    evaporation; vaporization
  • The change of a liquid substance into a vapor, or such a phenomenon.
  • 어떤 물질이 액체 상태에서 기체 상태로 변함. 또는 그런 현상.
  • The act of getting out of a difficult situation or responsibility with one's wits or luck.
  • 꾀를 써서 또는 운 좋게 어려운 상황이나 책임 등에서 벗어남.
    excuse; pretext; evasion
  • The act of making an excuse to deflect responsibility for a matter related to oneself, or something that you were told to do.
  • 자기와 관계된 일에 책임을 지지 않으려고 핑계를 대며 빠짐. 또는 그렇게 하기 위해 하는 말.
    avoidance; evasion
  • An act of avoiding someone without meeting him/her.
  • 만나지 않고 피함.
  • avoidance; evasion; buck-passing
  • An act of avoiding taking responsibility for something.
  • 책임을 지지 않고 피함.
  • avoidance; evasion; dodging
  • An act of disliking and avoiding doing a certain task.
  • 어떠한 일을 하기 싫어서 나서지 않고 피함.
evasion of the law
    evasion of the law
  • An act of slipping cleverly from the grip of the law, not complying with it.
  • 법을 지키지 않고 법의 통제 밖으로 교묘히 빠져나감.
    evasive; elusive
  • Escaping or turning away from something.
  • 무엇을 피해 도망가거나 외면하려고 하는.
    vague; ambiguous; evasive
  • Something being hard to figure out because it appears to be different things at the same time.
  • 그런 것 같기도 하고 그렇지 않은 것 같기도 하여 얼른 알 수가 없는 상태이다.
    evasively; quibblingly
  • In a manner of not talking about a subject intentionally without clarifying one's words, actions, etc.
  • 말이나 행동 등을 일부러 분명하게 하지 않고 적당히 넘기는 모양.
    evasively; quibblingly
  • In a manner of repeatedly not clarifying one's words, actions, etc., intentionally.
  • 말이나 행동 등을 자꾸 일부러 분명하게 하지 않는 모양.
    evaulation; wrap-up; finalizing
  • The act of recording the result of what one has done for a certain period.
  • 일정한 기간 동안에 한 일의 결과를 정리하는 것.
  • The previous evening of a national holiday, festival, etc.
  • 명절이나 축제일 등의 전날 밤.
  • The night before a certain day.
  • 특정한 날의 전날 밤.
eve festival
    eve festival
  • A festival that is held on the eve of an event.
  • 어떤 행사의 전날 밤에 하는 축제.
    even; uniform; equal
  • The height, size, shape, etc., of something being uniform or even.
  • 높낮이, 크기, 모양 등이 차이가 없이 한결같다. 가지런하다.
    equal; even
  • Being the same without difference or variation.
  • 차이가 없이 고르다.
    even; being in a line
  • Forming a straight line, with no irregularities.
  • 줄을 선 모양이 나오고 들어간 곳이 없이 고르고 가지런하다.
    level; even
  • Flat without a steep slope or curves.
  • 경사나 굴곡이 심하지 않고 평평하다.
    flat; level; even
  • Smooth and flat without any rumples or bumps on the surface.
  • 표면이 구겨지거나 울퉁불퉁한 데가 없이 고르고 평평하다.
  • Later, as an extremely severe result of something.
  • 더욱 심하다 못해 나중에는.
  • Used to emphasize a fact.
  • 어떤 사실을 더 강조할 때 쓰는 말.
    uniform; even
  • A way or mindset of dealing with a certain work being uniform.
  • 일을 처리하는 태도나 방식이 한결같은.
    even; flat; wide
  • The surface of an object being evenly flat and wide, with no difference of height.
  • 물건의 겉이 높낮이가 없이 고르고 넓다.
    even; close
  • The power of two things being similar.
  • 둘의 힘이 서로 비슷하다.
    flat; even; level
  • The surface of an object being flat and wide, with no height difference.
  • 물건의 표면이 높낮이가 없이 매우 평평하고 넓다.
    flat; even; level
  • Wide and flat.
