be itchybe jailedbe jammedbe jammed inbe jam-packed withbe jealousbejeoksambe jerkedbe jitterybe joinedbe joltedbe judgedbe jumbledbe jumbled up close togetherbe just as expectedbe justifiedbe just ordinarybe keptbe kept deep in one's heartbe kept in checkbe kickedbe kicked by a footbe kicked by a stepbe kicked outbe kidnappedbe killedbe kneadedbe knocked outbe knottedbe knowledgeablebe known asbe known instinctivelybe labelled negativelybe laced
be itchy
be jailed
1. 구속당하다
- For a criminal to be confined to a certain place by the decision of a court or judge.
- 법원이나 판사의 결정으로 죄를 지은 사람이 일정한 장소에 잡혀 갇히다.
be imprisoned; be jailed
2. 구속되다
- For a criminal to be retrained in a certain place by the decision of a court or judge.
- 법원이나 판사의 결정으로 죄를 지은 사람이 일정한 장소에 잡혀 갇히다.
be imprisoned; be jailed
be jammed
1. 막히다
- For cars to not run easily because there are many cars on the road.
- 길에 차가 많아 차가 제대로 가지 못하게 되다.
be jammed
be jammed in
be jam-packed with
- To be very congested as a lot of people, cars, etc., gather in one place.
- 많은 사람들이나 차 등이 한 곳에 몰려 매우 복잡하다.
be crowded; be jam-packed with
be jealous
- hemp jeoksam: A jeogori, a traditional Korean upper garment, made of hemp to wear in the summer.
- 베로 만든 여름에 입는 저고리.
be jerked
- To be grabbed by someone and be pulled towards him/her.
- 손으로 잡혀 상대방 쪽으로 끌리다.
be pulled; be drawn; be jerked
be jittery
- To feel sorry, frustrated, and distressed.
- 매우 답답하거나 안타까워 속이 타다.
be anxious; be in suspense; be jittery
be joined
be jolted
be judged
1. 가늠되다
- For a check to be made about whether something meets a certain objective, standard, etc.
- 목표나 기준 등에 맞는지 안 맞는지 살펴지다.
be judged; be assessed
2. 감별되다
- For something to be examined to determine its value or truthfulness.
- 어떠한 것이 잘 살펴져 그것의 가치나 진위가 구별되다.
be distinguished; be judged
3. 감식되다
- For the value or authenticity of something to be revealed through the use of scientific technology and expertise.
- 과학적이고 전문적인 기술로 어떤 사물의 가치나 진위 여부 등이 밝혀지다.
be identified; be judged
4. 뵈다¹
- To be thought or judged that something is such.
- 무엇이 어떠하다고 생각되거나 판단되다.
be thought; be judged
5. 판결되다
- For what is right, wrong, good, or bad to be judged and decided.
- 옳고 그름이나 좋고 나쁨이 판단되어 결정되다.
- For a litigation case to be judged and decided by a court of law.
- 법원에 의해 소송 사건이 판단되고 결정되다.
be decided; be judged
be ruled; be judged; be decided
6. 판단되다
- For a thought on something to be fixed, according to a certain logic or standard.
- 논리나 기준에 따라 어떠한 것에 대한 생각이 정해지다.
be judged; be decided
7. 판정되다
- For what is right, wrong, good, or bad to be judged and decided.
- 옳고 그름이나 좋고 나쁨이 구별되어 결정되다.
be judged; be decided
be jumbled
1. 뒤범벅되다
- To be mixed up and impossible to assort to its proper place.
- 이것저것 마구 섞여서 구분이 되지 않다.
be jumbled
2. 엉클어지다
- To become disordered because things, etc., get mixed up in a complicated way.
- 물건 등이 복잡하게 뒤섞여 어지럽게 되다.
be jumbled; be mixed in a confused way
3. 헛갈리다
- To fail to set a direction of a task as many things are mixed up.
- 여러 가지가 뒤섞여 일의 방향을 잡지 못하다.
get confused; become mixed up; be jumbled
4. 헷갈리다
- To fail to set a direction of a task as many things are mixed up.
- 여러 가지가 뒤섞여 일의 방향을 잡지 못하다.
get confused; become mixed up; be jumbled
5. 혼용되다
- For things to be used in a mixed-up manner without being separated.
- 어떤 것이 다른 것과 구별되지 못하고 뒤섞여 쓰이다.
be mixed; be muddled; be mingled; be jumbled
be jumbled up close together
- For buildings, institutions, organizations, etc., to be built in an disorderly fashion.
- 여러 건물이나 기관, 단체 등이 질서 없이 세워지다.
mushroom; be jumbled up close together
Idiombe just as expected
관용구그저 그렇다
- For something to be exactly the same as what was expected.
