    personally; privately
  • In such a manner of being individual, not public.
  • 공적이 아닌 개인적인 성질이 있게.
personally handwritten letter
    personally handwritten letter
  • A letter written in one's own handwriting.
  • 직접 쓴 편지.
personal ornaments
    personal ornaments; accessories
  • An ornament made of precious metal, etc., which is attached to one's body or clothes to decorate one's looks,
  • 외모를 꾸미기 위해서 몸이나 옷에 다는 귀금속 등으로 만든 장식물.
personal profit
    private interest; personal profit
  • An individual's own interest.
  • 개인의 이익.
personal pronoun
    personal pronoun
  • A pronoun referring to a person such as I, you, we, etc.
  • ‘나’, ‘너’, ‘우리’ 등과 같이 사람을 가리키는 대명사.
personal spending
    personal spending
  • Spending on one's personal affairs.
  • 개인이 사적으로 자신과 관련된 일에 지출하는 비용.
personal view
    private opinion; personal view
  • One's personal and subjective idea or opinion.
  • 자기의 개인적이고 주관적인 생각이나 의견.
person assigned weekly duties
    weekly duty; person assigned weekly duties
  • A task performed in rotation for a week at a time, or a person who performs such a task.
  • 한 주일 동안씩 교대로 하는 근무. 또는 그 근무를 서는 사람.
person attending the sick
    care worker; person attending the sick; caregiver
  • A person who takes care of sick people.
  • 아픈 사람을 돌보아 주는 사람.
person behind
    person behind; person coming later
  • A person who stands behind one, or comes later.
  • 뒤에 있는 사람. 또는 나중에 온 사람.
person being trapped
    shipwrecked person; person being trapped
  • A person who has encountered a disaster on a voyage or during hiking.
  • 항해나 등산 중에 재난을 만난 사람.
person belonging to the age group of 30 to 40 years
    age group between 30 and 40; person belonging to the age group of 30 to 40 years
  • An age in years between 30 to 40 in which a person is the most active during his/her life, or a person of such an age.
  • 사람의 일생 중 가장 활발하게 활동하는, 서른 살에서 마흔 살 정도의 나이. 또는 그 나이의 사람.
person coming later
    person behind; person coming later
  • A person who stands behind one, or comes later.
  • 뒤에 있는 사람. 또는 나중에 온 사람.
person concerned
    person concerned
  • A person who is directly related to a matter.
  • 어떤 일에 직접 관계가 있는 사람.
    person concerned; person in question
  • A person who is directly related to a matter.
  • 어떤 일에 직접 관계가 있는 사람.
person dying an unnatural death
    person dying an unnatural death
  • A person who is suspected to have been killed by a criminal.
  • 범죄에 의하여 죽었을 것으로 의심이 가는 사망자.
person from far and near
    distance and nearness; person from far and near
  • A compound noun meaning a place far and near; or a person in such a place.
  • 먼 곳과 가까운 곳. 또는 그곳에 있는 사람.
person from same hometown
    person from same hometown
  • A person who is from the same hometown.
  • 고향이 같은 사람.
    person from same hometown
  • A person who is from the same hometown.
  • 고향이 같은 사람.
person from Seoul
    Seoulite; person from Seoul
  • A person who was born and raised in Seoul.
  • 서울에서 태어나고 자란 사람.
person from the same clan
    being from the same clan; person from the same clan
  • A person who is from the same clan as one but so distant in blood ties that one cannot consider him/her a relative, or a word used by those in such a relationship to refer to or address each other.
  • 같은 성이지만 촌수를 따질 정도가 못 되는 사람. 또는 그런 사람들이 서로 부르는 말.
person frozen to death
    person frozen to death
  • A person who has been frozen to death.
  • 추위에 얼어 죽은 사람.
  • The act of expressing something that is not a person, by attributing human characteristics to it.
  • 사람이 아닌 것을 사람에 빗대어 표현함.
  • To express something that is not a person, by attributing human characteristics to it.
  • 사람이 아닌 것을 사람에 빗대어 표현하다.
person in authority
    person in authority
  • A person who actually has the right or power.
  • 실제로 권리나 권력을 가지고 있는 사람.
person in a vegetative state
    person in a vegetative state
  • A patient who has hurt his/her brain, has no consciousness but maintains his/her breathing, digesting, absorbing, etc., functions.
  • 뇌를 다쳐 의식이 없고 몸을 움직일 수 없으나 호흡과 소화, 흡수 등의 기능은 유지하고 있는 환자.
person in charge
    person in charge
  • A person in charge of something.
  • 어떤 일을 맡아서 하는 사람.
    person in charge
  • A person in charge of something.
  • 어떤 일을 맡아서 하는 사람.
    person in charge
  • A person who is responsible for something, or in the position to be responsible.
