be published serially
    be published serially; be serialized
  • For articles, comics, etc., to be published serially in a newspaper, magazine, etc.
  • 신문이나 잡지 등에 글이나 만화 등이 계속 이어서 실리다.
be pulled
    be pulled; be tugged
  • To be pulled by another force.
  • 다른 힘에 의해 잡아당겨지다.
    be pulled; be plucked
  • For hair, grass, etc., to be removed or pulled.
  • 털이나 풀 등이 떼이거나 뽑히다.
    be pulled; be picked; be plucked
  • For a thing stuck somewhere to be pulled at so to come out.
  • 박혀 있던 것이 잡아당겨져 밖으로 빼내지다.
    be pulled; be drawn; be jerked
  • To be grabbed by someone and be pulled towards him/her.
  • 손으로 잡혀 상대방 쪽으로 끌리다.
be pulled down
    be pulled down; be torn down; be crumbled
  • For something piled up or standing high to be torn down or scattered.
  • 높이 쌓이거나 서 있던 것이 허물어지거나 흩어지다.
    be pulled down; be torn down; be demolished
  • For something piled up or built to fall apart.
  • 쌓이거나 지어져 있는 것이 헐려서 무너지다.
    be torn down; be demolished; be pulled down
  • For a building such as a house, etc., or things piled up to be pulled down.
  • 집 등의 건축물이나 쌓아 놓은 물건이 무너지다.
be pulled out
    be pulled out
  • For something to be grabbed tight and ripped off.
  • 어떤 것이 단단히 잡혀 뜯어지다.
    be evacuated; be withdrawn; be pulled out
  • For the equipment, supplies, etc., to be gathered up and withdrawn from a place where one has been stationed.
  • 있던 곳에서 시설이나 장비 등이 거두어지고 물러나게 되다.
be pulled up
    be pulled up; be refloated; be salvaged
  • To be lifted to a higher place.
  • 높은 곳으로 끌려 옮겨지다.
be pulverized
    be pulverized
  • For something hard to be crushed into a powder.
  • 단단한 물체가 가루처럼 작은 조각으로 부스러지다.
be punched
    be punched; be pierced
  • For a hole or crack to be created.
  • 구멍이나 틈이 생기다.
be pungent
    be pungent
  • For the taste or smell to be so spicy or strong that it irritates one's tongue or nose strongly.
  • 맛이나 냄새가 맵거나 강해 사람의 입 안이나 코를 강하게 자극하다.
be punished
    be punished
  • To be scolded.
  • 야단을 맞다.
    be scolded; be punished
  • To be reprimanded.
  • 꾸지람을 듣다.
    be punished; be chastised
  • For someone to be punished and rebuked so that he/she realizes and regrets his/her wrongdoing.
  • 잘못이 깨우쳐져 뉘우쳐지도록 벌을 받다.
    be punished
  • To be subjected to a penalty for a wrongdoing.
  • 죄에 대하여 벌을 받다.
    be punished; (a disciplinary action) be taken
  • To be dealt with according to a judgement.
  • 결정적인 판단이 내려져 처치되거나 처리되다.
    be punished; be penalized
  • For a criminal to be given a penalty to or be punished for what he/she has done by the state or a related institution.
  • 범죄를 저지른 사람이 국가나 특정 기관의 제재나 벌을 받다.
    be scolded; be rebuked; be punished
  • To be scolded severely or punished.
  • 심하게 꾸지람을 듣거나 벌을 받다.
be punished in a certain place
    be punished in a certain place
  • To be placed in a certain place as punishment for one's wrongdoing.
  • 잘못을 하여 일정한 곳에서 벌을 받다.
be purchased
    be purchased
  • For stocks or real estate, etc., to be bought.
  • 주식이나 부동산 등이 사들여지다.
    be purchased
  • For things, etc., to be bought.
  • 물건 등이 사들여지다.
be pure
    be innocent; be pure
  • To be clean and pure without being stained.
  • 때가 묻지 않고 맑고 깨끗하다.
  • be innocent; be pure
  • To be innocent without artificiality.
  • 꾸밈없이 본래 그대로 순박하다.
be purged
    be purged
  • For someone who is opposed to a group or person of authority to be eradicated.
  • 권력을 가진 집단이나 사람에 반대하는 세력이 내몰리다.
be purified
    be purified
  • To become pure, free from impurities.
  • 불순한 것이 없어지고 순수해지다.
    be purified
  • For one's thoughts or feelings to be changed in a desirable manner through teachings.
