drifterdriftingdrift intodrilldrill grounddrill halldrillingdrillmasterdrinkdrink alcoholdrink cold water, and wake updrinkerdrink gimchidrink gimchikimchi liquid in advance even if the one who has some tteok, rice cake, is not thinking about giving them to others at alldrink harddrink heavilydrink hurriedlydrinkingdrinking bingedrinking establishmentdrinking habitsdrinking partydrinking togetherdrinking waterdrink lightlydrink onlydrink togetherdrink water a lotdrink water from a foreign countrydripdrippingdrippinglydrip waxdrivedrive a hard bargaindrive a naildrive a nail in someone's chestdrive awaydrive a wedge
1. 떠돌이
- A person who wanders around here and there without a fixed home.
- 일정하게 사는 곳이 없이 이리저리 떠돌아다니는 사람.
wanderer; drifter; vagabond
2. 팔랑개비
- (figurative) A person who behaves carelessly and wanders here and there, instead of staying in one place.
- (비유적으로) 한곳에 끈기 있게 있지 못하고 몸을 가볍고 조심성 없이 놀리며 이리저리 돌아다니는 사람.
wanderer; drifter; roamer
- The state of floating on water, in water, or in the air.
- 물 위나 물속, 공기 중을 떠다님.
floating; drifting
drift into
- To enter a certain place unknowingly after having wandered around.
- 여기저기 떠돌아다니다가 자기도 모르게 어떤 곳에 들어오다.
flow into; drift into; enter
drill ground
drill hall
- A place where martial arts is practiced or taught.
- 무예를 연습하거나 가르치는 곳.
training hall; drill hall
- The act of making a deep underground hole with a machine in order to find out whether or not there are underground resources such as oil, etc., or investigate the structure or state of the stratum.
- 석유 등의 지하자원이 있는지 알아보거나 지층의 구조나 상태를 조사하기 위해 기계로 땅속 깊이 구멍을 뚫는 일.
- A military official in charge of training or educating soldiers in military forces.
- 군대에서 군사들을 교육하거나 훈련하는 일을 맡은 장교.
drillmaster; military instructor
2. 다스리다
- To eat food or drink water to get rid of one's hunger or thirst.
- 음식을 먹거나 물을 마셔 배고프거나 목마른 기운을 없애다.
eat; drink
5. 들이켜다
- To drink water, liquor, etc., in large quantity in one draft, without stopping.
- 물이나 술 등을 한 번에 쉬지 않고 마구 마시다.
drink; gulp; guzzle
9. 음료
- Water or all kinds of liquid that one can drink like water.
- 물이나 물처럼 마시는 모든 액체.
drink; water; soda
drink alcohol
Proverbsdrink cold water, and wake up
- An expression used to warn someone to come back to earth and better behave himself/herself.
- 어떤 사람에게 정신 차리고 똑바로 행동하라고 주의를 주는 말.
drink cold water, and wake up; wake up and smell the coffee
- (disparaging) A person who likes to drink alcohol and drinks a lot.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 술을 좋아하고 많이 마시는 사람.
drinker; boozer; guzzler
Proverbsdrink gimchi
- To behave as if something is already done even before it happens.
- 아직 일어날지 안 일어날지 모르는 일인데 미리부터 다 된 일로 알고 행동한다.
drink gimchi; kimchi liquid first; count one's chickens before they are hatched
Proverbsdrink gimchikimchi liquid in advance even if the one who has some tteok, rice cake, is not thinking about giving them to others at all
- To behave based on the hasty assumption that one will get something when the person who has that something is not even thinking about giving it away.
- 해 줄 사람은 생각지도 않는데 미리부터 해 줄 것이라고 알고 행동한다.
drink gimchi/kimchi liquid in advance even if the one who has some tteok, rice cake, is not thinking about giving them to others at all
drink hard
- To drink too much alcohol at a time.
- 술을 한꺼번에 너무 많이 마시다.
drink heavily; drink hard; go on a drinking binge
drink heavily
drink hurriedly
- To quickly drink a large quantity of alcoholic drinks, etc.
- 술 등을 급하게 많이 마시다.
drink hurriedly
drinking binge
- An act of drinking too much alcohol at a time.
- 술을 한꺼번에 너무 많이 마심.
heavy drinking; drinking binge
drinking establishment
- (slang) The business of selling liquor, beverages, tea, etc.
- (속된 말로) 술, 음료수, 차 등을 파는 영업.
drinking establishment
drinking habits
drinking party
drinking together
drinking water
drink lightly
drink only
- To ask for, or drink only alcohol without doing anything else.
- 다른 일은 하지 않고 술만 찾거나 마시다.
drink only; give me just a drink
drink together
drink water a lot
Idiomdrink water from a foreign country
관용구외국 물을 먹다
- To live abroad for a while.
- 외국에서 한동안 생활하다.
drink water from a foreign country
- A word imitating the sound or describing the motion of big objects or waterdrops, etc., falling repeatedly.
- 큰 물체나 물방울 등이 자꾸 아래로 떨어지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
in drops; drip
- A word imitating the sound or describing the movement of a small object, waterdrop, etc., falling.
- 작은 물체나 물방울 등이 아래로 떨어지는 소리. 또는 그 모양.
drip wax
4. 드라이브
- The act of going around in a car for fun and to look around.
- 구경과 재미를 위하여 자동차를 타고 다니는 일.
- The act of hitting a ball very hard and making it spin in tennis, ping-pong, golf, etc.
- 테니스, 탁구, 골프 등에서 공을 세게 쳐서 회전하게 하는 것.
- A division of the space of a disk in a computer.
- 컴퓨터에서 디스크의 공간을 나누어 놓은 것.
6. 몰다
- To make something move to a desired direction or place.
- 어떤 것을 바라는 방향이나 장소로 움직여 가게 하다.
- To drive a vehicle.
- 탈것을 운전하다.
steer; drive
9. 불러들이다
- In baseball, for a batter to make a hit, allowing a runner to score home.
- 야구에서, 타자가 투수의 공을 쳐내서 주자를 홈으로 오게 하여 점수를 내다.
drive; send
12. 조종하다
- To handle a machine such as an airplane, ship, etc., to make it move.
- 비행기나 배 같은 기계를 다루어 움직이게 하다.
operate; drive; fly
14. 추진력
- One's ability or power to proceed with a project for a certain purpose.
- 목적을 위하여 일을 계속 이루어 나아가는 힘.
driving force; drive; initiative
18. 휘몰아치다
- For a storm, etc., to blow violently toward one place.
- 비바람 등이 한곳으로 세차게 불다.
rage; sweep; drive
drive a hard bargain
- To try to bargain something down to an excessively low price.
- 물건값을 너무 심하게 깎다.
bargain to a knockdown price; drive a hard bargain
Idiomdrive a nail
관용구못(을) 박다
- To deeply hurt someone's heart.
- 마음 속 깊이 상처를 주다.
- To clearly tell someone something to make sure of a certain fact.
- 어떤 사실을 분명하게 말하여 다짐을 하다.
drive a nail
drive a nail
Idiomdrive a nail in someone's chest
관용구가슴에 못을 박다
- To break someone's heart.
- 마음속 깊이 상처를 주다.
drive a nail in someone's chest
drive away
Idiomdrive a wedge
관용구쐐기(를) 박다[치다]
- To get an assurance from someone to prevent things from going wrong in the future.
- 뒤탈이 없도록 미리 단단히 다짐을 해 두다.
drive[strike] a wedge
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