have sex
    have sex
  • For a man and a woman to have a sexual intercourse.
  • 남녀가 성적으로 관계를 맺다.
    have sex
  • (slang) For a man and a woman to be on intimate terms or have a sexual relationship.
  • (속된 말로) 남녀가 가까이 지내거나 육체적인 관계를 갖다.
    have sex
  • For a man and a woman to engage in sexual intercourse.
  • 남자와 여자가 성행위를 하다.
    sleep with; have sex
  • For a man and a woman to engage in sexual intercourse.
  • 남녀가 성관계를 가지다.
    have sex
  • For a man and a woman to have sex.
  • 남녀가 육체적으로 관계를 가지다.
have sex by force
    have sex by force
  • To seduce a woman or have sexual intercourse with another by force.
  • 여자를 유혹하거나 강제로 성적인 관계를 맺다.
have sexual intercourse
    copulate; have sexual intercourse
  • To have a sexual relation between male and female.
  • 남녀 또는 암수 간에 성적인 관계를 맺다.
    have sexual intercourse
  • To have sexual relations.
  • 성적으로 관계를 맺다.
    have sexual intercourse
  • (euphemism) For a man and a woman to have sexual intercourse with their sexual organs.
  • (완곡한 말로) 남자와 여자가 성기를 통하여 육체적으로 관계를 맺다.
    have sexual intercourse; make love
  • For a man and a woman to have sexual intercourse with their sexual organs.
  • 남자와 여자가 성기를 통하여 육체적으로 관계를 맺다.
Idiomhave shame
    have shame
  • To behave in a decent manner.
  • 부끄럽지 않게 행동하다.
have someone behind
    have someone behind; get ahead of
  • To outpace others.
  • 남을 앞질러 가다.
have someone butcher an animal
    have someone butcher an animal
  • To have someone kill an animal.
  • 짐승을 죽이게 하다.
have someone defecate
    have someone evacuate bodily waste; have someone defecate
  • To make someone discharge urine or excrement from the body.
  • 똥이나 오줌을 몸 밖으로 내보내게 하다.
Idiomhave someone eat yeot, a Korean hard taffy
    have someone eat yeot, a Korean hard taffy
  • To cheat or trouble someone.
  • 속이거나 곤란하게 하다.
have someone employed
    have someone employed
  • To have someone get a job and go to work.
  • 일정한 직업을 주어 직장에 나가게 하다.
have someone evacuate bodily waste
    have someone evacuate bodily waste; have someone defecate
  • To make someone discharge urine or excrement from the body.
  • 똥이나 오줌을 몸 밖으로 내보내게 하다.
have someone get married
    have someone get married
  • To have a man marry a woman and become her husband.
  • 남자를 결혼시켜 다른 사람의 남편이 되게 하다.
    have someone get married
  • To find a bride and have a man marry her.
  • 아내가 될 사람을 구하여 남자를 결혼시키다.
have someone graduate
    have someone graduate
  • To have a person complete all the courses required by a school.
  • 학교에서 정해진 교과 과정을 모두 마치게 하다.
have someone hold something
    have someone hold something
  • To have someone hold something tight in his/her hand so as not to drop it.
  • 손으로 힘 있게 잡고 놓지 않게 하다.
have someone in attendance
    have someone in attendance; let someone be attended
  • To make someone stay beside and take care of another person.
  • 어떤 사람을 옆에 같이 있으면서 돌보게 하다.
have someone in the lead
    have someone in the lead
  • To make someone stand in the forefront of a group.
  • 무리의 맨 앞에 서게 하다.
  • have someone in the lead
  • To make someone do something as a leader.
  • 어떤 일의 중심이 되어 일을 하게 하다.
have someone join
    send; have someone join
  • To have someone belong to an organization.
  • 어떤 곳에 소속되게 하다.
have someone lifted
    have someone lifted; have something lifted
  • To have someone lift someone or something.
  • 들게 하다.
have someone marry
    send; have someone marry
  • To marry off someone.
  • 결혼을 시키다.
have someone mount
    have someone mount
  • To have someone mount a vehicle such as a car or ship or the back of an animal.
  • 차나 배와 같은 탈것이나 짐승의 등에 타게 하다.
have someone move and sit
    have someone move and sit
  • To make someone move inside or to the front, and sit.
  • 밖에서 안으로 또는 뒤에서 앞으로 옮겨 앉게 하다.
have someone over
    be under; have someone over
  • To have someone as one's superior.
  • 윗사람으로 떠받들다.
have someone participate
    have someone participate
  • To have someone take part in a meeting, organization, game, event, etc.
