meaning that a man who loves his wife very much will love every little trivial thing around her.
- 아내가 좋으면 아내 주위의 보잘것없는 것까지 좋게 보인다는 말.
A man who loves his wife very much would even bow to the post of a stable in his parents-in-law's house; Love me, love my dog
ProverbsA man would not ensheathe his sword once he has drawn it
- An expression meaning that you should not give in to any obstacle in doing what you are determined to do.
- 무슨 일을 하려고 굳게 결심한 일에 방해가 있다고 해서 그만둘 수 없다는 말.
A man would not ensheathe his sword once he has drawn it
A mark
- The highest mark when grades are divided into five categories.
- 성적을 ‘수’, ‘우’, ‘미’, ‘양’, ‘가’의 다섯 등급으로 나눌 때 가장 높은 등급.
A mark; excellence
a married daughter not being a member of the family
- An expression meaning that a married daughter is not one's own family any more.
- 시집간 딸은 남이나 마찬가지라는 말.
a married daughter not being a member of the family
a married woman living with her in-laws
- The act of a married woman living with her in-laws.
- 결혼한 여자가 시집에 들어가서 사는 일.
a married woman living with her in-laws
1. 문외한
- A person who does not have any expert knowledge about something.
- 어떤 일에 대해 전문적인 지식이 없는 사람.
outsider; amateur
2. 비전문가
- A person who is not complete with expertise, skills, experience, etc. in a certain field.
- 일정한 분야에서 전문적인 지식이나 기술, 경험 등을 갖추지 못한 사람.
nonprofessional; amateur
3. 아마추어
- A person who enjoys the arts, sports, crafts, etc., as a hobby, not as a job.
- 예술, 운동, 기술 등을 직업이나 전문으로 하는 것이 아니라 취미로 즐기며 하는 사람.
amateur; beginner; novice
amateur dancer
- A state in which an idea is too bizarre and eccentric to be imagined easily.
- 생각이 쉽게 짐작할 수 없을 정도로 기발하고 엉뚱함.
bizarreness; amazement; extraordinariness
- A diplomatic official who is dispatched to another country as a representative of his/her country.
- 나라의 대표로 다른 나라에 파견되어 외교를 맡아 보는 사람.
- A yellow color tinged with a dark and dim hue.
- 어둡고 흐린 빛이 섞인 노란색.
amber; brownish yellow; being yellowish
1. 다의성
- The phenomenon or characteristic of a word or sentence that has two or more meanings.
- 한 단어나 한 문장이 둘 이상의 의미를 지니고 있는 현상이나 특성.
equivocality; ambiguity
2. 모호성
- The unclear quality of having many meanings in a word so that it is difficult to determine what it indicates.
- 어떤 말에 여러 뜻이 섞여 있어 정확하게 무엇을 나타내는지 분명하지 않은 성질.
1. 두루뭉술하다
- A remark, behavior, or attitude, etc., being indecisive, not clear.
- 말, 행동이나 태도 등이 분명하지 아니하다.
ambiguous; vague
2. 모호하다
- A remark or attitude being not clear in terms of what it exactly means.
- 어떤 말이나 태도가 정확하게 무엇을 뜻하는지 분명하지 않다.
vague; obscure; ambiguous
3. 아리송하다
- Difficult to understand because it is not clear.
- 그런 것 같기도 하고 아닌 것 같기도 하여 알기가 어렵다.
confusing; ambiguous; cryptic
4. 알쏭달쏭하다
- Something being hard to figure out because it appears to be different things at the same time.
- 그런 것 같기도 하고 그렇지 않은 것 같기도 하여 얼른 알 수가 없는 상태이다.
vague; ambiguous; evasive
5. 애매모호하다
- A remark, attitude, etc., being uncertain.
- 말이나 태도 등이 분명하지 않다.
vague; indefinite; ambiguous
6. 애매하다²
- An attitude or situation being uncertain.
- 태도나 상황이 분명하지 않다.
vague; indefinite; ambiguous
7. 어정쩡하다
- One's words or behavior being not definite.
- 말이나 행동이 분명하지 않다.
indefinite; ambiguous; obscure
9. 흐리멍덩하다
- Being vague and not clear in telling right from wrong or doing a task.
- 옳고 그름의 구별이나 하는 일 등이 흐릿하여 분명하지 않다.
unclear; vague; ambiguous
10. 흐리터분하다
- One's personality or act, etc., not being straightforward and dull.
- 성질이나 행동 등이 분명하지 않고 답답하다.
hazy; ambiguous; indecisive
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