leave a country
    depart; leave a country
  • To cross a national border and go to another country.
  • 국경을 넘어 다른 나라로 나가다.
leave alone
    leave alone
  • To leave a thing or person alone without caring about or bothering the thing or person.
  • 상관하거나 건드리지 않고 그대로 두다.
    watch; leave alone
  • To watch something without interfering or meddling in it.
  • 간섭하거나 끼어들지 않고 지켜보다.
    leave alone; neglect
  • To neglect without caring or interfering.
  • 돌보거나 간섭하지 않고 제멋대로 내버려 두다.
leave a mountain
    leave a mountain
  • To quit one's life on a mountain.
  • 산에서의 생활을 그만두다.
Idiomleave and watch
관용구두고 보다
    leave and watch; wait and see
  • To have time and watch to see how things will go.
  • 어떻게 될지 시간을 갖고 가만히 지켜보다.
Idiomleave a place
    leave a place
  • To leave one place in order to move to another place.
  • 다른 곳으로 옮기려고 있던 곳을 떠나다.
leave a room
    leave a room; check out
  • To go out of a room, classroom, hospital room, etc.
  • 방이나 교실, 병실 등에서 나가다.
leave a special comment
    leave a special comment
  • To treat and record something specially.
  • 특별히 다루어 기록하다.
leave behind
    leave behind
  • To make someone fall behind or be left out.
  • 뒤에 처지게 하거나 남게 하다.
    leave behind
  • To make someone fall behind or leave someone behind.
  • 뒤에 처지게 하거나 남게 하다.
    leave behind
  • To make someone fall behind or leave someone behind.
  • 뒤에 처지게 하거나 남게 하다.
leave home
    leave home
  • To leave one's home.
  • 집을 떠나다.
leave in another person's hands
    entrust; leave in another person's hands
  • To give all of one's responsibilities, authority, etc., over to someone else.
  • 일이나 권한 등을 모두 다 맡기다.
    yeast; leaven; malt
  • A leavening agent used to brew alcoholic beverages or to bake bread.
  • 술을 빚거나 빵을 만들 때 쓰는 발효제.
leave no hope
    leave no hope
  • To reach a state in which one can expect nothing.
  • 더 기대할 것이 없는 상태가 되다.
leave of absence
    leave of absence; time off from work
  • An act of temporarily stopping what one was doing at work and taking a rest during a certain period of time.
  • 일정한 기간 동안 직장에서 맡은 일을 쉼.
    leave of absence; time off from school
  • An act of taking a break from school during a certain period of time.
  • 일정한 기간 동안 학교를 쉬는 일.
leave off
    cease; give up; leave off
  • To drop a plan or stop work.
  • 어떤 계획이나 일을 중간에 그만두다.
Idiomleave one's entire life to someone
    leave one's entire life to someone
  • For a woman to marry.
  • 여자가 결혼을 하다.
  • leave one's entire life to someone
  • To have a woman marry someone.
  • 여자를 결혼시키다.
leave one's house
    leave one's house
  • To go outside rather than staying home.
  • 집에 있지 않고 다른 곳으로 나가다.
leave out
    set aside; leave out; let alone
  • To completely exclude or put aside something, or one's ability, experience, payment, etc., of it.
  • 어떤 일이나 그에 대한 능력, 경험, 지불 등을 아예 제외하거나 접어 두다.
    leave out; omit
  • To eliminate or fail to include data, etc., in a record.
  • 정보 등을 기록에서 빠뜨리다.
    drop; leave out
  • To drop or leave behind what one has been holding.
  • 지니고 있던 것을 흘리거나 빠뜨리다.
    omit; miss; leave out
  • To not get something that is necessary.
  • 갖추어야 할 것을 갖추지 않다.
    omit; miss; leave out
  • To not get something that is necessary.
  • 갖추어야 할 것을 갖추지 않다.
    leave out; omit
  • To miss a remark, letter, etc., out.
  • 말이나 글자 등을 빠뜨리다.
    leave out; omit
  • To reduce or remove a part of a whole to make it short or simple.
  • 전체에서 일부분을 줄이거나 빼어 짧게 또는 간단하게 만들다.
leave plucked out
    leave pulled out; leave plucked out
  • To leave something stuck or embedded somewhere, pulled.