  • 모임이나 단체, 경기, 행사 등의 자리에 보내 함께하게 하다.
have someone prepare
    have someone prepare
  • To cause someone to have something in place with advance preparations.
  • 미리 마련하여 갖추게 하다.
have someone ride
    have someone ride
  • To have someone use such play equipment as a swing, seesaw, etc.
  • 그네나 시소 등의 놀이 기구를 타게 하다.
have someone settle
    have someone settle
  • To make someone rest in a place and stay there to live.
  • 일정한 곳에 자리를 잡아 머물러 살게 하다.
    have someone settle; have someone stay
  • To cause someone to remain in a place or in a certain state.
  • 일정한 장소나 상태에 그대로 머물게 하다.
have someone sit
    push someone to sit; have someone sit
  • To cause someone to sit weakly where he/she is standing.
  • 서 있던 자리에 힘없이 앉게 하다.
have someone slide
    have someone slide
  • To have someone slide on a slippery floor using a certain device.
  • 바닥이 미끄러운 곳에서 어떤 기구를 이용하여 달리게 하다.
have someone start business with
    have someone start business with
  • To make one form a relationship with someone with whom one trades things mutually.
  • 서로 거래하는 관계를 맺게 하다.
have someone stay
    have someone settle; have someone stay
  • To cause someone to remain in a place or in a certain state.
  • 일정한 장소나 상태에 그대로 머물게 하다.
have someone take off
    have someone take off; unburden someone
  • To have the bag, luggage, etc., that has been put over one's back taken off one's body.
  • 등에 메거나 진 가방 또는 짐 등을 몸에서 내려놓게 하다.
have someone to comb
    have someone to comb
  • To get someone to arrange hair, fur, etc., with a comb, hand, etc.
  • 머리카락이나 털을 빗이나 손 등으로 가지런히 정리하게 하다.
have someone understand
    have someone understand
  • To cause many people to be aware of something.
  • 여러 사람이 골고루 알게 하다.
have something ahead
    have something ahead
  • To have a certain period of time or length of distance to the goal.
  • 목적까지 일정한 시간이나 거리를 남겨 놓다.
Idiomhave something attached to one's hands
관용구손에 붙다
    have something attached to one's hands
  • To get accustomed to something and deal with it in a more enthusiastic and efficient manner.
  • 어떤 일에 능숙해져서 의욕과 능률이 오르다.
Idiomhave something clogged in one's chest
    have something clogged in one's chest
  • To feel frustrated with grief or resentment.
  • 슬픔이나 한으로 답답하다.
have something delivered
    deliver; have something delivered
  • To get something to someone.
  • 사물을 어떤 대상에게 전하여 받게 하다.
have something exploited
    have something exploited; have something extorted; have something wrung
  • To have resources, property, labor, etc., taken forcefully and utilized unjustly.
  • 자원이나 재산, 노동력 등을 정당한 대가 없이 빼앗기다.
have something extorted
    have something exploited; have something extorted; have something wrung
  • To have resources, property, labor, etc., taken forcefully and utilized unjustly.
  • 자원이나 재산, 노동력 등을 정당한 대가 없이 빼앗기다.
have something hang down
    have something hang down
  • To make something hang long and downwards.
  • 아래로 길게 처지게 하다.
have something heard
    tell something; have something heard
  • To have someone listen to something.
  • 듣게 하다.
have something in common
    have something in common
  • For certain incidents to have something in common.
  • 어떠한 일에 서로 공통되다.
    have something in common
  • For certain incidents to have something in common.
  • 어떠한 일에 서로 공통되다.
have something lifted
    have someone lifted; have something lifted
  • To have someone lift someone or something.
  • 들게 하다.
Idiomhave something on one's back
    have something on one's back
  • To feel inferior and have something weighing on one's mind due to one's weaknesses.
  • 약점 때문에 떳떳하지 못하고 마음에 걸리는 것이 있다.
have something settled and paid
    calculate; have something settled and paid
  • To calculate in a meticulous and detailed manner.
  • 꼼꼼하고 자세하게 계산하다.
Idiomhave something sit on one's inside
    have something sit on one's inside
  • To feel uncomfortable because something weighs on one's mind.
  • 마음에 걸리는 일이 있어 기분이 개운하지 않다.
Proverbshave something stolen before one's very eyes
    have something stolen before one's very eyes
  • To be deceived or suffer losses all the time while being clearly aware of it.
  • 번번이 알면서도 속거나 손해를 본다.
have something taken away
    be deprived of; have something taken away; be stripped of
  • For one's possession to be lost or owned by another person forcibly.