  • 가르침으로 생각이나 감정이 바람직하게 변화되다.
  • be purified
  • To become pure, free from impurities.
  • 잡스러운 것이 없어져 순수해지다.
    be filtered; be screened; be purified
  • (figurative) For elements that are usually negative to be eliminated.
  • (비유적으로) 주로 부정적인 요소가 걸러지다.
    be purified
  • For something dirty or impure to be made clean.
  • 더러운 것이나 순수하지 않은 것이 깨끗해지다.
  • be purified
  • For feelings of depression, anxiety, nervousness, etc., to be removed and for one's mind to be cleansed.
  • 마음속의 우울, 불안, 긴장 등이 해소되고 마음이 깨끗해지다.
be pursued
    be chased; be run after; be pursued
  • For someone ahead to be followed hurriedly.
  • 앞서가는 사람이 급히 뒤따라옴을 당하다.
    be chased; be pursued; be run after
  • To be followed in a hurry by someone or something..
  • 어떤 것이 잡으려고 서둘러 뒤를 따르거나 자취를 따라가고 있어 내몰리다.
    be searched for; be investigated; be pursued
  • For a field of study, etc., to be dug into and looked into deeply.
  • 학문 등이 깊이 파헤쳐져 연구되다.
be pushed
    be pushed
  • For something to be done against one's will despite difficulties.
  • 어려움이 있지만 억지로 행해지다.
    be pushed; be thrust; be shoved
  • To come to move something forward by power applied to it.
  • 힘껏 힘이 주어져 앞으로 나아가게 되다.
    be pushed
  • To be moved as force is pressed from the opposite side.
  • 방향의 반대쪽에서 힘이 가해져서 움직여지다.
    be touched; be pushed
  • To be touched or pushed by something repeatedly.
  • 다른 것에 자꾸 맞닿거나 부딪치다.
    be propelled; be pushed; be driven
  • For an object to be pushed and made to move forward.
  • 물체가 밀려 앞으로 나아가다.
be pushed ahead
    be pushed ahead; be promoted
  • For a project to be proceeded with, for a certain purpose.
  • 어떤 목적을 위해서 일이 밀고 나아가게 되다.
be pushed around
    be pushed around
  • To be pushed around by a certain force.
  • 어떤 힘에 의해 밀려서 다니다.
    be controlled; be pushed around
  • To be pushed around or handled by another person.
  • 이리저리 남에게 휘둘리거나 다루어지다.
be pushed for
    be pushed for; be on the verge of
  • To be close to certain time or a certain situation.
  • 어떤 때나 상황에 가깝게 놓이다.
be pushed into
    be pushed into; be forced into
  • For a crowd of people or things to be pushed into a place at the same time.
  • 어떤 힘에 의해 밀려서 오다.
be pushed out
    be pushed out; be forced out
  • To be pushed outside from inside a certain space.
  • 힘껏 밀려서 어떤 공간에서 밖으로 나가게 되다.
be pushed to
    be pushed to
  • To be pushed by a certain force.
  • 어떤 힘에 의해 밀려서 가다.
be put
    be put; be inserted
  • For a tape, record, etc., to be inserted in a certain device.
  • 테이프나 음반 등이 어떤 장치에 끼워져 넣어지다.
  • be put; fall under
  • To be put in a certain state.
  • 어떤 상태에 빠지게 되다.
    be placed; be put
  • For something that one is holding or gripping to be laid somewhere.
  • 잡거나 쥐고 있던 물체가 어떤 곳에 있게 되다.
  • be put; be placed
  • For an emphasis to be placed on something.
  • 강조할 곳이 주어지다.
    be employed; be put
  • To be given a certain position or task and work.
  • 사람이 어떤 일정한 직위나 자리를 받고 일을 하게 되다.
    be put; be placed
  • For a food or ingredient to be placed on the table, cutting board, etc.
  • 음식이나 식재료가 식탁, 도마 등에 놓이다.
  • make it; be run; be put
  • For something to be recorded.
  • 무엇이 기록되다.
    be put
  • For food, etc., to be set on the table.
  • 상에 음식 등이 차려지다.
be put away
    be put away; be cleared away
  • For something hanging down or veiled to be put away.
  • 늘어지거나 가려져 있던 것이 치워지다.
be put away in order
    be put away in order
  • To be put away and stored in order.
  • 무엇이 잘 정리되어 보관되다.
be put down
    be written; be composed; be put down
  • For one's thought, feeling, etc., to be expressed by being written on paper, etc.
