  • An Asian.
  • 동양 사람.
Asian dust
    yellow dust; Asian dust
  • A phenomenon in which dust from China flies up and gradually comes down due to a strong wind.
  • 중국 대륙의 모래가 강한 바람으로 인해 날아올랐다가 내려오는 현상.
Asian Lesser Cuckoo
    little cuckoo; Asian Lesser Cuckoo
  • A bird similar to a cuckoo but smaller in size that often cries mournfully on spring nights.
  • 뻐꾸기와 비슷하지만 크기가 작은, 봄밤에 슬프게 우는 새.
  • An actor's lines that are not to be heard by other actors but intended only for the audience in a play.
  • 연극에서 배우의 말이 상대 배우들에게는 들리지 않고 관객만 들을 수 있는 것으로 설정된 대사.
    digression; aside; gossip
  • A conversation deviating from a main subject, which involves other interesting stories or gossips,
  • 이야기하는 주제에서 벗어난 흥미 위주의 다른 이야기.
as if
    as if; just like
  • In a very similar way.
  • 매우 비슷하게.
    as if
  • Expressing one thing by likening it to another.
  • 다른 것에 빗대어 표현하자면.
    as if; just like
  • In a very similar way.
  • 거의 같을 정도로 비슷한 모양.
    as if; just like
  • In a very similar way.
  • 거의 같을 정도로 비슷하게.
Proverbsas if a blind person touches an elephant
    as if a blind person touches an elephant
  • An expression used to criticize the attitude of a person who thinks he/she has the whole picture of something when he/she knows only some parts of it.
  • 어떤 것의 부분만 알면서 전체를 다 안다고 여긴다는 말.
  • as if a blind person touches an elephant
  • An expression used to criticize the attitude of a person who thinks of or talks about something beyond his/her reach.
  • 자기의 능력이나 상황에 맞지 않게 큰 것을 생각하거나 이야기함을 뜻하는 말.
Idiomas if a mouse is dead
    as if a mouse is dead
  • Very quietly.
  • 매우 조용히.
Proverbsas if a mute suffers from hisher chilly heart
    as if a mute suffers from his/her chilly heart
  • An expression used to refer to a situation where one gets anxious and frustrated as one cannot speak one's mind or explain one's circumstances.
  • 자신의 속마음이나 사정을 말하지 못해 혼자 애태우고 답답해하는 경우를 뜻하는 말.
Idiomas if a rope is stretched
    as if a rope is stretched[a line is drawn]
  • (a shape) In an upright and straight manner.
  • 모양이 곧고 바르게.
Proverbsas if a womanizer satisfies his own desire
    as if a womanizer satisfies his own desire
  • An attitude of a person who does only what he/she wants without considering other's situation.
  • 다른 사람의 처지는 전혀 배려하지 않고 자신이 하고 싶은 것만 하는 경우.
Idiomas if being put in a printing block
    as if being put in a printing block
  • For the shape of an object to be the same or for the same things to repeat.
  • 사물의 모양이 똑같거나 같은 일이 되풀이되다.
Idiomas if being put in one's hands
    as if being put in one's hands
  • Clearly as if something is located very closely.
  • 가까운 데에 있는 것처럼 분명하게.
Idiomas if catching a louse
관용구이 잡듯이
    as if catching a louse
  • The manner of thoroughly searching for something by combing through it one by one.
  • 빈틈없이 모조리 뒤져 찾는 모양.
Idiomas if catching a mouse
관용구쥐 잡듯
    as if catching a mouse
  • The manner of restricting someone from moving and tormenting him/her.
  • 꼼짝 못하게 만들어 놓고 잡는 모양.
Idiomas if coming in and out of one's big uncle's house
    as if coming in and out of one's big uncle's house
  • A manner of visiting somewhere very frequently.
  • 어떤 곳에 몹시 자주 드나드는 모습.
Idiomas if coming in and out through the doorsill
    as if coming in and out through the doorsill
  • To come in and out of a certain place.
  • 어느 곳에 자주 드나들다.
Idiomas if dumping an old shoe
    as if dumping an old shoe
  • As if abandoning someone or something without guilt after exploiting him/her or it for one's own benefit.
  • 자신의 이익을 위해 쓴 다음 아까울 것이 없이 내버리듯.
Idiomas if dying or living
    as if dying or living; desperately; tooth and nail
  • To focus on doing only one thing by giving one's life and all.
  • 모든 것을 바쳐 한 가지 일만 적극적으로 하는 모양.
Idiomas if eating rice
    as if eating rice
  • To do something very frequently.