  • 가진 것이 강제로 없어지거나 다른 사람의 것으로 되다.
Idiomhave something touch one's skin
    have something touch one's skin
  • To feel something from the firsthand experience.
  • 직접 경험해서 느끼다.
Idiomhave something turn round and round inside one's mouth
    have something turn round and round inside one's mouth
  • To refrain from saying something that one wants to say or be unable to do it.
  • 하고 싶은 말을 하지 않고 참거나 하지 못하다.
  • have something turn round and round inside one's mouth
  • To be unable to think of a name or an appropriate expression.
  • 말하고 싶은 이름이나 알맞은 표현이 잘 생각나지 않다.
Proverbshave something undone by one's own trick
    have something undone by one's own trick; The biter is bitten; Many go for wool and come home shorn
  • To be cheated by one's own trick that was devised to cheat someone.
  • 꾀를 내어 남을 속이려다 도리어 자기가 그 꾀에 속아 넘어간다.
have something wrung
    have something exploited; have something extorted; have something wrung
  • To have resources, property, labor, etc., taken forcefully and utilized unjustly.
  • 자원이나 재산, 노동력 등을 정당한 대가 없이 빼앗기다.
have spare time
    have spare time
  • To get to have more time to do something.
  • 어떤 일을 할 시간적 여유가 생기다.
Idiomhave stiff shoulders
    have stiff shoulders
  • To come to behave in an arrogant manner.
  • 거만한 태도를 갖게 되다.
Proverbshave stomach acid between one's teeth
    have[taste] stomach acid between one's teeth
  • To be disgusted and fed up with something.
  • 어떤 것이 매우 싫증이 날 정도로 지긋지긋하다.
Idiomhave strong skills
    have strong skills
  • To have a strong power enough to control others as one pleases.
  • 사람을 대하거나 마음대로 움직이는 힘이 강하다.
Idiomhave strong teeth
    have strong teeth
  • (slang) To be very eloquent.
  • (속된 말로) 말솜씨가 아주 좋다.
Idiomhave the assortment complete
    have the assortment complete
  • To be equipped with a variety of things.
  • 여러 가지가 고루 갖추어지다.
Idiomhave the back of one's neck caught
    have the back of one's neck caught
  • For one to be controlled by someone who seizes on one's weakness.
  • 어떤 약점이 잡혀서 마음대로 하지 못하다.
  • have the back of one's neck caught
  • For one's misdeed to be revealed.
  • 지은 죄가 드러나게 되다.
have the hiccups
    hiccup; have the hiccups
  • For a strange sound to be produced as muscles right below the chest constrict suddenly and the closed windpipe opens.
  • 가슴 바로 아래에 있는 근육이 갑자기 수축되어 숨구멍이 막혔다가 열리면서 이상한 소리가 나다.
Idiomhave the inside of one's tongue go numb
    have the inside of one's tongue go numb
  • To be puzzled by something unexpectedly surprising or absurd.
  • 뜻밖에 놀랍거나 기막힌 일을 당하여 어리둥절하다.
Idiomhave the inside of one's tongue tied
    have the inside of one's tongue tied
  • To be dumbfounded by something unexpectedly surprising or weird.
  • 뜻밖에 놀랍거나 이상한 일을 당하여 기가 막히다.
Idiomhave the mood
    have the mood
  • To give a delicate and stylish impression.
  • 은근하고 멋있는 느낌이 있다.
Idiomhave the reins release
    have the reins release
  • To behave as one pleases without constraints or control.
  • 얽매이지 않거나 통제를 받지 않아 제멋대로 행동하다.
Proverbshave the taste of both the sweets and the bitters
    have the taste of both the sweets and the bitters
  • To go through both the happiness and unhappiness of life.
  • 인생의 행복과 불행을 모두 겪다.
Idiomhave the taste of the sweets and the bitters
    have[experience] the taste of the sweets and the bitters
  • To go through all of the good times, bad times, happy times, painful times.
  • 좋은 일, 나쁜 일, 즐거운 일, 괴로운 일을 다 경험하다.
Idiomhave the tip of one's tongue harden
    have the tip of one's tongue harden
  • To be unable to speak due to astonishment or embarrassment.
  • 놀라거나 당황하여 말이 안 나오다.
Idiomhave the tip of one's tongue turn
    have the tip of one's tongue turn
  • To move one's tongue while speaking.
  • 말을 하느라 혀를 움직이다.
Idiomhave the top of one's foot stabbed
    have the top of one's foot stabbed
  • To be betrayed by someone whom one trusted.
  • 믿고 있던 사람에게 배신을 당하다.

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