bury at seabury garbageburyingburying undergroundbury one's bonesbury one's head ostrich-like in the sandbury secretlybury something in one's chestbury undergroundbusBusanbus cardbushbush firebushilybushybusiest seasonbusilybusinessbusiness acumenbusiness administrationbusiness at an officebusiness cardbusiness circlesbusiness communitybusiness dealbusiness entitybusiness hoursbusiness indexbusinesslikebusiness magnatebusinessmanbusiness operatorbusiness ownerbusiness partnerbusiness partnershipbusiness personbusinesspersonbusiness skillbusiness transactionbusiness tripbusiness worldbusiness zonebus stopbust
bury at sea
bury garbage
- Burying someone or something, or being buried deep in the ground.
- 땅속에 깊이 파묻히거나 파묻음.
burying; being buried
burying underground
Idiombury one's bones
관용구뼈를 묻다
- To be committed and faithful to a group or organization for one's whole life.
- 단체나 조직에 평생토록 헌신하며 충성하다.
bury one's bones
Proverbsbury one's head ostrich-like in the sand
속담눈 가리고 아웅
- The manner of trying to deceive someone with a shallow trick.
- 얕은꾀로 남을 속이려 하는 모양.
say fee-faw-fum with covering someone's eyes; bury one's head ostrich-like in the sand
bury secretly
Idiombury something in one's chest
관용구가슴에 묻다
- To refrain from expressing feelings or emotions and supressing them.
- 감정을 표현하지 않고 진정하다.
- To cherish a memory or feeling.
- 마음속에 기억이나 감정을 간직하다.
bury something in one's chest
bury something in one's chest
bury underground
- A large vehicle designed to carry passengers along a fixed route for a fare.
- 돈을 받고 정해진 길을 다니며 많은 사람을 실어 나르는 큰 자동차.
- A metropolitan city in the southeastern region of Gyeongsangnam-do, or South Gyeongsang Province; the biggest city second to Seoul, it has the largest trade port in Korea.
- 경상남도 동남부에 있는 광역시. 서울에 다음가는 대도시이며 한국 최대의 무역항이 있다.
bus card
- The card used to pay the fare for a bus.
- 버스의 운임을 지불할 때 사용되는 카드.
bus card
1. 관목
- A short tree such as the rose of Sharon, azalea, etc., with lots of branches growing from the lower part, so that the distinction between the trunk and the branches is not clear.
- 키가 작으며 아랫부분에서 가지가 많이 나와 큰 줄기와 가지의 구별이 확실하지 않은, 무궁화나 진달래 등과 같은 나무.
shrub; bush
2. 덤불
- A tree whose thin branches or vines are entangled, or the thicket with these trees.
- 가는 가지나 덩굴들이 마구 엉클어져 자라는 나무. 또는 그런 나무들의 수풀.
thicket; bush; scrub
bush fire
- In a state in which hair or a mustache is long and untidy.
- 수염이나 머리털이 많거나 길고 단정하지 않게.
shaggily; bushily
1. 더부룩하다¹
- Grass, hair, etc. that has not been trimmed and is rough and messy.
- 풀이나 머리카락 등이 다듬지 않아서 단정하지 못하고 거칠다.
bushy; tufty
3. 터부룩하다
- Grass, hair, etc., being untidy and rough, as it has not been trimmed.
- 풀이나 머리카락 등이 다듬지 않아서 단정하지 못하고 거칠다.
tufty; bushy; shaggy
4. 텁수룩하다
- One's beard, mustache, or hair being long and looking untidy and moppy.
- 수염이나 머리털이 많이 자라서 가지런하지 않고 더부룩하다.
hairy; bushy; shaggy
5. 헙수룩하다
- One's hair or beard growing to be messy and dirty.
- 머리카락이나 수염이 자라서 어지럽고 지저분하다.
shaggy; bushy; dishevelled
busiest season
1. 바삐
- Without time to do other things because one has many things to do or has little time.
- 할 일이 많거나 시간이 없어서 다른 것을 할 여유가 없이.
3. 잘잘¹
- A word describing the motion of scurrying around place to place.
- 자꾸 이리저리 바쁘게 돌아다니는 모양.
4. 활발히
- In the manner of doing a certain task vigorously or making a certain event occur frequently.
- 어떤 일이 많이 이루어지거나 벌어지게.
actively; busily; energetically; vigorously
1. 거래
- The act of exchanging, selling or buying money or goods.
- 돈이나 물건을 주고받거나 사고팖.
business; transaction; trade
2. 경기¹
- Conditions related to economic areas such as booms and recessions in trade or transactions.
- 매매나 거래에 나타나는 호황, 불황과 같이 경제 분야에 관련되어 나타나는 상황.
economy; business
3. 기업
- An organization doing business activities such as production, sales, distribution, etc., to gain profit.
- 이윤을 얻기 위해 생산, 판매, 유통 등의 경제 활동을 하는 조직체.
company; enterprise; business
4. 기업적²
- Organizing and managing business activities such as production, sales, services, etc., for profit.
- 이윤을 목적으로 생산, 판매, 서비스 등의 사업을 조직하고 경영하는.
corporate; business
6. 비즈니스
- An act of developing a plan for a certain work and managing it in accordance with specific purposes; or such a work.
