-go gyesida
    -go gyesida
  • (honorific) An expression used to indicate that the act mentioned in the preceding statement continues to occur.
  • (높임말로) 앞의 말이 나타내는 행동이 계속 진행됨을 나타내는 표현.
  • -go gyesida
  • (honorific) An expression used to indicate that the result of the act denoted in the preceding statement continues to exist.
  • (높임말로) 앞의 말이 나타내는 행동의 결과가 계속됨을 나타내는 표현.
-go haeseo
    -go haeseo
  • An expression used to state that the content of the preceding statement is one of several reasons for doing the act mentioned in the following statement.
  • 앞의 말의 내용이 뒤의 말이 나타내는 행위를 하는 몇 가지 이유 중에 하나임을 나타내는 표현.
  • -go haeseo
  • An expression used to list two or more of the reasons for doing the act mentioned in the following statement.
  • 뒤의 말이 나타내는 행위를 하는 이유 중 두 가지 이상의 이유를 나열할 때 쓰는 표현.
go here and there
    go here and there
  • To go in and out of several places frequently.
  • 여러 곳에 자주 들어가고 나오고 하다.
go home
    come home; go home
  • To go or come back home.
  • 집으로 돌아가거나 돌아오다.
Proverbsgo home and kick the dog
    be slapped across the face in Jongno, give a sidelong scowl in Hangang River; go home and kick the dog
  • To not immediately react to the humiliation from someone and grumble behind him/her afterwards.
  • 욕을 당한 자리에서는 아무 말도 못 하고 뒤에 가서 불평한다.
  • be slapped across the face in Jongno, and give a sidelong scowl in Hangang River; go home and kick the dog
  • To vent one's resentment toward someone or something on someone else or something else that is irrelevant.
  • 자신의 노여움을 관계가 없는 다른 곳에서 푼다.
  • age of seventy: Seventy years of age.
  • 일흔 살의 나이.
go in
    go in; change seats
  • To have someone move inside or move to a front seat.
  • 밖에서 안으로 또는 뒤에서 앞으로 옮겨 앉게 하다.
    be admitted; enter; go in
  • To enter the place of an event or performance.
  • 행사나 공연 등이 열리는 장소 안으로 들어가다.
go in a hurry
    go in a hurry
  • To go to a place to do something in haste.
  • 어떤 대상을 만나기 위하여 급히 가다.
go in and out
    go in and out
  • For many people or many things to go in and out of a certain place.
  • 어떤 곳에 많은 것들이 들어가고 나오고 하다.
    go in and out
  • To come and go inside and outside.
  • 안팎으로 왔다 갔다 하다.
    go in and out; enter
  • For someone to go in and out of a certain place.
  • 사람이 어떤 곳을 드나들다.
  • dolmen: A grave made of stone in prehistoric times.
  • 돌로 만든 선사시대의 무덤.
going across
    crossing; traversing; going across
  • An act of crossing a continent or ocean horizontally in a direction from east to west.
  • 대륙이나 대양 등을 동서의 방향으로 가로로 건넘.
going ahead
    going ahead; being ahead
  • A state of going or being ahead of something.
  • 어떤 것보다 앞서가거나 앞에 있음.
going and returning
    going and returning; round trip
  • The act of going and returning.
  • 갔다가 돌아옴.
going and returning in one day
    going and returning in one day; finishing on the same day
  • Completing a job or trip on the same day.
  • 일이 있는 바로 그날 하루에 일을 끝냄.
going astray
    deviation; going astray
  • The state of one’s word, behavior, etc., turning to a bad direction.
  • 말이나 행동 등이 나쁜 방향으로 빗나감.
going-away party
    farewell party; going-away party
  • A gathering arranged to send off with pleasure someone who is leaving.
  • 떠나는 사람을 기쁜 마음으로 보내기 위해 갖는 모임.
going back
    going back; walking back; withdrawal
  • An act of moving backward.
  • 뒤로 물러감.
going back to the rural life
    going back to the rural life
  • The act of moving out of a city to one's hometown or countryside.
  • 대도시에서 살다가 고향이나 시골로 이사를 감.
going bankrupt
    going bankrupt; going broke
  • An act of losing all one's wealth and failing.
