behave that waybehaving freelybehaving oneselfbehaving the way one looksbehaviorbehavior fitting one´s agebehavior that is suitable for a namebe headedbeheadingbe head over heels in lovebe healedbe healed completelybe heapedbe heardbe heard outsidebe heart-brokenbe heartenedbe heatedbe heatedly debatedbe heavenlybe heavily armedbe heavybe heldbe held in checkbe helpedbe hereditarybe hesitantbe hiddenbe hidden by someone's shadowbe highly likely to go through trouble in the futurebe highly regardedbehindbe hinderedbehind storybehind-the-scenes storybehind-the-scene storybe hired
behave that way
behaving freely
- A state of acting energetically and confidently, or carelessly without reserve; or such an act.
- 힘차고 당당하게 행동하거나 제멋대로 마구 행동함. 또는 그런 행동.
moving around; roaming around; behaving freely
behaving oneself
- An act of being careful about one's words or actions so as not to make a mistake.
- 실수하지 않도록 말이나 행동을 삼감.
behaving oneself; prudence
behaving the way one looks
- One's words and actions that befit the way one looks.
- 얼굴에 어울리는 말과 행동.
behaving the way one looks
1. 거동
- An act of moving one's body, or such an attitude or behavior.
- 몸을 움직임. 또는 그러한 태도나 행동.
behavior; conduct
2. 몸가짐
- The way one behaves or takes care of his/her body.
- 몸을 보살피거나 가꾸거나 움직이는 태도.
behavior; conduct; demeanor
4. 법²
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun meaning a habitual behavior or habit.
- 일정하게 하는 행동이나 습관.
behavior; habit
5. 습성
- A common lifestyle or behavioral pattern among the same type of animal.
- 같은 종류의 동물에서 공통되는 생활 방식이나 행동 양식.
8. 행세
- An act of doing what one is expected to do as a human being in the world; or such an attitude.
- 세상에서 사람이 마땅히 해야 할 일을 행함. 또는 그런 태도.
- An act of behaving in a group; or such an attitude.
- 사람들 사이에 어울려 살아가면서 행동함. 또는 그런 태도.
behavior; demeanor; deed
behavior; attitude
behavior fitting one´s age
- A remark, behavior, or thought which is appropriate for one's age.
- 나이에 어울리는 말이나 행동, 생각.
behavior fitting one´s age
behavior that is suitable for a name
- An act that is proper for one's status or reputation.
- 자신의 지위나 명성에 걸맞은 행동.
behavior that is suitable for a name
be headed
- An act of killing someone by cutting off his/her head, or such a punishment.
- 목을 베어 죽임. 또는 그런 형벌.
decapitation; beheading
Idiombe head over heels in love
관용구죽고 못 살다
- To indulge in something.
- 아주 좋아하다.
die and be unable to live; be dead gone on; be head over heels in love
be healed
- For a disease or habit to disappear.
- 병이나 습관 등이 없어지다.
be cured; be healed; recover from; get over
be healed completely
be heaped
be heard
1. 나다¹
- For a sound, smell, etc., to be revealed enough to be recognized.
- 알아차릴 정도로 소리나 냄새 등이 드러나다.
be heard; smell
3. 들리다²
- For a sound to be heard and recognized through one's ears.
- 소리가 귀를 통해 알아차려지다.
be heard; be audible
4. 들어오다
- For news, rumor, demand, etc. to be heard or reported.
- 소식, 소문, 요구 등이 알려지거나 전해지다.
be heard; be delivered; be sent; come in
be heard outside
- For a sound to go out through a crack or be heard outside.
- 소리가 틈으로 빠져나가거나 바깥으로 소리가 들리다.
be heard outside
be heart-broken
- To lose a stable state of mind after suffering a sad affair, etc.
- 슬픈 일 등을 당하여 마음의 안정을 잃다.
be heart-broken; be shattered
be heartened
- To gain courage or strength from another's act or words.
- 어떤 행동이나 말 등에 용기나 힘을 얻다.
be encouraged; be heartened
be heated
1. 가열되다
- For heat to be applied to a substance.
- 어떤 물질에 뜨거운 열이 가해지다.
- For interest and excitement about an occasion or incident to be increased.
- 어떤 일이나 사건에 대한 관심이 높아지고 분위기가 흥분되다.
be heated
be heated; be intensified
be heatedly debated
- For many people with different opinions to come to argue and fight.
- 여러 사람의 서로 다른 주장이 내세워지며 다투게 되다.
be controversial; be heatedly debated
be heavenly
- To make someone like something a lot because it is good or excellent.
- 매우 뛰어나거나 좋아서 무척 마음에 들게 하다.
be heavenly; be superb
be heavily armed
- To brace oneself for a war by being heavily armed with strong weapons.
- 전쟁을 대비하여 강한 무기들로 단단히 무장하다.
be heavily armed
be heavy
be held
1. 개최되다
- For gatherings, events, sports meets, etc., to be organized, planned and held.