- 일정한 목적에 의하여 계획을 세우고 어떤 일을 경영해 나가는 것. 또는 그 일.
7. 사업
- The act of managing an organization for economic gain.
- 경제적 이익을 얻기 위하여 어떤 조직을 경영하는 일.
8. 사업체
- A systematic organization that manages a business.
- 사업을 경영하는 체계적인 조직.
company; business entity; business
10. 실업²
- Areas of business or industry such as agriculture, sales, manufacturing, fishery, etc., related to the economy which provides goods required for life.
- 농업, 상업, 공업, 수산업과 같이 생활에 필요한 물건을 만들어 내는 경제에 관한 사업.
industry; business
12. 업소
- A place of small businesses or a shop.
- 규모가 작은 사업이나 장사를 하는 곳.
business; establishment; shop
13. 영업
- A business or activity engaged in for the purpose of making money.
- 돈을 벌기 위한 사업이나 활동.
16. 일¹
- A problem or thing that one should resolve or deal with.
- 해결하거나 처리해야 할 문제나 사항.
business; engagement
17. 장사¹
- The act of buying products to sell for profit, or such business.
- 이익을 얻으려고 물건을 사서 팖. 또는 그런 일.
business acumen
- A merchant's intention to make a lot of profit.
- 이익을 많이 얻으려는 장사꾼의 속마음.
desire for profit; knack for business; business acumen
business administration
business at an office
business card
- A small piece of paper on which one's name, occupation, address, contact number, etc, are printed to promote oneself.
- 남에게 알리기 위해 자신의 이름, 직업, 주소, 연락처 등을 적은 작은 종이.
business card
business circles
- The area of activity for people engaged in the same industrial or commercial field.
- 같은 산업이나 상업 부문에서 일하는 사람들의 활동 분야.
industry; business circles; trade
business community
- A field of activity which businessmen or financiers with a lot of capital are engaged in.
- 커다란 자본을 가진 사업가나 금융업자의 활동 분야.
business community
business deal
- An act of selling and buying a product for profit.
- 이익을 얻기 위해 상품을 팔고 사는 일.
business transaction; commerce; business deal
business entity
1. 기업체
- An organization that engages in business activities such as production, sales, services, etc., for profit.
- 이윤을 목적으로 생산, 판매, 서비스 등의 사업을 하는 조직.
business entity
2. 사업체
- A systematic organization that manages a business.
- 사업을 경영하는 체계적인 조직.
company; business entity; business
3. 업체
- An organization that does a certain business for gaining profits.
- 이익을 얻기 위해서 특정 사업을 하는 단체.
company; business entity; enterprise
business hours
- Store operating hours from opening to closing.
- 가게가 영업을 하려고 문을 연 때부터 닫을 때까지의 시간.
business hours
business index
- A statistical figure that shows the state of the economic activities of a specific area.
- 특정 분야의 경제 활동의 상태를 통계 수치로 나타낸 것.
economic indicator; business index
- One's behavior or attitude being perfunctory and lacking sincerity.
- 행동이나 태도가 진심이 없고 형식적인.
businesslike; formal
business magnate
- A rich merchant who runs a large-scale business.
- 큰 규모의 장사를 하거나 돈이 많은 상인.
rich merchant; owner of a big business; business magnate
1. 기업가
- A person who organizes and manages business activities such as production, sales, services, etc., for profit.
- 이윤을 목적으로 생산, 판매, 서비스 등의 사업을 조직하고 경영하는 사람.
2. 기업자
- A person who organizes and manages business activities such as production, sales, services, etc., for profit.
- 이윤을 목적으로 생산, 판매, 서비스 등의 사업을 조직하고 경영하는 사람.
3. 실업가
- A person who professionally runs a business such as trade, industry, banking, etc.
- 상공업이나 금융업 등의 사업을 전문적으로 하는 사람.
businessman; industrialist
business operator
business owner
business partner
- A person with whom one runs or operates a business together.
- 사업이나 영업을 함께하는 사람.
business partner
business partnership
- A state in which persons run or operate a business together.
- 다른 사람과 사업이나 영업을 함께함.
business partnership
business person
business skill
- A talent or skill for doing business.
- 장사를 하는 재능이나 솜씨.
business skill; marketing strategy; sales gimmick
business transaction
- An act of selling and buying a product for profit.
- 이익을 얻기 위해 상품을 팔고 사는 일.
business transaction; commerce; business deal
business trip
business world
- An area where people engage in economic activities involving selling and buying things for the purpose of gaining profit.
- 이익을 얻기 위한 목적으로 상품을 파는 경제 활동이 이루어지는 분야.
commercial world; business world
business zone
- A regional scope covered or influenced by commercial activity.
- 상업 활동이 이루어지거나 영향을 미치는 지역적 범위.
trading area; business zone; commercial district
bus stop
- A fixed place where buses stop for passengers who get on or get off the buses.
- 버스가 사람을 태우거나 내려 주기 위해 멈추는 정해진 장소.
bus stop
4. 흉상
- A painting or sculpture that portrays a person from the head to the chest.
- 사람의 모습을 머리부터 가슴까지만 표현한 그림이나 조각.
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