  • 재산을 모두 잃고 망함.
going belly up
    bankruptcy; going belly up
  • A country, family, business, etc., being bankrupt or completely broke.
  • 나라, 집안, 사업 등이 완전히 망함.
going broke
    going bankrupt; going broke
  • An act of losing all one's wealth and failing.
  • 재산을 모두 잃고 망함.
going by ship
    going by ship
  • The business of using a ship as a means of transportation.
  • 배를 이용하는 교통수단.
going crazy
    going crazy; going mad; being out of one's mind
  • A state in which one's state of mind or behavior becomes abnormal.
  • 마음이나 행동이 정상이 아닌 듯한 상태가 됨.
going down
    going down
  • An act of going to a lower destination.
  • 아래쪽으로 내려감.
going down a mountain
    climbing down a mountain; going down a mountain
  • An act of going or coming down a mountain.
  • 산에서 내려오거나 내려감.
going Dutch
    collection of money; sharing the expenses; chipping in; going Dutch
  • An act of collecting a certain amount of money from people for a gathering, fun activity, party, etc.
  • 모임이나 놀이, 잔치 등의 비용으로 여러 사람에게 얼마씩의 돈을 거둠.
going flat
    going flat; puncture
  • The state of a rubber tube, etc., having a hole and bursting, or such a hole.
  • 고무 튜브 등에 구멍이 나서 터지는 일. 또는 그 구멍.
going from strength to strength
    being on a fast track; going from strength to strength
  • The manner of winning continuously in a fight, competition, etc.
  • 싸움이나 경쟁 등에서 이긴 기세를 타고 나아가며 계속 이김.
going home from work
    leaving work; going home from work
  • An act of going home after finishing a day at work.
  • 회사에서 일을 끝내고 집으로 감.
going in and out
    going in and out; entry
  • An act of someone going in and out of a certain place.
  • 사람이 어떤 곳을 드나듦.
going in order
    going in order
  • A sequential progress.
  • 차례대로 나아감.
going into a bathtub
    taking a bath; going into a bathtub
  • The act of entering a tub containing water to wash one's body, or taking a bath.
  • 목욕을 하기 위해서 물이 담긴 탕에 들어감. 또는 목욕을 함.
going into action
    going into action; being mobilized
  • An act of a particular group of people going outside, with a certain purpose.
  • 일정한 사람들이 어떤 목적을 가지고 나감.
going mad
    going crazy; going mad; being out of one's mind
  • A state in which one's state of mind or behavior becomes abnormal.
  • 마음이나 행동이 정상이 아닌 듯한 상태가 됨.
going north
    going north; advancing northward
  • A movement to the north.
  • 북쪽으로 올라감.
    going north; advancing north
  • A movement of a group or force toward the north.
  • 어떤 집단이나 세력 등이 북쪽으로 향하여 감.
    going north
  • The act of going north.
  • 북쪽으로 감.
going north over the border
    going north over the border
  • The act of crossing the border and going north.
  • 어떤 곳에서 경계를 넘어 북쪽으로 감.
going out
    going out
  • The act of going out of the house and going here and there.
  • 집 밖으로 나가 여기저기 다니는 일.
    going out; outing
  • An act of going outside of your home, company, etc. to do something else.
  • 집이나 회사 등에 있다가 할 일이 있어 밖에 나감.
    going out
  • An act of going outside and moving about.
  • 나가서 다님.
going out of business
    bankruptcy; insolvency; going out of business
  • A situation in which a company goes out of business due to insolvency or shortage of operating capital.
  • 기업이나 회사 등이 운영을 계속할 돈이 없어 망함.
go in groups
    go in groups
  • For a crowd of people to come and go at the same time.
  • 여럿이 한꺼번에 무리를 지어 다니다.
going side by side
    going side by side
  • An act of people going side by side in lines.
  • 서로 줄지어 나란히 감.
going slow
    going slow
  • The act of going somewhere slowly.
  • 느리게 감.
    slowdown; going slow
  • An act of intentionally working slowly in the process of a labor dispute, to cause damage to an employer.
