someone saidSomeone's face is seensomeone's fathersomeone's motherSomeone's taste has gonesomeone's wifeSomeone's words dropsomeone to talk tosomeone who is pennilesssome other timesomersaultsomethingsomething accumulatedsomething changing easilysomething commonsomething designed by naturesomething for childrensomething for practicesomething gained free of chargesomething generalsomething goldensomething hardsomething in commonSomething is not in one's destinysomething never heard ofsomething of this kindSomething passes through one mouth and then two mouthssomething silversomething spokenSomething that festers is bound to burstSomething that is supposed to come has comesomething that must be readsomething to be proud ofsomething to live forsomething to talk aboutsomething transcendentalsomething unusualsomething wrongsome timesome time agosometime agosometimesSometimes you have money and then you lose itsomewhatsomewhat abnormalsomewhat aggressivesomewhat bluesomewhat bluishsomewhat coldsomewhat deepsomewhat disagreeablesomewhat fishysomewhat furioussomewhat keensomewhat perseveringsomewhat persistentsomewhat regrettable
someone said
IdiomSomeone's face is seen
관용구눈치(가) 보이다
- To care about someone's feelings or attitude.
- 다른 사람의 기분이나 태도에 신경을 쓰다.
Someone's face is seen
someone's father
someone's mother
1. 어머님
- (honorific) A word used to refer to or address a woman who has a child regarding her child.
- (높임말로) 자녀가 있는 여자를 자식과 관련하여 이르거나 부르는 말.
someone's mother
2. 어멈
- (slightly respectful) A word used to refer to or address a woman who has a child.
- (조금 대접하는 말로) 자식이 있는 여자를 이르거나 부르는 말.
someone's mother
IdiomSomeone's taste has gone
관용구맛(이) 가다
- (slang) For the behavior or mind of someone to appear abnormal.
- (속된 말로) 어떤 사람의 행동이나 정신 등이 정상이 아닌 듯하다.
Someone's taste has gone
someone's wife
IdiomSomeone's words drop
관용구말이 떨어지다
- For the words of instruction, permission or evaluation to be delivered.
- 지시나 허락, 평가의 말이 나오다.
Someone's words drop
someone to talk to
someone who is penniless
some other time
- The ability to place one's hands on the ground, lift one's legs in the air and tumble in the reverse direction.
- 두 손을 땅에 짚고 두 다리를 공중으로 들면서 반대 방향으로 넘는 재주.
1. 것
Bound Noun의존 명사
- A bound noun used to refer to a thing or fact that is not specified or determind by someone.
- 정확히 가리키는 대상이 정해지지 않은 사물이나 사실.
2. 머¹
- A word that refers to an object that is not specified or whose name it is not necessary to reveal.
- 정해지지 않은 대상이나 굳이 이름을 밝힐 필요가 없는 대상을 가리키는 말.
anything; something
4. 뭣
- A word that refers to an object that is not specified or whose name it is not necessary to reveal.
- 정해지지 않은 대상이나 굳이 이름을 밝힐 필요가 없는 대상을 가리키는 말.
anything; something
7. 어디¹
- The word that means something which is hard to pinpoint.
- 무엇이라고 말하기 어려운 점을 가리키는 말.
something accumulated
something changing easily
- (figurative) Something such as one's age, height, etc., which is supposed to be fixed, but changing as one pleases.
- (비유적으로) 기준에 따라 정해져 있어야 할 것이 마음대로 바뀌는 것.
something changing easily
something common
- Something being in a mostly low level and easy to be understood by the general public, rather than being technical or professional.
- 전문적이지 않고 대체로 수준이 낮아 일반 대중에게 쉽게 통할 수 있는 일.
something general; something common
something designed by nature
- The feature of being born with a certain character, destiny, etc., or such a background.
- 성품, 운명 등을 지니고 태어남. 또는 그러한 바탕.
something designed by nature
something for children
something for practice
- The quality of being used for practice; something that is used for practice.
- 연습하는 데에 쓰임. 또는 연습하는 데 쓰는 것.
something for practice
something gained free of charge
something general
- Something being in a mostly low level and easy to be understood by the general public, rather than being technical or professional.
- 전문적이지 않고 대체로 수준이 낮아 일반 대중에게 쉽게 통할 수 있는 일.
something general; something common
something golden
- A term used to indicated "golden color" or "goods made of gold".
- ‘금색’이나 ‘금으로 만든 물건'의 뜻을 나타내는 말
something golden
something hard
something in common
- (figurative) A common point among different people.
- (비유적으로) 여럿 사이에 서로 같은 점.
common denominator; something in common
IdiomSomething is not in one's destiny
관용구팔자에 없다
- For something to be ill-matched with oneself because it is uncommon or beyond one's means.