  • 넓고 평평하다.
    even; flat
  • A floor being even and spacious.
  • 바닥이 고르고 넓다.
    even; flat; wide
  • A floor being even and widely spread.
  • 바닥이 고르고 넓게 퍼져 있다.
    uniform; even; consistent
  • Different things or persons' looking or behaving the same as if they were one.
  • 여럿이 모두 똑같아서 마치 하나와 같다.
ProverbsEven a bedbug has a mug
    Even a bedbug has a mug
  • An expression used to criticize a person who is very shameless.
  • 지나치게 염치가 없는 사람을 나무라는 말.
ProverbsEven a cow needs a hillside to scratch an itchy spot
    Even a cow needs a hillside to scratch an itchy spot
  • An expression meaning that people need something or somebody to rely on in order to start or achieve something just like a cow needs a hill to rub its itchy spot against or step on.
  • 언덕이 있어야 소도 가려운 곳을 비비거나 언덕을 디뎌 볼 수 있다는 뜻으로, 누구나 의지할 곳이 있어야 무슨 일이든 시작하거나 이룰 수가 있다.
ProverbsEven a dog recognizes its owner
    Even a dog recognizes its owner
  • An expression used to criticize someone who doesn't repay someone's favor when even a dog is aware of its owner's favor.
  • 개도 자기 주인의 은혜를 아는데, 하물며 사람으로서 남에게 받은 은혜를 잊는 것을 꾸짖어 이르는 말.
ProverbsEven a dog would not catch a cold in May and June
    Even a dog would not catch[suffer] a cold in May and June
  • (teasing) A person is feeble if he/she catches a cold in summer.
  • (놀리는 말로) 여름에 감기에 걸리는 사람은 변변치 못하다.
ProverbsEven a drop of blood will not be drawn if one is pricked
    Even a drop of blood will not be drawn if one is pricked
  • To be cool-headed, hard-hearted and unsympathetic.
  • 냉철하고 냉정해서 인정이라고는 없다.
ProverbsEven a fish prefers the water it used to play in
    Even a fish prefers the water it used to play in
  • For familiar environments or close friends to be comfortable and better.
  • 익숙한 환경이나 가까운 사람이 편하고 좋다.
ProverbsEven a flea has a mug
    Even a flea has a mug
  • People have face to save just like even a very small flea has a mug.
  • 아주 작은 벼룩도 낯짝이 있듯이 사람에게는 체면이 있다.
ProverbsEven a fly has its anger
    Tread on an earthworm and it will squirm; Tread on a worm and it will turn; Even a fly has its anger
  • Even a person of low status or a meek, docile person will resist if he/she is severely mistreated and despised.
  • 아무리 지위가 낮거나 순하고 좋은 사람이라도 너무 업신여기면 가만히 있지 않는다.
ProverbsEven a ghost does not know if one does not say it
    Even a ghost does not know if one does not say it
  • It is advised to stop keeping a problem to oneself and speak frankly.
  • 마음속으로만 고민할 것이 아니라 솔직하게 말을 하여야 한다.
IdiomEven a ghost doesn't know
    Even a ghost doesn't know
  • To look the same to such an extent that a switch would go unnoticed.
  • 아무런 티가 나지 않을 정도로 아주 감쪽같다.
ProverbsEven a king can't relieve one's poverty
    Even a king can't relieve one's poverty
  • Not even a king can help the poor improve their condition.
  • 나라의 힘으로도 가난한 사람을 잘살게 하는 것은 어렵다.
IdiomEven a little ant cannot be seen
    Even a little ant cannot be seen
  • For no one to be in sight.
  • 아무도 찾아볼 수 없다.
IdiomEven a moment is busy
    Even a moment is busy
  • To be very busy to such an extent that even a very short moment feels precious.
  • 아주 짧은 시간도 아까울 만큼 바쁘다.
ProverbsEven a monkey can fall from a tree
    Even a monkey can fall from a tree
  • A person with long-term experience and good skills in something can sometimes make a mistake.