- 예상한 바와 조금도 다를 것 없다.
be just as expected
be justified
Idiombe just ordinary
관용구그저 그렇다
- To be not that special.
- 별로 특이할 것 없다.
be just ordinary; be so-so
be kept
1. 간직되다
- For an object to be kept and stored in a certain place.
- 물건이 어떤 장소에 잘 보호되거나 보관되다.
- For special moments or memories to be kept deeply inside one's heart.
- 기억이나 추억 등이 마음속에 깊이 남게 되다.
be kept; be stored
be kept; be cherished
4. 유지되다
- For a certain state, situation, etc., to be kept as it is.
- 어떤 상태나 상황 등이 그대로 이어져 나가다.
be kept; be maintained
be kept deep in one's heart
- For a certain thought to be kept deep in one's mind.
- 어떤 생각이 마음에 깊이 간직되다.
be kept deep in one's heart; be embedded in
be kept in check
be kicked
2. 차이다
- For something to be kicked or raised powerfully with one's foot.
- 발로 힘껏 질러지거나 받아 올려지다.
- For a person to be kicked powerfully by another person's foot.
- 힘껏 뻗은 발에 사람이 치이다.
be kicked
be kicked
3. 채다¹
- For something to be kicked or raised powerfully with one's foot.
- 발로 힘껏 질러지거나 받아 올려지다.
- For a person to be kicked powerfully by another person's foot.
- 힘껏 뻗은 발에 사람이 치이다.
be kicked
be kicked
4. 톡톡거리다
- For sounds to be made repeatedly when small things get in someone's way or get kicked.
- 작은 것이 발에 걸리거나 차이는 소리가 자꾸 나다.
be kicked
5. 톡톡대다
- For sounds to be made repeatedly when small things get in someone's way or get kicked.
- 작은 것이 발에 걸리거나 차이는 소리가 자꾸 나다.
be kicked
Idiombe kicked by a foot
관용구발에 채다[차이다]
- To exist here and there and be common.
- 여기저기 흔하게 있다.
be kicked by a foot
Idiombe kicked by a step
관용구발길에 채다[차이다]
- To be treated with contempt and trampled.
- 천대받고 짓밟히다.
- To be very common.
- 아주 흔하다.
be kicked by a step
be kicked by a step
be kicked out
1. 나앉다
- To be kicked out of one's house or move to another place and settle down.
- 살 집을 잃고 쫓겨나거나 어떤 곳으로 물러나서 자리를 잡다.
be kicked out; be forced out
2. 뒤쫓기다
- To be driven out recklessly from a certain place.
- 어떤 장소에서 떠나도록 마구 내몰리다.
be kicked out; be thrown out
3. 쫓겨나다
- To be thrown out of a certain place, position, or post.
- 어떤 장소나 자리, 직위에서 내쫓기다.
be expelled; be kicked out
be kidnapped
1. 유괴되다
- For someone, usually a child to be cheated and enticed away by a person who has the purpose of demanding money for his or her release.
- 돈 등을 요구할 목적을 가진 사람에게, 주로 아이가 속임이나 꾀에 넘어가 어떤 곳으로 가게 되다.
be kidnapped; be abducted
be killed
be kneaded
- For grain powder to be kneaded and made into food.
- 곡물 가루가 반죽되어 음식이 만들어지다.
be made; be kneaded
be knocked out
1. 나가떨어지다
- To fall down as one is pushed sidewards or backwards.
- 옆이나 뒤로 밀려나면서 넘어지거나 떨어지다.
- To collapse because one is tired or drunk.
- 피곤하거나 술에 취해서 쓰러지다.
be knocked out
be knocked out; pass out
2. 다운되다
- For a boxer to be hit by his/her opponent and be knocked out.
- 권투에서, 한 선수가 상대 선수에게 맞고 쓰러지다.
be knocked out
be knotted
- For a knot to be made in a cord, rope, etc., to prevent it from being loosened.
- 끈이나 줄 등이 풀어지지 않게 매듭이 만들어지다.
be tied; be knotted
be knowledgeable
- To have deep, accurate and detailed knowledge of something.
- 어떤 사물에 대하여 깊고 정확하며 자세히 알다.
be knowledgeable
be known as
be known instinctively
- For something to be sensed and known instantly, without conscious thought.
- 어떤 일을 접했을 때 설명하지 않아도 거짓 없는 모습이나 내용이 곧바로 느껴져 알게 되다.
be known instinctively
be labelled negatively
- (slang) For someone to be disliked by someone else.
- (속된 말로) 어떤 사람이 다른 사람들에게 부정적으로 생각되다.
be labelled negatively
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