  • 어떤 일에 대해 책임을 지고 있거나 책임을 져야 할 지위에 있는 사람.
    chief; person in charge
  • A person who is in full charge of something.
  • 총괄적인 책임을 맡은 사람.
person in custody
    detained person; person in custody
  • A person who is locked up in a prison or detention center because he/she is convicted or accused of something.
  • 유죄를 선고받았거나 죄가 있다고 의심되어 교도소나 구치소에 갇힌 사람.
person in power
    person in power
  • A person who has social authority and power that control others or make other people obey.
  • 남을 복종시키거나 지배할 수 있는 사회적인 권리와 힘을 가진 사람.
person in question
    person concerned; person in question
  • A person who is directly related to a matter.
  • 어떤 일에 직접 관계가 있는 사람.
person in same business
    person in same business
  • A person who has the same kind of profession or business as another person.
  • 직업이 같거나 같은 종류의 영업을 하는 사람.
person in the same field of study
    person in the same field of study
  • A person who studies in the same academic field.
  • 같은 분야의 학문을 하는 사람.
    personnel; workforce
  • The manpower necessary for doing something.
  • 어떤 일을 하는 데 필요한 인원.
    personnel; number of persons
  • People who constitute a certain party or organization; or the number of such persons.
  • 모임이나 단체를 이루고 있는 사람들. 또는 그 사람들의 수.
personnel affairs
    human resources affairs; personnel affairs
  • The work of deciding employees' positions and jobs within an organization such as a government office, company, etc.
  • 관공서나 회사 등의 조직에서 사람을 어떤 자리에서 일하게 할지를 정하는 일.
personnel expense
    labor cost; personnel expense
  • A cost that one spends using human resources.
  • 사람에게 일을 시키는 데 드는 비용.
personnel rating
    merit rating; performance rating; personnel rating
  • The act of evaluating an employee's ability, attitude, etc., in order to use the result as the criterion for deciding on his/her promotion or wages.
  • 회사에서 승진이나 임금을 정하는 기준으로 삼기 위하여 직원의 능력이나 태도 등을 평가하는 일.
person of bad credit standing
    person of bad credit standing
  • A person who has a disadvantage in financial transactions because he/she was not able to pay back a bank loan or credit card charge.
  • 금융 기관의 대출금이나 신용 카드 대금을 약속한 때에 갚지 못하여 금융 거래에서 불이익을 받는 사람.
person of great physical strength
    person of great physical strength
  • A person who is bulky and powerful.
  • 몸집이 크고 힘이 아주 센 사람.
person of high repute
    person of high repute
  • A well-known person respected and followed by many people.
  • 이름이 널리 알려져 사람들이 존경하고 따르는 사람.
person of lower social status
    downstream; person of lower social status
  • A person who is lower in status or position.
  • 지위나 신분이 낮은 사람.
person of merit
    person of merit
  • A person who contributed to achieving something.
  • 어떤 일을 이루는 데 공로가 있는 사람.
person of old times
    person of old times
  • A person who lived in the past.
  • 옛날 사람.
person of petty tricks
    person of petty tricks; wily person; trickster; con man
  • (disparaging) A person who uses lots of petty tricks.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 얕은 꾀가 많은 사람.
person of sturdy constitution
    person of sturdy constitution
  • A strong build or constitution, or a person with such a constitution.
  • 튼튼한 체격이나 체질. 또는 그런 체질을 가진 사람.
person of substantial property
    person of substantial property
  • A rich person with substantial property, who does not look rich.
  • 겉으로 드러나지 않으나 실속이 있는 부자.
person of taste
    person of taste
  • A person who enjoys doing something or has fun in a tasteful and elegant manner.
  • 멋스럽게 즐기거나 노는 사람.
person of wealth
    person of wealth
  • A person who has a lot of wealth.
  • 재산이 많은 사람.
person on duty
    person on duty
  • A person whose turn it is to guard the workplace during the day or night.
  • 근무하는 직장에서 밤이나 낮에 직장을 지키는 차례에 따라 당번이 된 사람.
person on the blacklist
    person on the blacklist; person under surveillance
  • A person who is to be watched by the authorities or police regarding his/her ideology, or the national security threat he/she poses, etc.
  • 사상이나 보안 문제 등과 관련하여 당국이나 경찰이 감시해야 하는 사람.
person returning to one's hometown
    person returning to one's hometown
  • A person taking an airplane, ship, train, etc., to return to his/her hometown.
  • 고향으로 돌아가거나 돌아오려고 기차, 비행기, 배 등을 타는 사람.
person's name
    person's name
  • A name of a person.
  • 사람의 이름.
persons unrelated to each other
    persons unrelated to each other
  • People who are not related to each other, or the relationship between them.
