remain seated and withstand somethingremain silentremain stillremain unusedremakeremarkremarkableremarkable progressremarkablyremark becoming to one's faceremarks that are not in one's insideremarks that are plastered on one's lipsremarks that may be struck by lightningremarriageremarryremedial classremedial effectsremediationremediesremedyremedy for all difficultiesremedy for all illsrememberremembering foreverremember wellremembranceremindreminderremind someone ofreminiscereminiscencereminiscencesreminiscent talkremitremittanceremitteeremnantremnant of the enemyremnants of clothremodel
Idiomremain seated and withstand something
관용구앉아(서) 배기다
- To endure hardships at one's place and finally achieve something.
- 그 자리에서 어려운 일을 견디고 해내다.
remain seated and withstand something
remain silent
- To keep one's mouth shut without speaking.
- 입을 다물고, 말하지 않다.
hold one's tongue; zip one's lips; remain silent
remain still
- To remain quiet without saying a word or moving one's body.
- 말을 하거나 몸을 움직이지 않고 조용히 있다.
keep quiet; remain still
remain unused
- For an object to be not used by someone or not used for its original purpose.
- 물건이 이용되지 않거나 본래 용도로 쓰이지 못하고 있다.
lie idle; remain unused
1. 개작
- An act of remaking an existing work; or such work.
- 원래의 작품을 고쳐서 새롭게 만듦. 또는 그런 작품.
adaptation; remake
3. 리메이크
- The act of making a new version of a movie, song, drama, etc., that already exists.
- 이미 존재하는 영화, 음악, 드라마 등을 새롭게 다시 만듦.
4. 리메이크하다
- To make an existing movie, song, drama, etc., again.
- 이미 존재하는 영화, 음악, 드라마 등을 새롭게 다시 만들다.
1. 발언
- The act of saying something to express one's opinion, or a statement made for such a purpose.
- 말을 하여 의견을 나타냄. 또는 그 말.
comment; remark; statement
1. 눈부시다
- One's achievement or feat being amazing.
- 업적이나 활약이 매우 대단하다.
remarkable; wonderful; extraordinary
4. 뛰어나다
- A person's ability, etc., being better or more excellent than others.
- 능력 등이 남보다 더 훌륭하거나 우수하다.
remarkable; outstanding
10. 혁혁하다
- One's contribution or achievement being outstanding.
- 공로나 업적 등이 뚜렷하다.
distinguished; remarkable
remarkable progress
- An astonishing improvement of one's ability or results.
- 상대방의 능력이나 성과가 놀랄 정도로 매우 좋아짐.
astonishing improvement; remarkable progress
1. 뚝²
- In the manner that a grade, ranking, etc., falls or a degree gets weak very conspicuously.
- 성적이나 순위 등이 눈에 띄게 떨어지거나 정도가 약해지는 모양.
drastically; remarkably
2. 뚝뚝²
- In the manner that a grade, ranking, etc., falls or a degree gets weak very conspicuously.
- 성적이나 순위 등이 눈에 띄게 몹시 떨어지거나 정도가 아주 약해지는 모양.
drastically; remarkably
3. 현저히
- To the extent of standing out very clearly.
- 아주 분명하게 드러날 정도로.
markedly; noticeably; remarkably; conspicuously
4. 훌륭히
- In the manner of being extremely good and excellent enough to be praised.
- 칭찬할 만큼 매우 좋고 뛰어나게.
well; remarkably; nicely; magnificently
remark becoming to one's face
- (slang) Remarks or behavior that match with one's appearance.
- (속된 말로) 생긴 것에 어울리는 말이나 행동.
conduct becoming to one's appearance; remark becoming to one's face
Idiomremarks that are not in one's inside
관용구속에 없는 말[소리]
- A remark that is different from what is really on one's mind.
- 속마음과 다르게 하는 말.
remarks(words) that are not in one's inside
Idiomremarks that are plastered on one's lips
관용구입에 발린 소리
- Words that do not reflect one's true feelings or intention.