  • 머릿속의 생각이나 느낌 등이 종이 등에 글로 적혀 나타나다.
Idiombe put in a printing block
    be put in a printing block
  • For one's words and behavior to be the same as they have been and have nothing new.
  • 말과 행동이 정해진 대로 반복되어 새롭지 못하다.
be put in charge of someone
    be entrusted; be trusted; be put in charge of someone
  • For the responsibility for a thing or person to be placed on someone.
  • 남에게 사물이나 사람에 대한 책임이 맡겨지다.
be put in disorder
    be messed up; be put in disorder; be littered
  • For things to be mixed up in one place and become messy.
  • 물건들이 한 곳에 뒤섞여 어지럽게 되다.
    be messed up; be put in disorder; be littered
  • For things to be mixed up in one place and become messy.
  • 물건들이 한 곳에 뒤섞여 어지러워지다.
be put in jail
    be imprisoned; be put in jail
  • To live in a prison after being sentenced to a term of imprisonment.
  • 징역형을 받고 교도소에서 살아가다.
be put in other words
    be paraphrased; be put in other words
  • For the preceding words to be expressed in a different way without change in their meaning.
  • 앞에서 나온 말이 다르게 바뀌어 말해지다.
Idiombe put in place
    be put in place
  • For a new system or rule to become established and work properly.
  • 새로운 제도나 규율 등이 정착되어 제대로 이루어지다.
2. 관용구자리(를) 잡다
    be put in place
  • To take shape properly in an appropriate position.
  • 제자리에 제 모양으로 위치하다.
  • be put in place
  • For a new system or rule to become established and be widely implemented.
  • 새로운 제도나 규율 등이 정착되어 널리 행해지다.
be put in safety
    be put in safety
  • To be kept safe.
  • 안전하게 놓여지다.
be put into
    be put into; be incorporated
  • For a certain content or idea to be expressed or contained in a picture, writing, or on one's face.
  • 어떤 내용이나 생각이 그림, 글, 말, 표정 등에 포함되거나 나타나다.
    be put into
  • For a certain phenomenon or meaning to be shown or contained.
  • 어떤 현상이나 뜻이 나타나거나 담기다.
be put into a bank account
    be deposited; be put into a bank account
  • For money to be entrusted in a financial institution such as a bank, etc.
  • 은행 등의 금융 기관에 돈이 맡겨지다.
be put off
    be deferred; be put off
  • For something to be delayed to a later time, not dealt with immediately.
  • 어떤 일이 바로 되지 않고 나중으로 미루어지다.
be put off by
    be disaffected toward; take a disgust at; be put off by
  • To lose affection for or become estranged from someone.
  • 정이 없어지거나 멀어지다.
be put on a summary trial
    be decided on the spot; be put on a summary trial
  • For something to be decided or handled on the spot.
  • 그 자리에서 바로 결정되거나 처리되다.
be put on board
    be carried; be put on board
  • For someone to be placed in a means of transportation such as a car, ship, airplane, etc., in order to go somewhere.
  • 사람이 어떤 곳에 가기 위해 차, 배, 비행기 등의 교통수단에 태워지다.
be put on record
    be registered; be put on record
  • In law, for one's name to be recorded in the document of an administrative or public agency in applying for permission or recognition.
  • 법률에서, 허가나 인정을 받기 위해 이름 등이 행정 관서나 공공 기관의 문서에 기록되다.
be put on the market
    be put on the market; be released
  • For a certain product to be issued and sold, or to be put up for sale.
  • 상품이 사람들에게 팔리거나 팔려고 내놓아지다.
be put to a bad use
    be abused; be put to a bad use; be misused
  • To be used or taken advantage of for a bad purpose.
  • 나쁜 일에 쓰이거나 나쁘게 이용되다.
be put together
    be put together; be covered up; be rounded up
  • To be included all together in a certain group.
  • 어떤 범위 안에 한꺼번에 포함되다.
    be put together
  • To be categorized or gathered systematically
  • 종류에 따라 체계적으로 나누어지거나 모아지다.

'English - Korean > b' 카테고리의 다른 글

be re-broadcast - be reduced  (0) 2020.02.07
be put to practical use - be reborn  (0) 2020.02.07
be procured - be published  (0) 2020.02.07
be potty-trained - be proclaimed  (0) 2020.02.07
be piled - be postponed  (0) 2020.02.07

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