get a cramp in one's headget a fierce stareget a grip on oneselfget ahead ofget a holeget a jobget a liking forget a loanget alongget along withget angryget angry to the tip of one's headget angry withget a permget a roomget around with something attached to one's mouthget a senseget a sound sleepget a special promotionget awaygetawayget a windfallget backget back togetherget beatenget betterget biggerget blockedget clearedget coldget confusedget creditget crookedget cutget cut offget darkget dead drunkget dirty easilyget dischargedget distractedget divorcedget donationsget doneget drawn intoget engagedget entangled
Idiomget a cramp in one's head
관용구머리에 쥐가 나다
- For one's enthusiasm or thoughts to disappear in a situation that one does not like or is scared to face.
- 싫고 두려운 상황에서 의욕이나 생각이 없어지다.
get a cramp in one's head
Idiomget a fierce stare
관용구눈총(을) 맞다
- To be hated by someone.
- 다른 사람의 미움을 받다.
get a fierce stare; meet with a glare
get a grip on oneself
- To make oneself right-minded or composed.
- 마음을 바르게 하거나 안정된 상태를 이루다.
get a grip on oneself; calm oneself
get ahead of
get a hole
- For a hole to be made on the sole of a shoe, sock, etc.
- 신발이나 양말 등의 바닥이 떨어져 구멍이 나다.
get a hole
get a job
get a liking for
get a loan
get along
get along with
1. 겪다
- To be acquainted with someone and spend some time with him/her.
- 사람을 사귀어 지내다.
get to know; be acquainted with; get along with
2. 사귀다
- To come to know and keep each other's company.
- 서로 알게 되어 친하게 지내다.
get along with; go around with; go out with
3. 어울리다
- To get on well with others or join a certain group and come to be active in the group.
- 함께 사귀어 잘 지내거나 어떤 무리에 끼어 같이 활동하게 되다.
get along with
get angry
Idiomget angry to the tip of one's head
- To be very enraged.
- 아주 크게 화가 나다.
get angry[have one's anger surge up] to the tip of one's head
get angry with
- To show anger toward another, being upset with him/her.
- 몹시 기분이 상해 노여워하는 감정을 드러내다.
get angry with; be mad at
get a perm
2. 파마하다
- To have one's hair curled or straightened, so that it stays that way for a long time, using a machine or chemical substance.
- 기계나 약품으로 머리를 구불구불하게 하거나 곧게 펴 오랫동안 그러한 상태가 유지되도록 하다.
get a perm; have one's hair permed
Idiomget a room
관용구방을 잡다
- To decide a room to stay in an accommodation.
- 숙박업소에서 묵을 방을 정하다.
get a room
Idiomget around with something attached to one's mouth
- To frequently use or repeat a certain word.
- 어떤 말을 자주 사용하거나 계속 반복하다.
- To eat a certain food almost everyday.
- 어떤 음식을 거의 매일 먹다.
get around[live] with something attached to one's mouth
get around[live] with something attached to one's mouth
Idiomget a sense
관용구감을 잡다
- To notice what is going on.
- 사정을 알아차리다.
get a sense
get a sound sleep
get a special promotion
- For one's title or level to rise specially, in recognition of one's excellent service.
- 뛰어난 공로를 세워 특별히 계급이나 등급이 올라가다.
get a special promotion
get away
- A place suitable for taking care of one's health by relaxing.
- 편안히 쉬면서 건강을 잘 돌보기에 알맞은 곳.
resort; getaway; holiday destination
get a windfall
- To acquire wealth unexpectedly without making any effort.
- 아무런 노력을 들이지 않고 뜻밖에 재물을 얻다.
get a windfall; strike it rich
get back
get back together
1. 재결합되다
- For two or more persons or things that have parted ways or been separated to form a new relationship with each other and become one again.
- 한 번 헤어지거나 떨어졌던 둘 이상의 사물이나 사람이 서로 관계를 맺어 다시 하나가 되다.
reunite; get back together
2. 재결합하다
- For two or more persons or things that have parted ways or been separated to form a new relationship with each other and become one again.
- 한 번 헤어지거나 떨어졌던 둘 이상의 사물이나 사람이 서로 관계를 맺어 다시 하나가 되다.
reunite; get back together
get beaten
get better
1. 살판나다
- To live better lives because good things happen or lots of money has come in.