  • 어떤 일을 오랫동안 해서 잘 하는 사람도 가끔 실수할 때가 있다.
IdiomEven a mouse does not come near
    Even a mouse does not come near
  • To be very quiet with no one or nothing around.
  • 아무것도 다니지 않고 매우 조용하다.
ProverbsEven a one thousand kilometer distance can feel very close
    Even a one thousand kilometer distance can feel very close
  • An expression meaning you can maintain close terms with someone who is very intimate with you even if he/she is far away.
  • 멀리 떨어져 있어도 정이 깊으면 가깝게 느껴지고 사귀게 된다는 말.
ProverbsEven a one thousand kilometer journey begins with the first step
    Even a one thousand kilometer journey begins with the first step
  • An expression used to stress the importance of the beginning of something because achieving great work starts with doing small things.
  • 아무리 큰 일도 처음에는 작은 일부터 시작되듯이 무슨 일이나 그 일의 시작이 중요하다는 말.
IdiomEven a seed is not accepted
    Even a seed is not accepted
  • For one's opinion, thoughts, etc., to not be accepted by someone.
  • 어떤 의견이나 생각 등이 상대방에게 전혀 받아들여지지 않다.
ProverbsEven a straw shoe has its pair
    Even a straw shoe has its pair; Every Jack has his Jill
  • Even a very humble person has his/her perfect match.
  • 보잘것없는 사람도 제짝이 있다.
ProverbsEven a wall has ears
    Even a wall has ears
  • You have to be careful about what you say because rumors spread even if it seems nobody hears.
  • 아무도 듣는 사람이 없을 것 같아도 말이 퍼질 수 있으니 말을 조심해야 한다.
ProverbsEven a word can pay off one thousand nyang, a unit of old Korean coinage, worth of debt
    Even a word can pay off one thousand nyang, a unit of old Korean coinage, worth of debt
  • Being a good speaker is important as it can even solve a difficult problem.
  • 말만 잘 하면 어려운 일도 쉽게 해결할 수 있을 정도로 말을 잘 하는 것이 중요하다.
ProverbsEven cicada larva have the ability to roll
    Even cicada larva have the ability to roll[crawl]
  • Even a seeminly incompetent person has at least one thing he/she is good at.
  • 아무런 능력이 없어 보이는 사람도 잘하는 것이 한 가지는 있다.
ProverbsEven cold water should be first served to a senior
    Even cold water should be first served to a senior
  • You should do everything in due order.
  • 어떤 일이건 순서가 있으니 그 순서를 지켜야 한다.
ProverbsEven cow dung can sometimes be used as medicine
    Even cow dung can sometimes be used as medicine
  • Something very common can sometimes be used for an important purpose.
  • 평소에 흔하던 것이 중요한 곳에 쓰일 때가 있다.
ProverbsEven dog dung can be used for medicine
    Even dog dung can be used for medicine
  • For something very common and unimportant to be sometimes of great use.
  • 아무리 하찮은 물건이라도 요긴하게 쓰일 때가 있다.
ProverbsEven dog dung cannot be found when needed for medicine
    Even dog dung cannot be found when needed for medicine
  • For one to find it difficult to get something very common at a time when it is desperately needed.
  • 평소에 흔하던 것도 막상 쓰려고 하면 없다.
ProverbsEven grass will not grow on the place one has been seated
    Even grass will not grow on the place one has been seated
  • For one's character to be very unfriendly and cold-hearted.
  • 사람이 몹시 쌀쌀맞고 냉정하다.
even if
    even if; even though
  • Even if one supposes something is true.
  • 가정해서 말하여.
    even if; even though
  • Even if one supposes something is true.
  • 가정하여 말해서.
    even if; even though
  • Even if one supposes something is true.
  • 가정하여 혹시.
ProverbsEven if a virgin gives birth to a baby, she will have something to say
    Even if a virgin gives birth to a baby, she will have something to say; Give the devil his due; Every evil-doer has his reasons
  • Even a person who makes big mistakes has his/her own excuses or reasons.