  • 꽂혀 있거나 박혀 있는 것을 뽑아 두다.
leave pulled out
    leave pulled out; leave plucked out
  • To leave something stuck or embedded somewhere, pulled.
  • 꽂혀 있거나 박혀 있는 것을 뽑아 두다.
leave school
    leave school
  • For a student to stop attending school.
  • 학생이 다니던 학교를 그만두다.
leave school early
    leave work early; leave school early
  • To leave school, work, etc., earlier than originally scheduled.
  • 학교나 직장 등에서 마치기로 예정된 시간 이전에 나오다.
leave school voluntarily
    drop out of school; leave school voluntarily; give up school willingly
  • To quit one's school voluntarily.
  • 다니던 학교를 스스로 그만두다.
leave someone alone
    excuse oneself; leave someone alone
  • To move to another place in order not to interfere with something.
  • 방해하지 않으려고 있던 곳을 떠나 다른 곳으로 자리를 옮기다.
leave someone idle
    leave someone idle
  • To leave someone lazing around without an occupation or regular job.
  • 직업이나 일정하게 하는 일이 없이 지내게 하다.
leave someone out
    exclude; put someone on one side; leave someone out
  • To deliberately leave out or exclude someone or something from a group.
  • 일부러 한 무리에 끼워 주지 않고 골라내거나 제외하다.
Idiomleave someone's side
    leave someone's side
  • (euphemism) For someone close to die.
  • (완곡한 말로) 가깝게 지내던 사람이 죽다.
Proverbsleave something and make soup out of it later
    leave something and make soup out of it later
  • (teasing) To save and hold something that should be used.
  • (놀리는 말로) 써야 할 것을 쓰지 않고 가지고 있다.
leave something anywhere
    leave something anywhere
  • To not store something well and to leave it anywhere.
  • 잘 보관하지 아니하고 아무렇게나 놓아 두다.
leave something idle
    leave something idle
  • To leave an object, facility, money, etc., unused.
  • 어떤 물건이나 시설, 돈 등을 쓰지 않고 놓아 두다.
leave something incomplete
    leave something incomplete
  • To put off a task, not completing it.
  • 어떤 일을 확실하게 끝맺지 않고 흐지부지하게 넘기다.
leave something in trust
    leave something in trust
  • To entrust the management and disposal of a property to another person according to a purpose.
  • 어떤 목적에 따라 재산의 관리와 처분을 남에게 맡기다.
Idiomleave something to god
    leave something to god
  • To accept the result of something and take one's fate.
  • 어떠한 일의 결과에 대해 운명을 따르다.
leave something with
    entrust; leave something with
  • To place what one carries in a specific place or give it to someone to keep temporarily.
  • 가지고 있던 것을 특정 장소에 두거나 다른 사람에게 주어 보관하게 하다.
leave the army
    leave the army
  • For a soldier to completely leave the army after being in active service.
  • 군인이 현역에 있다가 완전히 물러나다.
Idiomleave the back
관용구뒤를 두다
    leave the back
  • To leave something unfinished for the future.
  • 나중을 생각하여 무엇을 끝내지 않고 남겨 두다.
leave the hospital
    leave the hospital; be discharged from the hospital
  • To leave the hospital after one stayed there for a certain period of time to have one's disease treated.
  • 일정 기간 병원에 머물며 치료를 받던 환자가 병원에서 나오다.
leave the priesthood
    return to lay life; leave the priesthood
  • In Buddhism, to quit living as a monk and go back to the secular world.
  • 불교에서, 스님이 다시 일반인이 되다.
leave the stage
    exit; leave the stage
  • In a theater play, etc., for a character to leave the stage.
  • 연극 무대 등에서 등장인물이 무대 밖으로 나가다.
Idiomleave the teacher's podium
    leave the teacher's podium
  • To quit one's teaching job.
  • 교사 일을 그만두다.
Idiomleave the world
    leave[bid farewell to] the world
  • (euphemism) To die.
  • (완곡한 말로) 죽다.
Idiomleave this world
    leave this world
  • (euphemism) To die.
  • (완곡한 말로) 죽다.
leave toward
    put toward; let toward; leave toward
  • To let something face toward a certain direction.
  • 어떤 것을 일정한 방향으로 향하게 하다.
leave unattended
    neglect; leave unattended
  • To leave something abandoned, unattended and ignored.