  • 노동 분쟁 과정에서 일부러 일을 게을리하여 사용자에게 손해를 줌.
going smoothly
    going smoothly
  • (figurative) A state in which a task, situation, etc., progresses favorably.
  • (비유적으로) 일이나 상황 등이 순조롭게 진행됨.
going south
    going south; advancing south
  • A movement of a group or force toward the south.
  • 어떤 집단이나 세력 등이 남쪽으로 향하여 감.
    going south; advancing southward
  • A movement to the south.
  • 남쪽으로 내려감.
    going south; south-bound trip
  • An act of going to the south.
  • 남쪽으로 감.
going south over the border
    going south over the border
  • The act of crossing the border and going south.
  • 어떤 경계선의 남쪽으로 넘어감.
going through
    going through
  • The act of passing through a certain department as part of a business process.
  • 사무의 절차에서 어떤 부서를 거쳐 감.
    penetration; going through
  • An act of light, liquid, sound, etc., making a hole or holes into a substance and passing through it.
  • 빛, 액체, 소리 등이 물질을 뚫고 통과함.
going through hardships
    going through hardships
  • One's situation or condition being miserable and hard.
  • 형편이나 처지가 딱하고 어렵다.
going to a hospital
    seeing a doctor; going to a hospital
  • An act of visiting a doctor's office or hospital to have one's disease treated.
  • 병원에 치료를 받으러 다님.
going to America
    going to America
  • The act of moving to America.
  • 미국으로 건너감.
going to another country for a language course
    going to another country for a language course; attending overseas language program
  • An act of learning a foreign language and culture by going to a country that speaks the language.
  • 외국어를 배우기 위해 그 말을 사용하는 나라로 가서 언어와 문화를 직접 배우는 학습 방법.
going to bed
    going to bed
  • An act of lying in bed and falling asleep.
  • 잠자리에 들어 잠을 잠.
going to North Korea
    going to North Korea
  • The act of going to North Korea from South Korea by crossing the 38th Parallel or cease-fire line.
  • 남한에서 삼팔선이나 휴전선을 넘어 북한으로 감.
going to ruin
    dilapidation; going to ruin
  • The state of a building, etc., becoming old, collapsing, and falling apart.
  • 건물 등이 낡아서 무너지고 떨어짐.
going to school
    going to school
  • A student going to school.
  • 학생이 학교에 감.
    going to school; coming home from school
  • An act of making a trip between one's home and school.
  • 집에서 학교까지 오가며 다님.
going to Seoul
    going to Seoul
  • An act of going to the capital, Seoul, from local provinces.
  • 지방에서 서울로 감.
going to set
    going to set; going to sink
  • The sun going down little by little beyond the mountain or horizon.
  • 해가 산이나 지평선 너머로 조금씩 지다.
going to sink
    going to set; going to sink
  • The sun going down little by little beyond the mountain or horizon.
  • 해가 산이나 지평선 너머로 조금씩 지다.
going to the same school
    going to the same school
  • The act of going to the same school or taking lessons from the same teacher.
  • 같은 학교에 다니거나 같은 선생님에게서 공부함.
going to war
    going to war
  • An act of going to a battle, etc., to fight.
  • 싸우러 나감.
    going to war; attack
  • An act of sending an army and attacking an enemy.
  • 군사를 보내 무력으로 침.
going to work
    going to work; arriving at work
  • An act of leaving home for a workplace or arriving at a workplace, to work.
  • 일하러 직장에 나가거나 나옴.
going under
    sinking; going under
  • An act of a ship, etc., sinking underwater.
  • 배 등이 물속에 가라앉음.
going underground
    going underground
  • The act of doing something in secret so that others do not know.
  • 남모르게 비밀리에 행함.
going up
    going up
  • An act of going to an upper destination.
  • 위쪽으로 올라감.
    going up
  • A road or railroad that is used to travel from a rural area to Seoul.
  • 지방에서 서울로 올라가는 도로나 선로.
going up and down
    going up and down; ascent and descent
  • The act of ascending and descending.
  • 오르고 내림.
going up to the mound
    going up to the mound
  • In baseball, a pitcher standing on the mound to throw a ball.
  • 야구에서, 투수가 공을 던지려고 투수 자리에 서는 일.

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