shortishshort-livedshort-lived planshort-lived resolutionshortlyshort messageshort-necked clamshort novelshort objectshort pantsshort periodshort piece of musicshort playshortsshort-sightedshort-sightednessshortsightednessshort sleeveshort-sleeved garmentshort-sleeved shirtshort soundshort statureshortstopshort storyshort stringshort-temperedshort termshort-termshort-term battleshort-term competitionshort timeshort trackshort whileshort work of artshortyshotshot arrowshotgunshot in the armshot putshouldshoulder
- The life of a creature such as a human or animal being short.
- 사람이나 동물 등 생명이 있는 것의 목숨이 짧다.
short-lived plan
- A word meaning that one cannot keep one's resolution longer than three days, namely that one's resolution is not strong and firm.
- 단단히 먹은 마음이 사흘을 못 간다는 뜻으로, 결심이 강하고 단단하지 못함.
short-lived plan; short-lived resolution
short-lived resolution
- A word meaning that one cannot keep one's resolution longer than three days, namely that one's resolution is not strong and firm.
- 단단히 먹은 마음이 사흘을 못 간다는 뜻으로, 결심이 강하고 단단하지 못함.
short-lived plan; short-lived resolution
short message
- A very short bit of content or thing, compared with others.
- 다른 것에 비해 아주 짤막한 내용이나 물건.
short message; short object
short-necked clam
short novel
- A novel which is short in length.
- 길이가 짧은 소설.
short novel; short story
short object
- A very short bit of content or thing, compared with others.
- 다른 것에 비해 아주 짤막한 내용이나 물건.
short message; short object
short pants
- Short trousers that end at the knee or above.
- 길이가 무릎 위나 무릎 정도까지 내려오는 짧은 바지.
short pants; shorts
short period
short piece of music
- A small-sized artwork or short work of literature or music.
- 크기가 작은 미술 작품 또는 길이가 짧은 문학이나 음악 작품.
short work of art; short piece of music
short play
1. 근시안적²
- Seeing only the immediate or partial aspects of a phenomenon without the wisdom to anticipate the future, or the ability to view the entirety of an object.
- 미래를 짐작하거나 사물 전체를 보는 지혜가 없고 당장의 부분적인 현상만 보는.
2. 협소하다
- Showing a narrow viewpoint or attitude toward something.
- 사물을 보는 안목이나 마음이 좁다.
narrow-minded; small-minded; short-sighted
- The state of being foolish since one only sees the difference at hand but doesn't realize that the outcome will nevertheless be no better.
- 당장 눈앞에 나타나는 차이만 알고 그 결과가 같다는 것은 모르는 어리석음.
- An act of seeing solely a partial phenomena of the moment without the ability to predict the future or the wisdom to see the whole picture; or such a person.
- 미래를 짐작하거나 사물 전체를 보는 지혜가 없고 당장의 부분적인 현상만 보는 것, 또는 그런 사람.
short sleeve
- A short sleeve that comes down to the elbow or above, or such a garment.
- 팔꿈치 위나 팔꿈치까지 내려오는 짧은 소매. 또는 그런 옷.
short sleeve; short-sleeved garment
short-sleeved garment
- A short sleeve that comes down to the elbow or above, or such a garment.
- 팔꿈치 위나 팔꿈치까지 내려오는 짧은 소매. 또는 그런 옷.
short sleeve; short-sleeved garment
short-sleeved shirt
- A clothing of which the sleeves are short enough to show one's elbows.
- 소매의 길이가 팔꿈치가 드러날 정도로 짧은 옷.
short-sleeved shirt; half-sleeved shirt
short sound
short stature
- In baseball, a defender who stands between the second and third base to stop runners.
- 야구에서, 이루와 삼루 사이를 지키는 수비수.
short story
short string
short term
short-term battle
- A battle or sports game that continues for a short period of time.
- 짧은 기간 동안 벌어지는 전쟁이나 경기.
short-term competition; short-term battle
short-term competition
- A battle or sports game that continues for a short period of time.
- 짧은 기간 동안 벌어지는 전쟁이나 경기.
short-term competition; short-term battle
short time
short track
- A skating event in which skaters compete to skate the fastest on a short ice track with a lap which is 111.12 meters long.
- 한 바퀴가 111.12 미터인 짧은 실내 얼음판 트랙에서 속도를 겨루는 스케이트 경기.
short track
short while
short work of art
- A small-sized artwork or short work of literature or music.
- 크기가 작은 미술 작품 또는 길이가 짧은 문학이나 음악 작품.
short work of art; short piece of music
1. 발⁴
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the number of bullets, shells, arrows, etc.
- 총알이나 포탄, 화살 등의 수를 세는 단위.
2. 방²
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the number of shots in firing a gun or cannon, or the number of times explosives are set.
- 총이나 대포를 쏘거나 폭약 등을 터뜨리는 횟수를 세는 단위.
- A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the frequency of taking photos.
- 사진을 찍는 횟수를 세는 단위.
3. 슛
- The act of kicking or throwing the ball into the goal or basket in a sports game that uses a ball such as soccer, basketball, etc.
- 축구나 농구 등 공을 사용하는 경기에서 골이나 바스켓으로 공을 차거나 던짐.
4. 총알
- A small piece of metal that is shot from the muzzle of a gun to hit a target.
- 총을 쏘았을 때에 총구멍에서 나와 목표물을 맞히는 작은 쇳덩이.
bullet; shot; pellet
5. 총탄
- A small piece of metal that is shot from the muzzle of a gun to hit a target.
- 총을 쏘았을 때에 총구멍에서 나와 목표물을 맞히는 작은 쇳덩이.
bullet; shot; pellet
6. 탄알
- An object which is put into a gun, cannon, etc., and is shot at a target.
- 총이나 포에 넣어 끼우고 목표물을 향해 쏘아 보내는 물건.
bullet; shot; shell; slug
7. 탄환
- An object which is put into a gun, cannon, etc., and is shot at a target.
- 총이나 포에 넣어 끼우고 목표물을 향해 쏘아 보내는 물건.
bullet; shot; shell; slug
shot arrow
shot in the arm
- An element that vitalizes one's life.
- 살아 움직이는 힘이 되는 요소.
tonic; energizer; shot in the arm; refresher
shot put
- For something to have to be realized.
- 어떤 일이 이루어져야 하다.
be required to; should; have to; need to; ought to
1. 갓길
- A road made on both sides of a wide road or highway for broken down vehicles or vehicles in a hurry.
- 큰 도로나 고속도로의 양쪽 가장자리에, 고장난 차나 급히 가야 하는 차를 위해 만든 길.
2. 걸머지다
- To attach strings to something and for someone to carry it across his/her shoulder.
- 짐을 줄로 매어 어깨에 걸어서 등에 지다.
- To undertake a certain responsibility, duty, etc.
- 책임이나 임무 등을 떠맡다.
carry; shoulder
take; bear; shoulder
4. 메다²
- To put something on or over one's shoulder or back.
- 물건을 어깨나 등에 올려놓다.
shoulder; carry on one's shoulder
6. 어깨
- The body part between the lower end of the neck and the upper end of the arm.
- 목의 아래 끝에서 팔의 위 끝에 이르는 몸의 부분.
- The part between the sleeve seam and the collar.
- 옷소매가 붙은 솔기와 깃 사이의 부분.
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