  • 어떤 일을 아주 자주 하다.
as if enshrining one's ancestral tablet
1. 관용구신주 모시듯
    as if enshrining one's ancestral tablet
  • The manner of treating or keeping something carefully and attentively as one cherishes it very much.
  • 몹시 귀하게 여기어 조심스럽고 정성스럽게 다루거나 간직하는 모양.
2. 관용구위패 모시듯
    as if enshrining one's ancestral tablet
  • The manner of treating something carefully and attentively as one cherishes it very much.
  • 몹시 귀하게 여겨 조심스럽고 정성스럽게 다루는 모양을 뜻하는 말.
    as if enshrining one's ancestral tablet
  • An expression used to describe the attitude of a person who cherishes and respects something dearly.
  • 어떤 것을 매우 소중히 여기고 받드는 것을 뜻하는 말.
Idiomas if flipping one's palm
    as if flipping one's palm
  • Changing one's attitude suddenly and easily.
  • 갑자기 태도를 바꾸는 것이 쉽게.
  • as if flipping one's palm
  • To do something very easily.
  • 일하는 것이 매우 쉽게.
Idiomas if having gained the world
    as if having gained the world
  • As if being very pleasant and satisfied.
  • 매우 기쁘고 만족스러운 듯.
as if in death agony
    as if in death agony
  • Being in pain as if taking one's dying breath.
  • 목숨이 끊어질 때처럼 몹시 고통스러운.
as if it is going to go up
    as if it is going to go up
  • In a state in which prices repeatedly show a sign of rising.
  • 가격이 오를 기미가 자꾸 보이는 모양.
Idiomas if it is raining
관용구비 오듯
    as if it is raining
  • In the manner in which a great number of arrows or bullets fly or fall.
  • 화살이나 총알 등이 많이 날아오거나 떨어지는 모양.
  • as if it is raining
  • In the manner in which a lot of tears or sweat fall.
  • 눈물이나 땀 등이 많이 흘러내리는 모양.
Idiomas if lightning strikes
관용구벼락 치듯
    as if lightning strikes
  • Very fast.
  • 아주 빠르게.
  • as if lightning strikes
  • Suddenly in a loud and noisy sound.
  • 갑자기 크고 요란한 소리로.
Idiomas if looking on a fire across a river
    as if looking on a fire across a river
  • The manner in which one looks on a situation irrelevant to him/her with indifference and a lack of involvement.
  • 자기와 관계없는 일이라고 해서 관여하지 않고 무관심하게 보기만 하는 모양.
    as if looking on a fire across a river
  • The manner in which one looks on a situation irrelevant to him/her with indifference and a lack of involvement.
  • 자기와 관계없는 일이라고 해서 관여하지 않고 무관심하게 보기만 하는 모양.
Idiomas if one gains all the world
    as if one gains all the world
  • As if one is very satisfied and lacks nothing.
  • 세상에 부러울 것 하나 없이 매우 만족해하는 것처럼.
Idiomas if one is willing to take out one's liver at someone else's request
    as if one is willing to take out[pull] one's liver at someone else's request
  • A manner in which one pretends to be willing to cater to the needs of others.
  • 무엇이든 아낌없이 해 줄 듯한 태도를 뜻하는 말.
as if one's head is spinning
    as if one's head is spinning
  • In the manner of feeling dizzy and dazed suddenly.
  • 갑자기 자꾸 어지럽고 정신이 아득해지는 모양.
Proverbsas if one would fly away with just a little puff and would be put out with just a little squeeze
    as if one would fly away with just a little puff and would be put out with just a little squeeze
  • The appearance of a person who is thin and looks very feeble.
  • 몸이 마르고 매우 허약해 보이는 사람의 모습.
as if one would like to say something
    as if one would like to say something
  • In the manner of one's lips being parted and then sealed repeatedly as if one wants to speak.
  • 말을 하려고 하는 듯 자꾸 입술이 붙었다 떨어졌다 하는 모양.
Idiomas if pouring water
관용구물 퍼붓듯
    as if pouring water
  • Very furiously.
  • 몹시 세차게.
  • as if pouring water
  • Relentlessly.
  • 거침없이.
Idiomas if rolling a silver bell
    as if rolling a silver bell
  • For a sound to be very beautiful and good.
  • 소리가 매우 아름답고 좋다.
Idiomas if saying 'look at me'
관용구보란 듯이
    as if saying 'look at me'
  • In a proud and confident manner to make others jealous.
  • 남이 부러워하도록 자랑스럽거나 떳떳하게.
Idiomas if something can be grabbed in one's hands
    as if something can be grabbed in one's hands
  • For something to be seen very clear and near.
  • 매우 또렷하고 가깝게 보이다.
Idiomas if something is washed off
관용구씻은 듯이
    as if something is washed off
  • Very clearly; completely.