- 좋은 일이 일어나거나 많은 돈이 생겨 살기 좋아지다.
get better
3. 호전되다
- For things or a situation to come to take a turn for the better.
- 일의 형편이나 상황이 좋은 방향으로 바뀌게 되다.
- For the symptoms of a disease to come to grow better.
- 병의 증세가 나아지게 되다.
improve; get better
improve; get better
4. 호전하다
- For things or a situation to take a turn for the better.
- 일의 형편이나 상황이 좋은 방향으로 바뀌다.
- For the symptoms of a disease to grow better.
- 병의 증세가 나아지다.
improve; get better
improve; get better
5. 회복되다
- For the health of a sick or weak person to return to a normal condition.
- 아프거나 약해졌던 몸이 다시 예전의 상태로 돌아오다.
be recovered; be revitalized; get better
get bigger
get blocked
get cleared
get cold
get confused
1. 헛갈리다
- To feel dizzy and confused.
- 정신이 어지럽고 혼란스럽게 되다.
- To fail to set a direction of a task as many things are mixed up.
- 여러 가지가 뒤섞여 일의 방향을 잡지 못하다.
get confused; become disordered; descend into chaos
get confused; become mixed up; be jumbled
2. 헷갈리다
- To feel dizzy and confused.
- 정신이 어지럽고 혼란스럽게 되다.
- To fail to set a direction of a task as many things are mixed up.
- 여러 가지가 뒤섞여 일의 방향을 잡지 못하다.
get confused; become disordered; descend into chaos
get confused; become mixed up; be jumbled
3. 혼돈되다
- To come to lack rules or order with all things mixed up without being organized.
- 마구 뒤섞여서 구분이 되지 않고 규칙이나 질서가 없게 되다.
be mixed up; get confused
4. 혼동되다
- For different things to be mixed up without a distinction being made between them.
- 서로 다른 것이 구별되지 못하고 뒤섞여서 생각되다.
get confused; get muddled up; be mixed up
get credit
- To save one's face so that one can show off after helping another person.
- 남에게 도움을 주고 그것을 자랑할 수 있는 체면이 서다.
get credit
get crooked
- For one's mindset, thinking, behavior, etc., to become wicked, not right or desirable.
- 생각이나 행동이 옳거나 바람직하지 않고 못되어지다.
get crooked; become distorted
get cut
- For one's body to be injured or for a part of one's body to be hurt by an object with a blade or blades.
- 날이 있는 물건으로 몸에 상처를 나거나 몸의 일부가 다치다.
get cut; get injured; get wounded
get cut off
get dark
get dead drunk
get dirty easily
get discharged
- In the military, to get discharged after the term of service expires or be assigned to another position.
- 군대에서, 복무 기간이 끝나 군대에서 나오거나 다른 임무를 맡다.
get discharged; be transferred
get distracted
1. 팔다
- To turn one’s attention to something else, instead of focusing on a certain thing.
- 주의를 집중해야 할 곳에 두지 않고 다른 데로 돌리다.
get distracted
2. 팔리다
- For one's attention to be turned to something else, instead of focusing on the thing to which it should have been paid.
- 주의가 집중해야 할 곳에 두어지지 않고 다른 데로 쏠리다.
get distracted
get divorced
- For a married couple to end their marriage legally.
- 결혼한 부부가 법적으로 부부 관계를 끊다.
get divorced; be divorced from; be separated by divorce
get donations
- For a Buddhist monk to go around getting donations from people.
- 승려가 사람들에게 시주를 받으러 다니다.
get donations
get done
get drawn into
- To be placed under the control of a certain force without beating it.
- 어떤 힘을 이기지 못해 그 세력 아래에 들다.
get drawn into; be dragged into; be caught up
get engaged
get entangled
1. 뒤엉키다
- For several things or people to mingle and become a mass.
- 이것저것 마구 섞여서 한 덩어리가 되다.
be tangled; get entangled
2. 엉클어지다
- For thread, strings, etc., to be entangled so much that it can hardly be disentangled.
- 실이나 줄 등이 풀기 힘들게 서로 한데 얽히다.
- For something to fail, not going as planned.
- 일이 계획대로 되지 않고 엉망이 되다.
tangle; knot; get entangled
get entangled; become complicated
3. 엉키다
- For thread, strings, etc., to be entangled so much that it can hardly be disentangled.
- 실이나 줄 등이 풀기 힘들게 서로 한데 얽히다.
tangle; get entangled
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