- 모임, 행사, 경기 등이 조직적으로 계획되어 열리다.
be hosted; be held
6. 붙들리다
- For something to be firmly grabbed so as not to be lost.
- 놓치지 않도록 꽉 잡히다.
- To be stopped so as not to keep moving on.
- 가지 못하게 방해를 받다.
be held; be grasped; be grabbed
be held; be stopped
7. 붙잡히다
- For something to be held firmly so as not to be lost.
- 무엇이 빠지지 않도록 단단히 잡히다.
- To be stopped so as not to be able to depart or pass thorugh .
- 사람이 떠나거나 지나가지 못하게 잡히다.
be held; be grasped; be grabbed
be held; be stopped
be held in check
- To cause to be kept from acting freely or becoming stronger.
- 상대방에 의해 자유롭게 행동하지 못하거나 힘이 강해지지 못하게 되다.
be checked; be held in check
be helped
be hereditary
1. 유전되다
- For the appearance, personality, physical constitution, etc., of the preceding generation to run down to the next generation.
- 윗대의 생김새, 성격, 체질 등이 다음 세대에게 전해지다.
be hereditary
2. 유전하다
- For the appearance, personality, physical constitution, etc., of the preceding generation to run down to the next generation, or to make this happen.
- 윗대의 생김새, 성격, 체질 등이 다음 세대에게 전해지다. 또는 그렇게 되게 하다.
be hereditary
be hesitant
1. 우물쭈물하다
- To hesitate without saying or behaving clearly.
- 말이나 행동을 분명하게 하지 못하고 자꾸 망설이다.
be indicisive; waver; be hesitant
2. 주춤거리다
- To waver and hesitate in one's act or step repeatedly, or to come to waver and hesitate in one's act or step repeatedly.
- 어떤 행동이나 걸음 등이 망설여지며 자꾸 머뭇거리게 되다. 또는 어떤 행동이나 걸음 등을 망설이며 자꾸 머뭇거리다.
hesitate; be hesitant
3. 주춤대다
- To waver and hesitate in one's act or step repeatedly, or to come to waver and hesitate in one's act or step repeatedly.
- 어떤 행동이나 걸음 등이 망설여지며 자꾸 머뭇거리게 되다. 또는 어떤 행동이나 걸음 등을 망설이며 자꾸 머뭇거리다.
hesitate; be hesitant
4. 주춤주춤하다
- To waver and hesitate in one's act or step repeatedly, or to come to waver and hesitate in one's act or step repeatedly.
- 어떤 걸음이나 행동 등이 자꾸 망설여지며 머뭇거리게 되다. 또는 어떤 걸음이나 행동 등을 자꾸 망설이며 머뭇거리다.
hesitate; be hesitant
be hidden
2. 묻히다¹
- For something to be covered with a different material after being placed somewhere.
- 어디에 놓여 다른 물질로 덮여 가려지다.
- To not be known as something is deeply hidden.
- 깊이 숨겨져 알려지지 않게 되다.
be covered; be hidden
be buried; be hidden; be concealed
4. 은폐되다
- To be hidden by being covered, or be covered by being hidden.
- 가려져 숨겨지거나 덮여서 감춰지다.
be hidden
Idiombe hidden by someone's shadow
관용구그림자에 가리다
- To be unrecognized since one pales beside someone else with greater reputation or capacity.
- 다른 사람의 명성이나 능력에 뒤쳐져 인정받지 못하다.
be hidden by someone's shadow
Idiombe highly likely to go through trouble in the future
관용구고생문이 훤하다
- To be obviously expected to experience gruelling and hard times in the future.
- 앞으로 괴롭고 힘든 일을 겪게 될 것이 뻔하다.
be highly likely to go through trouble in the future
be highly regarded
- To recognize with praise someone as being in the top five among a field of many.
- 여럿 중에서 다섯 손가락 안에 들 만큼 뛰어나게 여기다.
be highly regarded; be eminent
be hindered
behind story
behind-the-scenes story
- A story unknown to the world.
- 세상에 알려지지 않은 이야기.
untold episode; behind-the-scenes story; secret story
behind-the-scene story
- An additional accout of what happens after a certain event ends.
- 어떤 일이 끝난 후에 벌어진 일에 대하여 덧붙이는 이야기.
postscript; epilogue; behind-the-scene story
be hired
1. 사용되다
- For someone to be hired and used to do a certain work.
- 사람이 어떤 일을 하는 데 부려 쓰이다.
be hired; be employed
2. 쓰이다²
- To receive a certain amount of money and work.
- 사람이 일정한 돈을 받고 어떤 일을 하게 되다.
be employed; be hired
5. 취직되다
- To obtain a job and go to work.
- 일정한 직업을 얻어 직장에 나가게 되다.
get a job; be hired; be employed
7. 투입되다
- For a person, object, money, etc., to be put where necessary.
- 사람이나 물건, 돈 등이 필요한 곳에 넣어지다.
be invested; be spent; be hired
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