  • 무관심하게 그대로 내버려 두다.
leave unused
    leave unused
  • To keep something intact for an extended period and make it in an old state.
  • 상당한 기간을 가만히 두어 오래된 상태가 되게 하다.
leave work
    leave work
  • To finish one's work for the day and go home.
  • 회사에서 일을 끝내고 집으로 가다.
leave work early
    leave work early; leave school early
  • To leave school, work, etc., earlier than originally scheduled.
  • 학교나 직장 등에서 마치기로 예정된 시간 이전에 나오다.
    leaving; moving out
  • To leave one's place of residence and move to another place.
  • 살던 곳을 떠나 다른 곳으로 옮겨 감.
    departure; leaving
  • An act of leaving a place, heading for another place.
  • 어떤 곳을 향하여 길을 떠남.
    leaving; departure
  • An act of leaving on a long journey.
  • 먼 길을 떠남.
    withdrawal; dropping out; leaving
  • An act of ending one's relationship with an organization or group one had belonged to and leaving.
  • 소속해 있던 조직이나 단체에서 관계를 끊고 나옴.
    leaving; resignation
  • An act of leaving a place where one has stayed or resigning a job.
  • 있던 자리에서 물러나거나 떠남.
    leaving; walkout
  • An act of leaving a certain place or going outside.
  • 어떤 장소에서 물러나거나 밖으로 나감.
    leaving; withdrawal
  • An act of leaving a post, place, etc., voluntarily, or being expelled.
  • 물러나거나 쫓겨나서 나감.
    passing away; parting; leaving
  • An act of dying and leaving this world.
  • 죽어서 세상을 떠남.
leaving a country
    departure; leaving a country
  • An act of crossing a national border and going to another country.
  • 국경을 넘어 다른 나라로 나감.
leaving a mountain
    leaving a mountain
  • An act of quitting one's life on a mountain.
  • 산에서의 생활을 그만둠.
leaving a room
    leaving a room; checking out
  • An act of going out of a room, classroom, hospital room, etc.
  • 방이나 교실, 병실 등에서 나감.
leaving home
    leaving home
  • An act of leaving one's home.
  • 집을 떠남.
leaving home without notice
    leaving home without notice
  • The act of leaving home without permission.
  • 미리 허락을 받거나 알리지 않고 집을 나감.
leaving in another person's hands
    entrusting; leaving in another person's hands
  • An act of giving all of one's responsibilities, authority, etc. over to someone else.
  • 일이나 권한 등을 모두 다 맡김.
leaving one's house
    leaving one's house
  • An act of going outside rather than staying home.
  • 집에 있지 않고 다른 곳으로 나감.
leaving school
    leaving school
  • The state of a student who stops attending school.
  • 학생이 다니던 학교를 그만둠.
leaving school early
    leaving work early; leaving school early
  • The act of leaving school, work, etc., earlier than originally scheduled.
  • 학교나 직장 등에서 마치기로 예정된 시간 이전에 나옴.
leaving school voluntarily
    dropping out of school; leaving school voluntarily; voluntary withdrawal
  • The act of quitting one's school voluntarily.
  • 다니던 학교를 스스로 그만둠.
Idiomleaving something lacking as it is
    leaving something lacking as it is
  • To take something as it is although it is not enough or satisfactory.
  • 부족하거나 만족스럽지 않지만 그냥 그대로.
leaving the army
    leaving the army
  • The state of a soldier completely leaving the army after being in active service.
  • 군인이 현역에 있다가 완전히 물러남. 또는 그런 일.
leaving the hospital
    leaving the hospital; being discharged from the hospital
  • An act of leaving the hospital after one stayed there for a certain period of time to have one's disease treated.
  • 일정 기간 병원에 머물며 치료를 받던 환자가 병원에서 나옴.
leaving the priesthood
    returning to lay life; leaving the priesthood
  • In Buddhism, an act of quitting living as a monk and going back to a secular world.
  • 불교에서, 스님이 다시 일반인이 됨.
leaving the stage
    exit; leaving the stage
  • In a theater play, etc., an act of a character leaving the stage.
  • 연극 무대 등에서 등장인물이 무대 밖으로 나감.

'English - Korean > j , k , l' 카테고리의 다른 글

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