  • 서로 아무 관계가 없는 사람들. 또는 그런 사이.
person under surveillance
    person on the blacklist; person under surveillance
  • A person who is to be watched by the authorities or police regarding his/her ideology, or the national security threat he/she poses, etc.
  • 사상이나 보안 문제 등과 관련하여 당국이나 경찰이 감시해야 하는 사람.
person who is in the service
    person who is on duty; person who is in the service
  • A person who performs a certain duty or job.
  • 일정한 직무나 임무를 맡아 일하는 사람.
person who is on duty
    person who is on duty; person who is in the service
  • A person who performs a certain duty or job.
  • 일정한 직무나 임무를 맡아 일하는 사람.
person who serves
    volunteer; person who serves
  • A person who dedicates himself/herself to working for others, not considering his/her own interests.
  • 자신의 이익을 생각하지 않고 남을 위하여 애써 일하는 사람.
person with a bulging belly
    being pot-bellied; person with a bulging belly
  • (disparaging) A person whose belly is bulging.
  • (낮잡아 이르는 말로) 배가 불룩하게 나온 사람.
person with a lot of something
    person with a lot of something
  • A person who has something in great amount above average.
  • 어떤 것을 보통 이상으로 많이 가진 사람.
person with a one-track mind
    person with a one-track mind; being one-track minded
  • The state of devoting oneself to only one field or thing, or such a person.
  • 단 하나의 분야나 일에만 파고드는 것. 또는 그런 사람.
person with a shaved head
    shaved head; person with a shaved head
  • A head that has been shaved or a person with such a hairstyle.
  • 아주 짧게 자른 머리. 또는 그런 머리 모양을 한 사람.
person with a stuffy nose
    stuffy nose; person with a stuffy nose
  • The state of not making a sound properly due to a clogged nose, or a person in such a state.
  • 코가 막혀서 소리를 제대로 내지 못하는 상태. 또는 그런 사람.
person with cultural occupation
    person with cultural occupation
  • A person who engages in a field of art or who works at an academy.
  • 예술이나 학문 분야에 종사하는 사람.
person with experience
    person with experience
  • A person with an experience of working at a company for more than one year.
  • 회사에 들어가서 일 년 이상 일한 경험이 있는 사람.
person with good penmanship
    good handwriting; person with good penmanship
  • Well written handwriting or a person who writes very legibly.
  • 아주 잘 쓴 글씨, 또는 글씨를 아주 잘 쓰는 사람.
person with no property at all
    person with no property at all; penniless person
  • A person who has no money, nor property.
  • 가진 것이 아무것도 없는 사람.
person without money
    being penniless; being broke; person without money
  • A person who loses all of his/her wealth and has nothing left.
  • 재산을 다 잃어 아무것도 가진 것이 없게 된 사람.
person with parental rights
    person with parental rights
  • A person who has the right and obligation to exercise parental rights.
  • 친권을 행사할 권리와 의무를 가진 사람.
person with rapid mood swings
    person with rapid mood swings
  • Someone who acts depending on his/her transient moods.
  • 순간적인 자기 기분에 따라 행동하는 사람.
person with sweet voice
    person with sweet voice
  • (figurative) A person who has a beautiful voice.
  • (비유적으로) 목소리가 고운 사람.
    point of view; standpoint; perspective; angle
  • A stance one takes when one views or judges something.
  • 무엇을 바라보거나 판단하는 입장.
    perspective; viewpoint
  • A personal perspective or attitude towards an object or phenomenon.
  • 사물이나 현상을 보고 생각하는 개인의 입장 또는 태도.
    viewpoint; perspective
  • The point of view of understanding or judging something.
  • 무엇을 보고 이해하고 판단하는 관점.
    perspective; point of view
  • The extent to which one can think of or understanding a certain object or phenomenon.
  • 사물이나 현상을 이해할 수 있는 생각의 범위.
  • A way of expressing the distance of things in relation to each other in a picture or photo, etc.
  • 그림이나 사진 등에서, 멀고 가까움을 느낄 수 있도록 표현하는 방법.
perspective on human beings
    how one views humanity; perspective on human beings
  • A person's standard or thought applied when he/she sees, contemplates, and understands a human being.
  • 인간을 보고 생각하고 이해하는 기준이나 생각.
perspective view
    long shot; perspective view
  • A thing photographed or painted as being in the distance in a photo or picture.
  • 사진이나 그림에서 먼 곳에 있는 것으로 찍히거나 그려진 것.
    clairvoyance insight; perspicacity
  • (figurative) The ability to observe and penetrate into things or the ability to find out something that happened far away immediately.
  • (비유적으로) 사물을 꿰뚫어 볼 수 있는 관찰력이나 멀리서 일어난 일을 바로 알아내는 능력.

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