- 일상에서 크게 벗어나거나 분수에 넘쳐 어울리지 아니하다.
Something is not in one's destiny
something never heard of
- The act of hearing a certain story for the first time.
- 어떤 이야기를 지금 처음으로 들음.
something never heard of
something of this kind
- (disparaging) A pronoun used to indicate the subject of this sort.
- (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 이러한 종류의 대상을 가리키는 말.
something of this kind
ProverbsSomething passes through one mouth and then two mouths
- For rumors to gradually spread out.
- 소문이 차차 널리 퍼진다.
Something passes through one mouth and then two mouths
something silver
- The state of being made of silver, or such an object.
- 은으로 만듦. 또는 그런 물건.
being made of silver; something silver
something spoken
ProverbsSomething that festers is bound to burst
- An expression meaning a negative feeling such as a grudge or conflict is bound to burst if they accumulate.
- 원한이나 갈등과 같은 나쁜 감정이 쌓이면 터지게 마련임을 뜻하는 말.
Something that festers is bound to burst
IdiomSomething that is supposed to come has come
관용구올 것이 오다
- For a negative event to happen as feared or expected.
- 미리 생각했던 좋지 않은 일이 일어나다.
Something that is supposed to come has come
something that must be read
- A state of a book being required to be read or an act of making a point of reading a book.
- 반드시 읽어야 함. 또는 반드시 읽음.
required reading; something that must be read
something to be proud of
- An event or thing related to oneself, that is shown off or boasted about.
- 자기와 관계있는 일이나 물건으로 남에게 드러내어 뽐낼 만한 것.
something to be proud of
something to live for
- Pleasure or something worth living for.
- 세상을 사는 즐거움이나 보람.
the pleasure of living; something to live for
something to talk about
- Materials or contents worthy of being talked about.
- 이야기할 만한 재료나 내용.
subject of conversation; topic; something to talk about
something transcendental
- The state of surpassing the realistic and normal limit.
- 현실적이고 정상적인 한계를 뛰어넘는 것.
something transcendental
something unusual
- An event that is very strange or unexpected.
- 미리 생각하지 못한 일이나 매우 이상한 일.
something unusual; extraordinary event; unforeseen occurrence
something wrong
- A machine, device, etc., not operating normally because it is broken.
- 기계나 장치 등이 제대로 작동하지 않음.
defect; something wrong
some time
some time ago
sometime ago
ProverbsSometimes you have money and then you lose it
- An expression used to advise some not to care too much about accumulating wealth since it is supposed to come and go.
- 재물은 돌고 도는 것이므로 재물의 있고 없음에 너무 얽매이지 말라는 말.
Sometimes you have money and then you lose it; other times you do not have money and then you get some
somewhat abnormal
- Looking different from something normal.
- 보기에 정상적인 것과 다른 데가 있다.
rather abnormal; somewhat abnormal
somewhat aggressive
- A bit fierce and sharp.
- 매우 사납고 날카로운 데가 있다.
somewhat aggressive; somewhat furious; somewhat keen
somewhat blue
somewhat bluish
somewhat cold
- Continuously feeling a little cold enough to get goose bumps.
- 소름이 돋을 정도로 약간 차가운 느낌이 계속 드는 듯하다.
chilly; somewhat cold
somewhat deep
- The degree of something being quite severe.
- 어떤 정도가 꽤 심하다.
somewhat deep; somewhat serious
somewhat disagreeable
- Something feeling unpleasant, not fresh.
- 어떤 것에서 풍기는 느낌이 산뜻하지 못하고 불쾌하다.
somewhat disagreeable
somewhat fishy
somewhat furious
- A bit fierce and sharp.
- 매우 사납고 날카로운 데가 있다.
somewhat aggressive; somewhat furious; somewhat keen
somewhat keen
- A bit fierce and sharp.
- 매우 사납고 날카로운 데가 있다.
somewhat aggressive; somewhat furious; somewhat keen
somewhat persevering
- Having an attitude of doing something very persistently and tenaciously.
- 매우 억세고 끈질기게 일을 해 나가는 태도가 있다.
somewhat persevering; somewhat persistent
somewhat persistent
- Having an attitude of doing something very persistently and tenaciously.
- 매우 억세고 끈질기게 일을 해 나가는 태도가 있다.
somewhat persevering; somewhat persistent
somewhat regrettable
1. 미안스럽다
- Feeling rather uncomfortable and ashamed because one did something bad to someone.
- 남에게 잘못을 하여 마음이 편하지 않고 부끄러운 데가 있다.
somewhat regrettable
2. 미안쩍다
- Feeling rather uncomfortable and ashamed because one did something bad to someone.
- 남에게 잘못을 하여 마음이 편하지 않고 부끄러운 느낌이 있다.
somewhat regrettable
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