  • 아주 깨끗하게. 말끔히.
Idiomas if stepping on thin ice
    as if stepping on thin ice
  • In a very careful manner.
  • 매우 조심스럽게.
Idiomas if the next day is far
    as if the next day is far
  • Very often without skipping a day.
  • 하루가 빠지지 않을 정도로 자주.
Idiomas if three days are too long
    as if three days are too long
  • For an event to repeat at a short interval or very frequently.
  • 어떤 일이 거듭되는 간격이 짧거나 매우 자주.
Idiomas if using water
    as if using water
  • To squander and waste one's money or possessions.
  • 돈이나 물건을 함부로 쓰고 낭비하다.
Proverbsas if water is mixed in water, alcohol is mixed in alcohol
    as if water is mixed in water, alcohol is mixed in alcohol; as clear as mud; wishy-washy; running hem and haw
  • To not have one's own opinions or arguments and for one's words or behavior to be unclear.
  • 자기의 의견이나 주장이 없고 말이나 행동이 분명하지 않음.
  • as if water is mixed in water, alcohol is mixed in alcohol
  • To see no effect or change however hard one may try.
  • 아무리 노력을 하여도 그 효과와 변화가 조금도 없다.
Idiomas if water was poured
    as if water was poured
  • For many people to suddenly become quiet or the atmosphere to become serious.
  • 많은 사람이 갑자기 조용해지거나 분위기가 심각해지는 모양.
IdiomA sign of collapse comes in
    A sign of collapse comes in
  • For the sign of something failing to be noticeable or seen.
  • 망해 가는 징조가 생기거나 보이다.
a single place
    one place; a single place
  • A place designated as one spot among many.
  • 하나로 정해진 곳.
a single step
    one step; a single step; one stride
  • A state of taking one step without stopping, or such a pace.
  • 쉬지 않고 한 번에 가는 걸음이나 움직임.
a single view
    one glance; a single view
  • The range that one can see at a time with one's eyes.
  • 눈으로 한 번에 볼 수 있는 범위.
Idiomas it comes
    as it comes
  • Regardless of this or that.
  • 이것저것 가리지 않고.
as it is
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 고 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is; as it stands
  • In the manner of leaving something as it is.
  • 아무 것도 하지 않고 있는 그대로.
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 그 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is
  • In the original shape or state of something, without any change.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 요 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 이 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 저 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 조 모양이나 상태와 같이.
as it stands
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 고 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is; as it stands
  • In the manner of leaving something as it is.
  • 아무 것도 하지 않고 있는 그대로.
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 그 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 이 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 저 모양이나 상태와 같이.
    as it is; as it stands
  • Exactly as the original shape or state.
  • 변함없이 본래 있던 조 모양이나 상태와 같이.
Idioma situation that makes one pound the ground
    a situation that makes one pound the ground
  • Something that makes one furious and feels is unfair.
  • 아주 분하고 억울한 일.
as it were
    so to speak; as it were; that is to say; in other words
  • An expression used to rephrase something mentioned earlier with easier and simpler words or add an explanation about it.
  • 앞의 내용을 다른 쉬운 말로 바꾸거나 설명을 덧붙이는 뜻을 나타내는 말.
    so to speak; as it were
  • In other words.
  • 다른 말로 하자면.
    so to speak; as it were
  • In other words.
  • 다른 말로 하자면.
    seek; ask
  • To try to get understanding, agreement, or help from another.
  • 다른 사람의 이해나 동의, 도움을 얻으려고 하다.
    invite; ask
  • To advise to do something.
  • 어떤 것을 하라고 권하다.
    tell; ask; request
  • To ask something.
  • 어떤 일을 부탁하다.
    invite; appoint; ask
  • To invite one's superior or a respected person to take a position or status.
  • 윗사람이나 존경하는 사람을 받들어 어떤 자리나 신분을 차지하도록 하다.
    ask; inquire
  • To ask about something that one is curious about and discussing the matter.
  • 궁금한 것을 물어서 의논하다.
    ask; inquire; interrogate
  • To say something, demanding an answer or explanation.
  • 대답이나 설명을 요구하며 말하다.
    ask; inquire; interrogate
  • To ask a question to find out something.
  • 무엇을 알아내기 위하여 묻다.
    commission; ask; request
  • To entrust someone with something.
  • 남에게 어떤 일을 부탁하여 맡기다.
    tell; ask
  • To request or ask someone to do something.
  • 다른 사람에게 어떤 일을 하도록 요구하거나 부탁하다.
    ask; inquire
  • To ask a question to someone junior to oneself.
  • 윗사람이 아랫사람에게 묻다.

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