  • 아무리 큰 잘못을 저지른 사람도 그것을 변명하고 이유를 붙일 수 있다.
Idiomeven if considering something as secondary
    even if considering something as secondary
  • Even if not taking something into consideration.
  • 고려의 대상에서 빼더라도.
ProverbsEven if Geumgangsan Mountain is in front of the eyes, eating always comes first
    Even if Geumgangsan Mountain is in front of the eyes, eating always comes first; A loaf of bread is better than the song of many birds; The belly has no eyes
  • People tend to get excited with something only when they are full no matter how interesting it might be.
  • 아무리 재미있는 일이라도 배가 불러야 흥이 남을 뜻하는 말.
Proverbseven if I have to go deep into a faraway place
    even if I have to go deep into a faraway place
  • Even if risking a possible danger.
  • 자신에게 닥쳐올 위험을 무릅쓰고라도.
ProverbsEven if I pronounce wind as 'weend', you should pronounce it correctly
    Even if I pronounce wind as 'weend', you should pronounce it correctly
  • To give a homily to others to do something right when one does not do it properly.
  • 자신은 잘못된 행동을 하면서 남에게는 잘하라고 요구하다.
ProverbsEven if it is the wrong way, it does not matter as long as you reach Seoul
    Even if it is the wrong way, it does not matter as long as you reach Seoul; The end justifies the means
  • It is important to achieve the aim regardless of the method or way.
  • 수단이나 방법은 상관없이 목적만 이루면 된다.
Idiomeven if one dies and then wakes up ten times
    even if one dies and then wakes up[revives/blossoms] ten times
  • Even if one makes every effort.
  • 갖은 노력을 다해도.
  • even if one dies and then wakes up[revives/blossoms] ten times
  • Even if one suffers a very tough or difficult situation.
  • 매우 어렵거나 곤란한 일을 당해도.
Idiomeven if one dies soon
관용구곧 죽어도
    even if one dies soon
  • Without thinking of one's own ability; at all costs; no matter what
  • 매우 어려운 일인데도 자신의 부족한 능력은 생각하지도 않고. 반드시, 무조건.
Idiomeven if one's life ends
    even if one's life ends
  • However much time may pass.
  • 아무리 오랜 시간이 지나도.
Idiomeven if one wakes up from death
    even if one wakes up[awakens] from death
  • Never ever no matter how hard one may try.
  • 아무리 해도 절대로.
Idiomeven if the sky collapses
    even if the sky collapses
  • No matter what happens.
  • 무슨 일이 있어도.
Idiomeven if the sky splits into two pieces
    even if the sky splits into two pieces
  • No matter what happens.
  • 무슨 일이 있어도.
    night; evening
  • The period of dark hours from sunset to sunrise the next day.
  • 해가 진 후부터 다음 날 해가 뜨기 전까지의 어두운 동안.
  • The hours between the time when the sun starts setting and the time when the night falls.
  • 해가 지기 시작할 때부터 밤이 될 때까지의 동안.
  • An evening time.
  • 저녁인 때.
  • The period between the time when the sun starts setting and the time when the night falls.
  • 해가 지기 시작할 때부터 밤이 될 때까지의 시간.
evening bell
    evening bell
  • A bell rung in the evening in a church or temple.
  • 교회나 절에서 저녁 때 치는 종.
evening breeze
    evening breeze
  • The wind blowing late in the evening.
  • 저녁 늦게 부는 바람.
evening glow
    morning glow; evening glow; red sky
  • A phenomenon in which the sky looks red during sunrise or sunset.
  • 해가 뜨거나 질 때 하늘이 붉게 보이는 현상.
    morning glow; evening glow; red sky
  • A phenomenon in which the sky looks red during sunrise or sunset.
  • 해가 뜨거나 질 때 하늘이 붉게 보이는 현상.
    evening glow
  • A glow that appears when the sun sets in the evening.
  • 저녁에 해가 질 때 물드는 노을.

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