- 마음에 없이 거짓으로 하는 말.
remarks that are plastered on one's lips; lip service
Idiomremarks that may be struck by lightning
관용구벼락 맞을 소리
- An evil remark that deserves to be punished by Heaven.
- 천벌을 받을 만큼 나쁜 말.
remarks that may be struck by lightning
remedial class
- A class provided after school or during a vacation, to make up for insufficient learning.
- 방과 후나 방학 등을 이용하여 부족한 공부를 보충하려고 하는 수업.
remedial class; supplementary lesson
remedial effects
- An effect that occurs after taking medicine.
- 약을 먹은 후 나타나는 약의 효과.
efficacy of medicine; remedial effects
- An act of correcting the personality or behavior of persons who committed crimes and have been detained in prison or juvenile hall.
- 교도소나 소년원 등에서 죄를 지은 사람의 품성과 행동을 바로잡음.
correction; remediation
- A plan or method for helping a person in a difficult situation.
- 어려운 처지에 놓인 사람을 돕기 위한 계획이나 방법.
relief measures; remedies
remedy for all difficulties
- (figurative) A state in which a single solution works well for many cases.
- (비유적으로) 여러 가지 경우에 두루 효력을 나타내는 어떤 대책.
panacea; remedy for all difficulties
remedy for all ills
- (figurative) A state in which a single solution works well for many cases.
- (비유적으로) 한 가지 대책이 여러 가지 경우에 두루 효과를 나타냄.
remedy for all ills; measure for all difficulties
1. 기억나다
- To recall past figures, facts, knowledge or experiences in one's mind or thought.
- 이전의 모습, 사실, 지식, 경험 등이 마음이나 생각 속에 떠오르다.
remember; recall
2. 기억하다
- Not to forget or recall past figures, facts, knowledge or experiences.
- 이전의 모습, 사실, 지식, 경험 등을 잊지 않거나 다시 생각해 내다.
remember; recall
3. 살리다
- To try to recall something in one's mind or consciousness.
- 어떤 일을 마음이나 의식 속에 다시 떠올리려 하다.
recollect; remember
5. 새기다
- To inscribe in one's memory so that one will not forget.
- 마음속에 잊지 않도록 깊이 기억하다.
keep; remember
remembering forever
- The act of not forgetting one's debt of gratitude towards another person because it is deeply engraved in one's memory.
- 뼈에 새길 만큼 큰 은혜를 입어 잊지 못함.
remembering forever
remember well
- To remember something in one's mind so that it never is forgotten.
- 잊지 않도록 마음속에 깊이 기억하다.
bear in mind; remember well
- A document that presses one to keep a promise or fulfill a duty when the deadline has passed.
- 정해진 날까지 하기로 된 일을 하지 않았을 때, 약속을 지키고 의무를 다하라고 재촉하는 문서.
remind someone of
- Feeling that something is so similar to a certain situation or state that it makes one think of that situation or state.
- 어떤 상황이나 상태가 떠오를 만큼 매우 비슷하다고 느끼다.
remind someone of
reminiscent talk
- A talk carried out while looking back on one's past.
- 지난 일을 다시 생각하며 하는 이야기.
reminiscent talk; memoirs
- The act of sending money through a financial institution such as the bank, etc., or the money sent.
- 은행 등의 금융 기관을 통하여 돈을 보냄. 또는 그 돈.
- The person designated on a note or check, etc., to receive a specific amount of money.
- 일정한 돈을 받도록 어음이나 수표 등에 지정되어 있는 사람.
payee; remittee
remnant of the enemy
- A surviving soldier of the army that lost a war or battle.
- 전쟁이나 전투에서 진 군대의 병사 가운데 살아남은 병사.
remnant of the enemy; straggler
remnants of cloth
- A piece of cloth left after cloth has been cut for sale or use, by being measured with a ruler.
- 자로 재어 팔거나 쓰고 남은 천의 조각.
remnants of cloth; odds and ends of cloth
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