Good clothes are those that are new, and good people are those who one has known for a long timegood conditiongood conductgood cropgood customgood deathgood deedgood defensegood effectgood eyegood, fair, and poorgood familygood feelingGood fences make good neighborsgood fightgood fitgood for nothinggood-for-nothinggood-for-nothing fellowgood fortunegood fortune and pleasureGood friends are those who are old, and good clothes are those that are newgood gamegood grasp of somethinggood guessergood handwritinggood harvestgood healthgood health and long lifegood hearinggood-heartedgood intentiongood-lookinggood-looking boygood-looking mangood-looking man and womangood looks and colorgood luckgood mangood memorygood namegood-naturedgoodnessgoodness graciousgood newsgood officesgood opportunitygood peopleGood people are those who are old, and good clothes are those that are newgood pitchinggood productgood qualitygood reviewgoods
ProverbsGood clothes are those that are new, and good people are those who one has known for a long time
- An expression meaning when it comes to a product, a new one is good, but when it comes to a person, an old, familiar and close one is good.
- 물건은 새것이 좋고 사람은 오래 사귀어 서로를 잘 알고 친밀한 사람이 좋다는 말.
Good clothes are those that are new, and good people are those who one has known for a long time
good condition
good conduct
- A laudable conduct that deserves the admiration of people.
- 다른 사람들이 본받을 만한 아름다운 행동.
good conduct
good crop
- The state of a year's crops being abundant in a rich year, or such farming.
- 농사가 잘되어 다른 때보다 수확이 많은 일. 또는 그렇게 지은 농사.
bumper crop; good harvest; good crop
good custom
- A good custom of a society, which has been handed down from old times.
- 주로 옛날부터 그 사회에 전해 오는 좋은 습관.
good custom
good death
good deed
- Achievements and honorable character acquired by conducting good deeds.
- 좋은 일을 하여 쌓은 업적과 훌륭한 인품.
good deed
good defense
- The act of defending well in sports against an attack from an opponent.
- 상대의 공격을 잘 막아 냄.
good defense; save
good effect
- A good function that works for its original purpose.
- 본래 목적대로 작용하는 좋은 기능.
virtuous function; good effect
good eye
- The ability of someone to judge or tell the value of something.
- 어떤 것의 가치를 판단하거나 구별할 수 있는 능력.
appreciative eye; good eye
good, fair, and poor
good family
1. 명문²
- A family recognized as having honorable family traditions.
- 훌륭한 가풍으로 이름난 좋은 집안.
good family; noble family; prestigious family
2. 명문가²
- A family recognized as having honorable family traditions passed on through generations.
- 훌륭한 가풍으로 대대로 이름난 좋은 집안.
good family; noble family
3. 양가¹
- A good family that is high in social status and sophisticated.
- 지위가 높고 교양이 있는 좋은 집안.
good family; decent family
good feeling
- A good feeling toward a certain object.
- 어떤 대상에 대하여 느끼는 좋은 감정.
good feeling; favorable impression; feeling favorably
ProverbsGood fences make good neighbors
- Just like an outhouse should be as far away as possible because of the smell, so too should the house of one's in-laws be far away since rumors spread.
- 뒷간이 나쁜 냄새가 나기 때문에 멀리 있을수록 좋은 것처럼 사돈집 사이에는 말이 나돌기 쉬우므로 서로 멀어야 한다.
The dwigan/dwitgan, an outhouse, and the house of one's-in-laws should be distant; Good fences make good neighbors
good fight
- The act of fighting or competing well with all one's effort in a game, etc.
- 경기 등에서 있는 힘을 다하여 잘 싸움.
fighting well; good fight
good fit
good for nothing
1. 고물²
- (figurative) A person who becomes useless in a society, or old.
- (비유적으로) 사회에서 쓸모없이 된 사람이나 나이가 든 사람.
old man; good-for-nothing
2. 껄렁껄렁하다
- A person's words or behavior being fickle and unreliable.
- 말이나 행동이 들떠 모두 믿음직스럽지 않다.
3. 껄렁하다
- A person's words or behavior being fickle and unreliable.
- 말이나 행동이 들떠 믿음직스럽지 않다.
4. 밥통
- (disparaging) A person who only eats rice without contributing his or her share of work.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 밥만 축내고 제구실을 못하는 사람.
5. 식충
- (disapproving) A person who spends his or her time loitering around, doing nothing but eating.
