small personsmall pleasuresmall plot of landsmallpoxsmall quantitysmall restaurantsmall rocksmall roomsmall scalesmall skillssmall springsmall streamsmall stringy snakesmall sumsmall sum of moneysmall talksmall theatersmall thingsmall townsmall tradersmall walletsmall wordsmartsmartingsmartlysmart movesmart personsmart with painsmashsmash hitsmashingsmattersmearsmear dungsmear dung on someone's facesmearing dungsmearing with Chinese inksmear with inksmell
small person
- A person who is extremely smaller in height and physique than average people.
- 보통 사람보다 키와 몸집이 매우 작은 사람.
small person
small pleasure
small plot of land
1. 마마
- A contagious disease caused by a viral infection, whose symptoms include high fever, a rash all over the body, etc.
- 바이러스에 감염되어 일어나며 열이 몹시 나고 온몸에 발진이 생기는 전염병.
2. 천연두
- A contagious disease caused by a viral infection, whose symptoms include high fever, a rash all over the body, etc.
- 바이러스에 감염되어 일어나며 열이 몹시 나고 온몸에 발진이 생기는 전염병.
small quantity
small restaurant
- An eating place that sells simple meals of rice with a few side dishes.
- 밥에 간단한 반찬을 내어 파는 집.
small restaurant
small rock
- A rock that is bigger than a stone, and smaller than a big rock.
- 바위보다는 작고 돌멩이보다 큰 돌.
small rock
small room
small scale
small skills
small spring
small stream
- A small stream of water running through a valley or a meadow.
- 골짜기나 들에 흐르는 작은 물줄기.
brook; small stream; creek
small stringy snake
small sum
small sum of money
- A small sum of money only enough to buy cigarettes in a figurative sense.
- 담배를 살 정도의 적은 돈.
small sum of money
small talk
small theater
small thing
small town
small trader
small wallet
- A small wallet made to carry around money, cards, etc.
- 돈이나 카드 등을 넣어 들고 다닐 수 있게 만든 작은 지갑.
small wallet
small word
- A word synonymous with another word but sounding smaller, lighter or brighter in meaning.
- 큰말과 뜻은 같으나 느낌이 작고, 가볍고, 밝은 말.
small word
1. 따끔거리다
- To have a very hot, smarting feeling continuously.
- 따가울 정도로 몹시 더운 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
- To have a hurtful feeling like being poked or pinched continuously.
- 찔리거나 꼬집히는 것처럼 따갑게 아픈 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
smart; feel hot
sting; smart
2. 따끔대다
- To have a very hot, smarting feeling continuously.
- 따가울 정도로 몹시 더운 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
- To have a hurtful feeling like being poked or pinched continuously.
- 찔리거나 꼬집히는 것처럼 따갑게 아픈 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
smart; feel hot
sting; smart
3. 따끔따끔하다¹
- To have a very hot, smarting feeling continuously.
- 따가울 정도로 몹시 더운 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
- To have a hurtful feeling like being poked or pinched continuously.
- 찔리거나 꼬집히는 것처럼 따갑게 아픈 느낌이 자꾸 들다.
sting; smart
7. 번쩍번쩍하다²
- Being witty, as one suddenly and instantly comes up with brilliant ideas.
- 순간순간 갑자기 기발한 생각을 해 내는 재치가 뛰어나다.
witty; smart
9. 야무지다
- One's appearance, personality, behavior, etc., being firm and flawless.
- 사람의 생김새나 성격, 행동 등이 단단하고 빈틈이 없다.
shrewd; smart
11. 욱신거리다
- For a part of the body to ache as if it is pierced by a needle repeatedly.
- 신체의 일부분이 자꾸 바늘로 찌르는 것처럼 아파 오다.
smart; throb; tingle
12. 욱신대다
- For a part of the body to ache as if it is pierced by a needle repeatedly.
- 신체의 일부분이 자꾸 바늘로 찌르는 것처럼 아파 오다.
smart; throb; tingle
13. 욱신욱신하다
- For a part of the body to ache as if it is pierced by a needle repeatedly.
- 신체의 일부분이 자꾸 바늘로 찌르는 것처럼 아픈 느낌이 들다.
smart; throb; tingle
14. 잘나다
- A word used to express that one feels displeased with someone's behavior.
- 못마땅한 마음을 표현할 때 쓰는 말.
15. 총명하다
- Being able to remember something for a long time.
- 어떤 것을 오래 기억하는 힘이 있다.
smart; clever
16. 칠칠맞다
- (slang) One's personality or handling of tasks being meticulous and skillful.
- (속된 말로) 성질이나 일을 처리하는 솜씨가 꼼꼼하고 야무지다.
smart; deft; quick
17. 칠칠하다
- One's personality or handling of tasks being meticulous and skillful.
- 성질이나 일을 처리하는 솜씨가 꼼꼼하고 야무지다.
smart; deft; quick
smart move
- A clever move difficult to think of in go or Korean chess, janggi.
- 바둑이나 장기 등에서, 생각해 내기 힘든 좋은 수.
clever move; smart move
smart person
smart with pain
1. 격파하다
- To break a hard object by hitting it with a hand, foot, head, etc.
- 단단한 물체를 맨손이나 발, 머리로 쳐서 깨뜨리다.
break; smash
7. 바수다
- To pound an object to break it into many tiny pieces.
- 물체를 두드려 여러 조각으로 잘게 깨뜨리다.
break; smash; pound; crush
9. 부수다
- To hammer a solid object and break it into pieces.
- 단단한 물체를 두드려 여러 조각이 나게 깨뜨리다.
break; smash
10. 부스러뜨리다
- To break a solid object into small pieces or powder.
- 단단한 물체를 깨뜨려 작은 조각이나 가루가 되게 하다.
smash; break; crush
smash hit
- The lively, grand atmosphere of a crowded performance, event, etc.
- 공연이나 행사에 사람이 아주 많이 몰려드는 상황.
hit; smash hit; success
- To attain a less than substantial understanding of a topic while seeking to sound or appear knowledgeable.
- 내용을 제대로 파악하지 않고 대충대충 하다.
have a superficial knowledge; smatter
- To make liquid, powder, etc., be stuck to another object or leave a trace.
- 액체나 가루 등을 다른 물체에 들러붙거나 흔적이 남게 하다.
stain; smear
smear dung
Idiomsmear dung on someone's face
관용구얼굴에 똥칠(을) 하다
- To disgrace someone's face or honor.
- 체면이나 명예를 더럽히는 망신을 당하게 하다.
smear dung on someone's face
smearing dung
smearing with Chinese ink
- The act of staining something with Chinese ink.
- 먹으로 칠하는 것.
- (figurative) The act of tarnishing reputation or dignity.
- (비유적으로) 명예나 체면을 깎아내리는 행위.
smearing with Chinese ink
smearing with Chinese ink
smear with ink
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