- (비난하는 말로) 밥만 먹고 하는 일 없이 지내는 사람.
glutton; pig; good-for-nothing
good-for-nothing fellow
good fortune
good fortune and pleasure
ProverbsGood friends are those who are old, and good clothes are those that are new
- An old friend is good because you have become deeply attached to him/her.
- 오래 사귄 친구일수록 정이 깊어서 좋다.
Good friends are those who are old, and good clothes are those that are new
good game
good grasp of something
- A unique opinion or idea of a person who is knowledgeable and competent in a certain field, and therefore has reached a certain level of expertise or established his/her own theories
- 어떤 분야에 대하여 뛰어난 지식과 능력이 있어 자기 나름대로 경지나 체계를 이룬 사람의 독특한 생각이나 의견.
one's own views; good grasp of something
good guesser
- A person who is good at pinpointing or identifying a fact or problem.
- 어떤 사실이나 문제를 정확하게 지적하거나 잘 알아맞히는 사람.
good anticipator; good guesser
good handwriting
- Well written handwriting or a person who writes very legibly.
- 아주 잘 쓴 글씨, 또는 글씨를 아주 잘 쓰는 사람.
good handwriting; person with good penmanship
good harvest
- The state of a year's crops being abundant in a rich year, or such farming.
- 농사가 잘되어 다른 때보다 수확이 많은 일. 또는 그렇게 지은 농사.
bumper crop; good harvest; good crop
good health
- The state of being comfortable with no worry nor problem.
- 아무 문제나 걱정이 없이 편안함.
peace; good health
good health and long life
good hearing
good intention
4. 변변하다
- Being above par or average in appearance, personality, etc.
- 사람의 생김새나 됨됨이 등이 보통을 넘는 상태이다.
good-looking; decent; satisfactory
5. 복스럽다
- Seeming to have a good personality, appearance, etc., and enjoy good luck.
- 외모나 성품 등이 모난 데가 없이 참하고 복이 있어 보이는 데가 있다.
good-looking; happy-looking
7. 잘생기다
- Having a pleasing and attractive appearance.
- 사람의 얼굴 생김새가 훌륭하다.
good-looking; handsome; comely
8. 핸섬하다
- Usually used for men, being well-built and having a neat and attractive appearance.
- 주로 남자가, 체격이 좋거나 얼굴이 깔끔하게 잘생기다.
handsome; comely; good-looking
good-looking boy
good-looking man
good-looking man and woman
- A compound noun meaning handsome men and beautiful women.
- 멋있는 남자와 아름다운 여자.
good-looking man and woman
good looks and color
good luck
good man
good memory
good name
goodness gracious
- An exclamation uttered when suddenly frightened.
- 갑자기 놀랐을 때 나오는 소리.
oh my gosh; goodness gracious
good news
good offices
- An act of assisting someone's business by saying good things or introducing people.
- 남의 일이 잘되도록 알아봐 주고 도와줌.
good offices; recommendation
good opportunity
good people
ProverbsGood people are those who are old, and good clothes are those that are new
- When it comes to a product, a new one is good, but when it comes to a person, an old, familiar and close one is good.
- 물건은 새것이 좋고 사람은 오래 사귀어 서로를 잘 알고 친한 사람이 좋다.
Good people are those who are old[soiled], and good clothes are those that are new
good pitching
- In baseball, a pitcher's being able to throw a ball wherever he/she wants.
- 야구에서, 투수가 공을 자기가 원하는 곳으로 잘 던지는 일.
good pitching; pitching well
good product
good quality
good review
- The act of evaluating someone or something positively; or such an evaluation.
- 좋게 평함. 또는 그런 평가.
good review; favorable reception
1. 물건
- A certain substance in a specific form.
- 일정한 모양을 갖춘 어떤 물질.
- Goods sold and bought.
- 사고파는 물품.
article; thing; item; goods
goods; thing; product
2. 물자
- Goods or materials used for a certain activity.
- 어떤 활동에 필요한 물건이나 재료.
supplies; goods; commodities
5. 용품
- Things used appropriately for a certain task or purpose.
- 어떤 일이나 목적에 맞게 쓰이는 물품.
goods; articles; items
6. 재화
- An item that satisfies human needs.
- 사람이 원하는 것을 충족시키는 물건.
- Money or valuables.
- 돈이나 값나가는 물건.
assets; goods
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